Super Monk

Chapter 935

"Being a monk is only a means. Only by doing more good deeds can those things never find you!" Zhao Fugui said.

Of course, Zhao Fugui knows that ghosts no longer harass director Ma. Before, Zhao Fugui has set rules for ghosts. He can't go to Buddhist temples and Taoist temples with director Ma. As long as director Ma stays in temples or Taoist temples at night, nothing will happen.

"Yes, yes, Dr. Zhao is right. I will remember that!" Director Ma said, "I am now a monk in a temple in Chengdu, and the host said that if I really want to become a monk in the future, I will convert. I've had a very full time these days. I get up at four or five o'clock every morning to do morning classes with the masters, and work with the masters in the temple during the day. I've had a good sleep for several nights! "

"Then you are determined to be a monk?" Zhao Fugui said that if this guy really wants to be a monk in the future, he will do good deeds and will do less harm to many people.

"I haven't decided yet, but don't worry, doctor Zhao. I will do more good things in the future!" Director Ma touched his glossy bald head and said excitedly.

Director Ma has left his post without pay in the Bureau, but his salary has stopped. However, this situation will not last long. His position is a fat one, and many people are staring at him. If he doesn't go back for a month, I'm afraid he will only be a bench when he goes back.

Director Ma is not willing to be a monk all his life. It's just an expedient measure. After that, the Ghost won't trouble him, and he still wants to go back to be the director.

"Director Ma, ghosts are one thing, but your illness is another. If you want to cure your illness, you have to be a monk sincerely and take a rest!" Zhao Fugui pointed to Director Ma and said.

Director Ma was scared by the ghost slave and couldn't lift it up. This can't be solved by the ghost slave leaving.

The director of the temple even said that master Ma naoming was the host of the temple.

"Dr. Zhao, I'm really sincere. I even donated my house and car savings, and I became a monk." Referring to this disease, director Ma quickly asked, "Dr. Zhao, how long can I recover from this disease?"

"If you are sincere to Buddha and take good care of your body, don't think about those evil things. It can be as short as three years and as long as five years!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Three or five years?" Director Ma's face suddenly changed. He was so ugly that he almost burst into tears. If you can't lift it in three or five years, it's worse than killing him.

"You can be a monk honestly in three or five years, but if you are not honest, I'm afraid you won't be able to lift it all your life!" Zhao Fugui dropped a word, not in Li Ma director, stepped on the accelerator, Knight 15 left with a roar.

"Jie se, why is your face so ugly?" A master walking behind saw that director Ma's face was not right and asked strangely.

"Quit lust, quit lust, I really want to quit lust!" Director Ma murmured with a dead face.

Zhao Fugui, with Knight XV, is going to visit the No. 1 Restaurant in Wan village. Zheng Yue is in charge of it now. A small No. 1 Restaurant logo is added behind the signboard of Wan Village food, which is even the flagship store of Wan Village food in Chengdu.

Zhao Fugui is very satisfied with the operation mode of No.1 Wan Village food store. 80% of the food materials are supplied by Xiaowan village itself. The top food materials of Xiaowan village make the reputation of Wan Village food burst.

Although there is no top chef in Wancun cuisine, it has rapidly seized the market share of Chengdu by relying on the best food materials. No restaurant in the whole city can do better than Wancun cuisine.

Although one or two stores can't occupy all the market of Chengdu, the existence of other stores further sets off the quality of Wan Village food.

Business can't be finished. Zhao Fugui only plans to open two restaurants with delicious food in Rongcheng Bay Village. He doesn't plan to open more. He has to give other restaurants a way to survive. When the mode of delicious food in Rongcheng Bay Village is feasible, he is ready to open a restaurant in the provincial capital.

There are also two or three Wan Village food chains in the provincial capital. There are about ten Wan Village food chains in Central China. At that time, if the food materials of Xiaowan village can support, Zhao Fugui will be ready to expand to the outside world and open the food of Xiaowan village to the whole of China.

Zhao Fugui is driving the knight XV to the No. 1 Restaurant in Wan village. On the way, Zhao Fugui's mobile phone suddenly rings.

"Hello, Wenqiang, what's the matter?" Zhao Fugui took out his mobile phone and saw that Ma Wenqiang was calling. Zhao Fugui connected the phone and asked.

"Richness, there's something wrong. There are a lot of stone pickers coming. We're trying our best to stop them. It's estimated that they won't last long. Think about something quickly!" Ma Wenqiang's nervous voice came over and said quickly.

"What? You hold on, try not to conflict with them, to avoid injury to the workers, I'll be right there! " Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed and he said quickly.

"I know, Fugui, come here quickly!" Ma Wenqiang said in a hurry.

Zhao Fugui hung up the phone, immediately turned the front of the car and drove to the outside of Chengdu City. Zhao Fugui drove very fast. Knight 15 was like a fierce shark walking through the traffic.

Soon after leaving the city, Zhao Fugui wanted to take out his mobile phone and made a call to an Xue. An Xue's phone was turned off and didn't get through.She is the new captain of the criminal police team. In recent days, there are two bad cases to be followed up: the case of Zhao Jiagou and the case of human organ trafficking. Maybe they are being followed up now, so the mobile phone is not turned on at all.

Unable to get through an Xue's phone, Zhao Fugui turns over his mobile phone again and finds Hu Dong's phone number. Hu Dong is the director of the township police station in Zhangji township. Zhao Jiagou must be in charge of the accident.

"Hello, boss Zhao, what can I do for you?" Hu Dong connected the phone and said weakly.

"There's an accident in Zhaojiagou. Take some policemen to maintain order!" When Zhao Fugui heard Hu Dong's voice, he frowned and said directly.

"Boss Zhao, I'm suspended now, and I'm being investigated by the inspection team. There are only two policemen still on duty in Zhangji township police station. All the assistant policemen are going home on holiday. If something happens to Zhaojiagou, I can't help it! " Hu Dong said helplessly.

When Hu Dong was transferred to the township police station, Zhao Jiagou was already like that.

Many cases have happened, and few people dare to report new cases to the police. But for such a big case, someone must be responsible. Now it depends on whether it is the director of the police station who was transferred or the new director who took over the mess.

Hu Dong can't manage the affairs of Zhao Jiagou now, but he can't manage them even if he wants to.

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