Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1020: Minced meat everywhere

"Boy, you will pay a tragic price for your ignorance!"

The gray-haired man yelled angrily and swiped his right hand to open a dark crack. A magical beast king got out of the crack and roared angrily at Lin Ran.

At the same time, the gray-haired man's right hand stretched out, and a large amount of magical aura continued to converge towards his right hand, forming a dark long sword, which seemed very powerful.

"Kill me!"

The gray-haired man's black long sword in his right hand swung forward, and the Illusionary Beast King immediately got the order and rushed towards Lin Ran frantically.

However, at the moment when the King of Magical Beast rushed towards Lin Ran, a purple-golden mask centered on Lin Ran's body, and suddenly appeared, covering the King of Magical Beast, the gray-haired man, and the other demons. Up.

But even so, the King of Magical Beasts and the gray-haired man still didn't care, no matter what tricks this Lin Ran played, when the King of Magical Beasts joined hands with him, this Lin Ran would undoubtedly die.

By then, this purple-golden light mask is bound to disappear, so there is no need to care at all.

"I said that after you join forces with me, you will definitely give you a chance to take revenge."

"Now the opportunity is here, today you can kill happily!"

"Come out! Dragon octopus king!"

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, a huge light gate suddenly appeared in the midair. The dragon-marked octopus king hadn't come out yet, but an extremely powerful quasi-sacred beast-level strange beast aura suddenly burst out.

With the emergence of this breath, the King of Magical Beasts became jealous, and stopped the action on the spot.

"This breath is a quasi-sacred beast-level strange beast, how can it be!"

After the gray-haired man felt the breath, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Do you know why I want to turn on this purple-golden mask? On the one hand, it is to cover up the breath of the quasi-sacred beast level, and on the other hand, it is to make you demons have nowhere to escape!"

"Today! You are all going to die for me!"

Lin Ran sneered, looked at the gray-haired man and said.

"Humph! Do you think that a quasi-sacred beast-level monster can definitely defeat me?"

"In front of my Magical Beast King, all strange beasts are nothing but scum, and quasi-divine beast-level strange beasts are no exception!"

The gray-haired man snorted coldly, opened his mouth and inhaled, directly inhaling all the magical aura from the surrounding demons into his body.

And these eight-star demon men who had absorbed the breath of the magical demon lost any strength, and collapsed to the ground one by one.

With the improvement of the gray-haired man's strength, the magical beast king's strength has also been improved, even his body is much larger, and he roared at the light gate in mid-air.

"Oh? Any alien beasts are scumbags in front of the King of Fantasy Monsters?"

"Xiao Ba, they are really arrogant. I don't want to listen to them anymore. You should solve it quickly."

Lin Ran yelled at the light gate, and then immediately activated five kinds of alien beast augmentation BUFF, in order not to delay time, even the alien beast was used together.

The dragon-marked octopus king has survived for so many years, and it is the first time that it has been boosted by a human trainer. This feeling of power surge makes it very refreshing, and even vaguely has a feeling of surpassing the quasi-divine beast level.

"It turns out that this is the increase in your mouth. It is indeed very powerful."

"You dare to say that this king is a scum, I will let you see what absolute strength is!"

In the light gate, the anger of the dragon-marked octopus king was heard immediately, and then eight huge tentacles stretched out from the light gate, like eight giant dragons, directly towards the magical beast king.

The eight tentacles of the dragon-marked octopus king appeared together to fight. This was the first time that Lin Ran had seen it, so at this time he was also very curious about the power of the eight tentacles.

After all, previously, this dragon-marked octopus king had two tentacles that were affected by the magical aura, so he could not use his full strength. This battle allowed the dragon-marked octopus king to come out, and Lin Ran was also the strongest killer move he wanted to see.

Looking at the huge eight tentacles in midair, the King of Magical Beasts roared angrily, and then jumped up, using the claws in his hand, preparing to cut off all these tentacles.

But at this moment, these eight dragon-like tentacles were twisted together to form a huge spiral gun.

"Spiral Dragon King Strike!"

boom! ~

This huge spiral gun unexpectedly uttered a dragon roar out of thin air. The imposing magical monster king had no chance to resist at all, and it was immediately penetrated! Was instantly killed!

Not only that, after the spiral spear penetrated the magical beast king, its power was undiminished, blinking once again penetrated the gray-haired man underneath, and the armor of the tangible celestial spirit power on his body did not play a role at all.

Because this screw gun was very huge, after the gray-haired man was penetrated, his body burst open and turned into a pile of minced meat.

After solving the gray-haired man, the huge spiral gun immediately disintegrated, splitting into eight tentacles, and crushed all the remaining demons on the side.

From the appearance of the dragon-marked octopus king to the killing of all the demons present, the whole process took less than thirty seconds, which was truly an absolute crush of strength.

"I'll go! I knew your trick was so powerful, so I won't give you an increase. I still want to keep the gray-haired man's body and study it!"

Lin Ran couldn't help but vomit when seeing the minced meat everywhere.

Originally wanted to let the Dragon Emblem King Octopus come out for revenge, but the power of this move far exceeded Lin Ran's imagination. Unexpectedly, all the demons turned into pieces of meat, which caused Lin Ran a headache.


"In the future, there will be such a thing to kill the devil, remember to call me out again."

The dragon octopus king didn't care at all, and said to Lin Ran happily.

"If you know, you should go back quickly."

Lin Ran looked at the ground meat in front of him, frowned, and immediately summoned the dragon-marked octopus king back.

"Without a complete body, can you still find out how to cover up the devilish energy?"

Lin Ran walked to the gray-haired man's minced meat pile, picked up a piece of meat casually, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, minced meat is enough."

At this moment, Lin Ran's alien beast space suddenly opened, and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon got out of it.


"That's good, I thought I needed a complete body."

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief immediately after hearing the words of Zihuang Zulong.

"The demon said earlier that it used a certain secret method in the Black Demon Temple, so let me take a closer look at what kind of secret method it is!"

As soon as the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon's voice fell, a powerful dragon god's power burst out of his body, and a purple-golden light beam shot out at the pile of minced meat on the ground.


"Hehe, that's how it is!"

After earnestly searching for it, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon reduced his breath, dissipated the purple golden light, and said with a sneer.


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