Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1035: Oni Kageyama

After leaving the debris space, Lin Ran was transported back to the inheritance of Fenglinhaishan.

Because the heritage site at this time lost the protection of Qianyuan Qingtianlu's power, Lin Ran obviously felt very lifeless, everything returned to the way it was when he first entered, and Qianyuan Qingtianlu's bones did not have any. Reiki has become a simple bone.

"Hey, it really doesn't exist anymore."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Ran couldn't help sighing.

"Its mission is over, it's up to you next." Zihuang Zulong patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and said.

"Since I got its inheritance, I will naturally shoulder this mission."

"Okay, no time wasting, the central area is over, now let's set off to the eastern area."

After obtaining the Qianyuan Qingtianlu inheritance, it means that there is no need to stay in the central area. Before the Supreme Secret Realm opens, Lin Ran must hurry up to obtain the inheritance from other areas.

"Yes, but the eastern region is a place that neither you nor I have been to. You can't directly teleport. You can only go by yourself."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon nodded slightly and said.

"Don't worry, I understand this, and I am ready."

"Now, let's set off to the eastern region!"

Lin Ran nodded firmly.

In addition to gaining the inheritance of the eastern region, the most important thing for this trip is to obtain the Heavenly Demon Sword. For this reason, the Xiang family in the eastern region must also go there.

"Well, it shouldn't be too late, let's leave the inheritance place."

After the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon took a look at the Fenglinhaishan Inheritance Land last, he opened the space-time crack and dived into it.

After Lin Ran summoned Zhan Yuefeng Mastiff back, he immediately followed.

After Lin Ran left, the secret realm in the central region returned to calm once again. No one knew that Lin Ran had been there, but on the Tianjiao Stone Tablet outside the wind tower, Lin Ran’s name appeared at the top, which will become the future entry People in the Secret Realm, a question that cannot be understood.

But Lin Ran didn't know all of this, he had already left the cracks in time and space and returned to Yaoguang City.

After returning to Yaoguang City, because he had to go directly to the eastern region and the distance was quite far, it was natural to rely on Lin Ran’s own power to fly there, but Lin Ran didn’t know the way at all, and there was a threshold to go to the eastern region. , Can’t go on their own at all.

So in addition to finding a fast armored fighting vehicle, you also need a very professional tour guide and driver.

And the most powerful in Yaoguang City is the Wan family. Lin Ran himself has friendship with Wan family, so he directly dialed Wan Rufan's phone and asked him for an armored fighting vehicle to the eastern region.

Wan Jia was very grateful for Lin Ran’s complete Qianyuan control of the wind. An armored combat vehicle was no problem at all. Soon, an armored combat vehicle appeared in front of Lin Ran and brought him. Lin Ran quickly left Yaoguang City.


The eastern area is far away from the central area. First, you need to pass through the Xinghai Forest, and then continue to drive towards the east. Finally, you will see a gloomy ghost forest. The weather here is dark all year round, and there are a lot of demon aliens. The beast lives here.

And the fog is filled. If there is no special person to take Lin Ran out of the ghost jungle, you will definitely get lost. Not only that, after passing through the ghost jungle, there is a ghost mountain, which is the symbol of the eastern region.

Looking at the ghost mountain from afar, it is a large stretch of mountains, but only one of them is real, and all the others are phantoms, but this is not an ordinary phantom, it is very real, so the tour guide is very important at this time This is also the main reason why Lin Ran did not choose to go on his own.

"Lin Xiaoyou, pay attention. The ghost mountain in the northeast is right in front of you. No matter what happens, don't panic, so as not to fall into the illusion."

An uncle who was driving an armored tank said solemnly to Lin Ran behind him.

This middle-aged uncle is a member of the Wan family, with a strength of about eight stars, but has rich experience in expeditions, and often travels to the eastern region on behalf of Wanjia, so Wanjiacai sent him to take Lin Ran to the eastern region.

It has been a day since Lin Ran entered the eastern region. During this process, the driver uncle drove very cautiously and took Lin Ran through the ghost forest. Along the way, Lin Ran also saw many demon monsters. , So that Lin Ran also opened his eyes.

But at this time, Lin Ran didn't dare to relax, because he was about to come to Ghost Mountain, which was the last threshold to enter the eastern region. If he could cross, the follow-up journey would be much easier.

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't fall into the illusion, just drive." Lin Ran said with a smile toward the uncle who was driving.

"That's good. There is also a large amount of mist on this ghost mountain, and this mist is different from what we have encountered before. This mist has a certain degree of toxicity. If you inhale too much, it will cause hallucinations."

"At that time, if you choose the wrong mountain and try the illusion, you will basically be declared dead. It is very dangerous. If you don't wear special equipment and experienced experience, this ghost mountain will not be traversed at all."

"It is a natural barrier in the eastern region, and it is also the reason why few outsiders have entered the eastern region for many years."

While talking, the middle-aged uncle put on special glasses and took a small pill by mouth at the same time.

The middle-aged uncle of this little pill also handed Lin Ran a pill, and its effect was to immune the fog on Ghost Mountain.

Seeing this, Lin Ran naturally swallowed it without hesitation, and then looked around vigilantly.

In this way, after preparing all the preparations, the armored tank started again. This time the speed was not very fast. The middle-aged uncle was in front of the Ghost Mountain, carefully observed for a while, and finally determined the true mountain peak, and then moved towards it. Drove past.

There is indeed more and more fog along the way. Fortunately, the middle-aged uncle wears special eyes, is not afraid to drive in the fog, and still looks at it seriously.

During this process, due to the heavy fog, Lin Ran’s vision was also obstructed to a certain extent, but he could still feel that the surrounding demon aura was very strong, and it was obvious that there must be a large number of powerful demon monsters living on Ghost Mountain.

These terrifying weapons that have been confused all the year round should be to protect the alien beasts in the mountains, so that they can live in safety and security.

Since the armored tanks didn't provoke them, they were just driving, so after discovering that they were not in danger, these demon monsters did not launch an attack, and they were fairly stable along the way.


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