Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1030: Amazing speed

"However, the Supreme Secret Art I currently master is not only Qianyuan's Wind Control Technique, but also the Seven Sage Thunder Body and Purgatory Blood Curse, which are switched back and forth frequently."

"It's obviously not very meaningful to wear this azure armor all the time, and the defensive power is definitely not as good as the purple gold swallowing armor. It seems that it will not be used for a while."

Lin Ran frowned slightly after thinking of these questions after his excitement.

"When these inheritance sites were set up, I didn't expect that someone would be able to combine most of the Supreme Ancient Secret Art at the same time. Even those Ancient Supremes did not do it, so you can't blame this reward."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also said with a wry smile at this time.

The extremely powerful divine spirit tool for others, in the hands of Lin Ran, really didn't have much effect.

"Haha, that's true, but this azure light armor is indeed very powerful, so we should keep it first, maybe it will be of great use in the future."

After all, this azure battle armor, like the Dragon Soul Thunder Sword, is a vital reward for inheritance. Even if Lin Ran doesn't use it temporarily, it can't be randomly placed, it must be properly preserved.

"Then start the purification of the last fragment."

After Lin Ran put away the azure battle armor, he entered the last 108 fragments without hesitation.

The mobs in front of the 108 fragments were still vulnerable, and they were easily defeated, but Lin Ran did not relax at this time, on the contrary, his expression immediately became serious.

Because from this moment on, the final test of this Fenglinhaishan heritage is about to appear!

Sure enough, the originally dark sky suddenly tore a small opening, and a cyan light beam shot down from it.

Afterwards, the phantom of Qianyuan Qingguanglu appeared again. At this time, he said in a very majestic voice: "Congratulations for completing the purification of 108 fragments, but your test has not yet been completed, and you need to defeat the last one. A big boss."

"are you ready?"

"Naturally be ready, let the horse come here."

Lin Ran nodded firmly, and the strange beasts beside him also watched fiercely.

Because of his previous experience, the test of this final level is most likely to defeat the phantom in front of him. Although there is no guarantee of the strength of the Qianyuan Qingtianlu phantom, Lin Ran is sure to pass it.

Even if the strength of this phantom was far stronger than the one on the ninth floor of the wind tower, Lin Ran was not afraid.

Anyway, the place where he is now should be a specific illusion, there is no way to defeat the Qianyuan Qingtianlu phantom, then find a way to break this illusion, so that it can also be cleared.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side saw Lin Ran's confident expression, and already guessed what Lin Ran wanted to do, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

The assessment of this inheritance land was originally limited to those 9-star beasts and nine-star beast trainers. Although Lin Ran met the nine-star beast trainer, the alien beasts to which he belonged already had the quasi-sacred beast level, so the assessment of the inheritance land was right Lin Ran won't have much difficulty.

Moreover, Lin Ran's own combat power was far beyond the ordinary nine-star powerhouse, and the divine spirit weapon on his body was even more powerful.

This is also the biggest BUG of the inheritance land, that is, never expected that there would be a human being able to practice so many supreme ancient mysteries, and after obtaining one inheritance, then challenge other inheritances.

The test that led to these inheritance places seemed a bit weak in front of Lin Ran.

"Very good! Then the final test begins now!"

As soon as Qianyuan's Qingtian Deer's phantom voice fell, the surroundings began to vibrate violently, and the black energy enveloped in the sky gradually dissipated, while the Qianyuan's Qingtian Deer's phantom emitted a dazzling cyan light.

Then Qianyuan Qingtianlu slowly transformed from a phantom to an entity, and a terrifying aura that surpassed the quasi-sacred beast-level beast suddenly emanated.

Roar! ——

Not only that, the surrounding environment that was originally dark and full of black energy immediately changed, transformed into a jungle, full of strong wind energy.

In the jungle, the Qianyuan Qingtian Deer, which had been transformed into an entity, suddenly burst into dazzling cyan rays of light at this moment, and these cyan rays were firmly enveloped on Qianyuan Qingtian Deer's body.

"Be careful. Qianyuan Qingtianlu, the lord of the Fenglinhaishan area in ancient times, has a fighting form in addition to the normal deer form. Although this phantom did not inherit its full strength, it is also very strong. Up."

"In this form, its combat power and speed will double!"

After seeing the Qianyuan Qingtian Deer being shrouded in blue light, Zihuang Zulong reminded Lin Ran.

"Dual form?"

Lin Ran originally thought that it was Qianyuan Qingtianlu phantom who was preparing to use some big move, so he immediately asked the alien beasts to start resisting, but now he heard what kind of battle it was, and he was a bit surprised for a while.

After all, Lin Ran had never seen any double-morph beasts so far. This Qianyuan Qingtian Deer was really not easy, and Lin Ran became more curious about it.

Huh! ~

With the explosion of an extremely powerful wind attribute energy, the original Qianyuan Qingtian Deer in the form of a deer has become a half-man and half-deer wearing a cyan armor and holding cyan double swords!

Its upper body is in the form of a human, but it also has a pair of huge antlers. The lower body still maintains the form of a deer, but its body is covered with blue armor, and its aura is soaring.

Seeing this situation, Lin Ran sighed before he could see the situation. The Qianyuan Qing Tianlu in front of him disappeared, and a huge cyan sword energy bombarded Lin Ran.

"So fast!"

Lin Ran's reaction was fast, and the cyan materialized star spirit armor immediately condensed on his body, and he flew up instantly, avoiding the cyan sword aura.

But what shocked Lin Ran was that he didn't even know where the Qianyuan Qingtianlu was now?

"The speed is so fast that you can't even see the afterimage?" Lin Ran said in shock.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ran finished speaking, several cyan sword auras bombarded him. Fortunately, the alien beast was wary this time and helped Lin Ran successfully resist it.

"No wonder the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon has previously reminded that this Qianyuan Qingtianlu is the lord of the region that is the least likely to die. With this speed, I am afraid that not many people can attack it at all."

"Moreover, even if the attack arrives, Qianyuan Qingtianlu still has BUG talent skills, Fengshen stand-in!"

"Although it is not clear whether this phantom has this talent skill, it is difficult to win now whether it has it or not."

Lin Ran was floating in the air, frowning as he watched his strange beast fighting against Qianyuan Qingtianlu underneath.

Because all of his strange beasts at this moment are just resisting the cyan sword aura, none of them have discovered where the Qianyuan Qingtian Deer is. Easily escaped.

"It seems that this illusion can only be broken through forcefully."

After Lin Ran saw this situation, he stopped trying to defeat Qianyuan Qingtianlu, and instead looked at the virtual environment around him.


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