Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1025: Central area unexplored region

"Oh, sorry, confiscated."

Purple Phoenix Zulong smiled awkwardly when he saw the gold Xuanwu that had been blasted off directly.

"It's okay, it's also plane fragments anyway, it won't hurt if you get hurt."

"I also probably figured it out, where is the limit of the golden basalt."

The current Golden Xuanwu has just evolved, and its strength has been directly broken from the original eighth rank to the ninth rank. It can be regarded as a big jump, and the strength of the current Liuying Magic Moon Dog is almost the same.

But in terms of attack power, the golden basalt is inferior to the Liuying Magic Moon Dog, and its speed is slower, but the advantage of the golden basalt is its strong defensive power and double attacks, which can be regarded as making up for the slow speed.

Judging from the current defensive power of the Golden Xuanwu, it can completely withstand the full blow of the quasi-sacred beast-level alien beast, and it is also the heavy blow of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon. Although it suppresses the cultivation base, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon is far superior. An ordinary quasi-sacred beast-level strange animal.

Therefore, in Lin Ran's eyes, other quasi-sacred beasts should not be able to directly kill Golden Xuanwu, which is a very useful defensive beast.

Thinking of this, Lin Ran had a plan in his mind, but it didn't need to be implemented yet, and it was enough to wait for the golden basalt to continue to grow by his side for a period of time.

At this time, after Jin Xuanwu climbed up, he ran towards Lin Ran quickly, looking aggrieved.

"It's okay, it's the same as this guy, just be patient."

Lin Ran stroked Jin Xuanwu's head, comfortingly said.

Huang Jin Xuanwu nodded very aggrievedly.

Afterwards, Lin Ran opened a light gate and summoned the Golden Xuanwu back, and then ended the plane fragments ahead of time and returned to the shop.


"Finally it's all done, but it's time to leave."

After returning to the shop, Lin Ran sat on the chair next to the cultivation room and said to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"After this trip, you may not be able to come back for a long time. You have to be prepared."

Zihuang Zulong also knew that Lin Ran was about to leave, so he reminded.

"Don't worry, I have everything ready. I have selected some good animals in the alien animal storage room just now, and let the store manager stand in for good cultivation."

"When these strange animals are cultivated, I will naturally notify my family to come and receive them. With their protection, I will be relieved."

"There is still another doubt, and that is where the Yun Clan Supreme has gone."

Lin Ran's mind came to mind at this moment, the old wandering man in the shop asked suspiciously.

After all, during this period of time, Lin Ran, through the power of time and space of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, also went to many places in the southern region, such as some iconic places in the southern region, the Flame Mountain, the Qingyun Mountain and the Qingling Sea, all of which were There is no shadow of the supreme Yun clan.

If these places weren't there, then where exactly would the supreme Yun Clan go, making Lin Ran very curious.

"I don't know this, but if the supreme Yun Clan has not been to these places, he may have left the southern region. Maybe he has recovered his memory and returned to the Yun Clan territory in the western region ahead of time?"

After hearing Lin Ran mention the supreme of the Yun clan, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also began to think, and was curious about the whereabouts of the only supreme on the blue sea star today.

"If this is the case, it would be fine, but in any case, he is also the supreme. Although he has lost his cultivation base, but the knowledge is still there, there should be no trouble."

"I hope I can see him next time I go to the territory of the Yun Clan."

"Okay, okay, don't think about it, let's go."

Lin Ran stood up from the chair at this time, took a deep breath and said.

"Well, let's go."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon did not hesitate either, his eyes shot a purple golden light, opening a time and space crack leading to the Xinghai Forest, and then went in first.

"I hope that when I come back next time, everything will be as it is now."

Lin Ran took a nostalgic glance at his shop, and then strode into the crack of time and space.


After Lin Ran and Zihuang Ancestral Dragon came out of the time and space cracks again, they came to the central area, deep in the western part of the Xinghai Forest.

According to Lin Ran's previous exploration, the secret realm of this central region, that is, the heritage site of Fenglinhaishan in ancient years, is in the depths of this western part.

And the impression is very deep, because the secret realm in the central region has a total of five directions, four of which have large wind vortices, and it is precisely because these wind vortices form a natural barrier near the secret realm.

At the same time, there are many officers guarding it, so it is impossible to directly teleport the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon too close for fear of being discovered by them and attracting troops.

Therefore, the locations that Lin Ran and Zihuang Ancestral Dragon had transmitted were still a little away from the entrance of this secret realm, and they had to move slowly to prevent them from discovering them.

However, although it is deep in the west, there are many powerful monsters, but there is the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon. The powerful aura of the monster grade on its body is enough to deter these monsters and make them unable to approach at all. Therefore, Lin Ranhe The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon came to the secret realm not far from the entrance very smoothly.

After confirming that he hadn't been discovered, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon immediately opened the space-time crack leading to the secret realm and teleported in with Lin Ran.


After entering the Fenglinhaishan Heritage Site, it was exactly the same as when Lin Ran entered before, without any difference. It can be seen that the secret realm in the central area is definitely in a sealed state, and no one will come in to disturb Lin Ran.

"In that case, let's start."

Lin Ran looked at the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side and said.

"Okay, then I will help you wake up!"

After the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon finished speaking, he flew to the bones of Qianyuan Qingtian Deer on the throne of the inheritance land. First, he crawled down respectfully, not knowing what he said, and then flew into the air, his eyes exploded immediately. A purple-golden light came out and shot into the bones of Qianyuan Qingtian Deer.

boom! ~

With the infusion of purple-golden light, the skeleton of Qianyuan Qingtian deer that was calm before suddenly shook.

Not only that, the entire heritage site was also shaking, and then a huge stone monument slowly rose from the ground.

The appearance of this stele is almost the same as the one that Lin Ran encountered in the Thunder Abyss inheritance land. The only difference is that it is not a dragon ball, but a hexagonal stone.

Now this gem is very dim. If it weren't for a faint trace of wind energy, Lin Ran would think it was just a stone.

At the same time, in the bones of Qianyuan Qingtian Deer on the throne, a huge cyan soul phantom also floated.


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