Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1048: Find clues

"I'm going! It turned out to be the wrong route, and there is not enough time."

Lin Ran followed these demons all the way. He thought they were so purposeful and should have a general direction, but after more than half an hour, they found nothing. It was only a dead end. Lin Ran was very disappointed. Speechless.

"Forget it, let's continue to follow it for a while, if you really don't have it, find it yourself, kill them first."

Lin Ran hesitated for a while, but decided to follow these demons for a while.

But at this moment, the voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon suddenly came into my mind.

"Wait! Don't go, there is a problem with the rock wall ahead!" Zi Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said eagerly.

"Huh? There is a problem?"

Lin Ran was stunned when he heard this, and asked.

"Really, do you feel that this rock wall seems to be a little bit wrong?"

Through Lin Ran's eyes, Zihuang Zulong carefully observed the rock wall in front of him.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Lin Ran really didn't notice any problems in looking at it this way, but the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon had never been able to lie, and Lin Ran slowly walked towards the rock wall.

However, because the demons hadn't completely walked away, they were still confirming the direction. In order not to be discovered by them, Lin Ran moved slowly and didn't get too close.


Lin Ran hid in the mist, carefully observing the rock wall in front of him surrounded by mist, frowning.

"Huh? What's going on, how do I feel that the devil's aura around this rock wall is particularly strong?"

Lin Ran was already very sensitive to the demon aura after cultivating the purgatory blood curse. After approaching this rock wall, he felt that the demon aura here was much stronger than that in other places, and said with confusion.

"Could it be that the secret realm is behind this rock wall? So it's not in this valley?" Lin Ran suddenly brightened his eyes and said.

"You only answered half of it correctly. In my opinion, the secret realm in the eastern region must be behind this rock wall, but it's not outside the valley, it's in this valley."

"Have you forgotten what you said to the Patriarch before? There is an illusion block in the secret realm in the eastern region. It will disappear only when the secret realm opens. I think that illusion should be this rock wall."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said with a little excitement.

"The rock wall is an illusion?"

"How can it be so real? The demons seemed to throw stones at this rock wall before, but they have never found a vision."

Lin Ran said in shock when he heard this.

"Really? Are you thinking about it?"

Zihuang Zulong smiled without saying a word, reminding Lin Ran.

Lin Ran frowned slightly, continued to observe the rock wall, and then suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, and said, "Could it be that we are all in an illusion now!"

"I understand. From the moment we approached this rock wall, we were actually affected by the illusion. The ability of this illusion affected our sight and senses. It made us mistakenly believe that the front is really a rock wall, but there is actually no rock wall. , But the entrance to the secret realm!"

Lin Ran suddenly realized at this moment, and said excitedly.

"Haha, congratulations on your correct answer!"

"But this illusion is indeed a bit powerful. If I hadn't discovered a heresy just now, I would have been deceived." Zihuang Zulong smiled and said.

"In this case, there is no need for these demons to stay. When they are killed, we are studying how to crack the illusion."

Now that Lin Ran had known the location of the secret realm entrance, he would naturally not be merciful to these demons and did not intend to hide it. While they were still thinking about walking in that direction, he strode out from the side.

As for the Scar Demon, who was still discussing with his younger brother, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked behind him vigilantly.

"Who!" Scar Demon shouted sharply.

"What are you doing? After discussing for so long, do you want me to help you?"

Lin Ran walked out with a smile, and said in a flat tone.

"Where did the stinky boy eavesdrop on what we were talking about, looking for death?"

"Hurry up and commit suicide for me within ten seconds, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless, and you will surely let you survive and die!"

Due to the influence of the surrounding fog, Lin Ran also walked slowly, so Scar Demon and others had not seen Lin Ran's face yet, thinking that they were an eavesdropper, and said angrily.

"It's so temperamental, it makes people suicide at every turn, and they say that they can't live or die. It really scares me to death."

"But when you decided to do this, did you consider that I was stronger than you?"

Lin Ran unknowingly walked in front of a few demons, a powerful thunder attribute energy exploded on his body, vaguely beginning to form an armor of celestial spirit power.

"You are... Lin Ran!"

"How is it possible, why are you here!"

Scar Demon shouted in shock when he saw the young man's face clearly.

The other demons beside him looked at the same shockedly.

Lin Ran's current reputation is really great, and this familiar thunder attribute energy is also impressive to them, even without too much introduction, it is enough for these demons to recognize at a glance.

"Oh, it seems that my name is really sturdy, which makes me feel a little embarrassed."

"Since you recognized us all at once, then I will give you a little reward."

"As for the reward... if you have it, I will send you out of this wonderful world."

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, the golden star spiritual power armor on his body immediately appeared, and the dragon soul thunder sword appeared in his hand.

"Presumptuous! Although your strength is very strong, the palace owner has repeatedly reminded you to be cautious in fighting with you, but now I am not alone, and there are four nine-star demon beside me, plus my nine-star peak cultivation base, five In the case of one, you have no chance of winning."

"Not to mention that we still have incomparable magical beasts, and the magical beast king, no matter how you look at it, you will definitely die!"

"Originally, it was about to be inherited, and it made me very happy. If you go back with your head, the main hall master will definitely make me the sub hall master! Hahaha!"

The Scar Demon laughed three times, and the dark celestial spirit armor immediately appeared on his body. Like Lin Ran’s, it was all materialized. Of course, the demon’s materialized armor was blessed by the breath of phantom demon. It is not as powerful as Lin Ranlai.

And the other four nine-star demon behind him, also at this time, have activated the celestial spirit power armor one after another, although it is not materialized, but it is also a complete pitch black star spiritual power armor, it looks very powerful.

Not only that, starting with the Scar Demon, they all opened a pitch-black crack and summoned their magic monsters.

Four of them are ordinary magic monsters, and one is the magic monster king, belonging to the Scar Demon.

In this way, five powerful demons, four magical beasts, and a powerful magical beast king, all looked at Lin Ran with enthusiasm.


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