Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1005: Calm down

"Don't be so excited, the demon you hate is also what we hate. It can be said that we have a common enemy."

"I think you must also understand that the two humans above are very different from the demons you met a hundred years ago. You can also perceive the celestial spirit power in them, which is the purest. Celestial power."

"Moreover, the bodies of those demons are all contaminated by the breath of phantom demons. They have long since abandoned their human identity and become inhumans and ghosts."

"It doesn't make any sense for you to retaliate like this. Is it possible that you don't want to seek revenge from those demons yourself?"

After the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon saw that the dragon-marked octopus king began to run wild again, he immediately exploded with the power of the dragon **** and forcibly suppressed it.

I have to say that the dragon **** aura on the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon is really too powerful, even the dragon-marked octopus king, who is already so powerful, has no way to resist and has to calm down.

"Hehe, you said it very well. It was because you were not hurt as badly as mine, and because of the heavy injuries of my two tentacles, my strength was greatly reduced, and even the strongest killer move was not possible. Display it."

"Not only that, I have to be eroded by this black air day and night, how can you feel the pain in it!"

The Dragon King and the Octopus King shouted angrily.

But at this moment, on the two tentacles where the dragon-marked octopus king was hit hard, those magical auras suddenly burst out. The dragon-marked octopus king, who was still aggressive, felt a heart-piercing pain, huge. The body began to tremble.

"Here again! Damn it!"


The erosion of the illusion and demon aura on the dragon-marked octopus really made it very painful and couldn't help but roar.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side also witnessed the situation in front of him.

It found that the original bite marks on the two heavily injured tentacles gradually began to expand, and the magical atmosphere on them also continued to erupt.

"It turns out that the reason for the delayed recovery is that these magical breaths were not cleaned out in time, causing these biting wounds to heal even if they start to heal, they will be torn again, and they will never be completely healed."

"It's like someone sprinkles salt on this wound every day, which worsens the wound. It's no wonder that the mind of this dragon octopus king is so distorted."

"However, it's not that there is no way to remove it. Using the power of the dragon **** to remove these magical auras should not be a problem!"

Now that the situation was determined, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon did not hesitate anymore. With the sound of a dragon roar, the original figure of the little dragon cub immediately transformed into a purple golden dragon several meters long, and his eyes shot out immediately. A purple-golden light bombarded the two injured tentacles.

"You...what are you going to do! Don't want to kill me while I'm getting sick!"

The Dragon Emblem King Octopus was also shocked when he saw the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon in this appearance. When he saw the purple golden light from its eyes, he thought that the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was going to kill it, so he immediately began to fight back.

However, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon did not give him any room to resist. The terrifying power of the Dragon God burst out immediately, suppressing it firmly, unable to move at all, and could only watch the purple golden light, shooting at him. Two injured tentacles.

"Damn it! Sneak attack when I am injured."

The dragon octopus king kept roaring, but unfortunately he still couldn't move.

"Uh... what's the matter, doesn't it hurt?"

The dragon-marked octopus king thought that it would be finished immediately after being bombarded by the purple-gold light, but it turned out that it didn't hurt at all, and even the pain from the magical breath broke out just now, which made it suddenly puzzled.

"It's just a mere illusion. I can remove it in minutes, but you'd better not move it now, otherwise I will not be responsible for all the consequences."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was talking with the dragon-marked octopus king, while earnestly clearing away the magical aura that had corroded the flesh.

These phantom demon auras are really too strong, even the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon is very difficult to clean up. Obviously, the demon who severely inflicted it a hundred years ago were very powerful, otherwise it would definitely not be so difficult.

But fortunately, the power of the Dragon God is still the most domineering existence, and these magical auras have gradually begun to dissipate.

The dragon-marked octopus king has calmed down since he discovered that the pain is no longer present, and now he sees the black air on the wound gradually disappearing, the wound has started to heal automatically, and his expression is also excited.

About ten minutes later, the magical aura on the two tentacles had all been removed, and the biting wounds were also automatically healed due to the strength of the dragon-marked octopus king.


The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also retracted the purple golden light, and after taking a deep breath, it also recovered the shape of the original little dragon cub.

"Why do you want to help me?" The Dragon Mark Octopus King calmly said to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon at this time.

"It's very simple, because you and I are different animals. As the son of the Dragon God, I am naturally obliged to help any other animal of Blue Sea Star."

"Now those wounds that have caused you pain for a hundred years, I have also helped you heal them. I think now we can have a good talk?"

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon looked at the dragon-marked octopus king ahead, and said solemnly.

"Okay! I had doubts about your identity, but now it seems that you are indeed the son of the Dragon God. Tell me, what do you want me to do."

The phantom and demon aura has been in the body of the dragon-marked octopus king. In addition to making it painful day and night, it actually eroded part of its mind and hatred for humans, making it extremely irritable and angry, unable to calm down. Come down.

Now that these magical auras have disappeared, the dragon-marked octopus king can also completely calm down, and can talk to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon in a true sense.

"What the humans said to you before, you can rest assured and absolutely have the ability to help you do it. I want to use the power of the dragon **** to help you conflict to a divine beast-level strange beast. It must be far more difficult than waiting for you here day and night. Okay."

"And all you have to do is to put that human into the Qinglinghai Site, so that he can gain the power in this site." Zihuang Ancestral Dragon said directly.

"Although you helped me and showed kindness to me, it is a pity that you really can't help me with this help."

"Because all the power in this ruins can be absorbed by me, and the remaining power is extremely violent. I can guarantee that, in addition to the real monster-level water-type alien beasts, the rest of the alien beasts of any level, Can't absorb it."

"If it can be easily absorbed, I don't think you will use it anymore, because I would have absorbed it a long time ago."

The dragon octopus king shook his head slightly, and said calmly.

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