Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1054: Officially opened the inheritance place


"I seem to understand that the reason why the test was not started immediately is probably because of the lack of demon attribute energy, that is, the power of the devil to activate it."

"The previous Thunder Abyss used the Dragon Ball of the Star-Gathering Blue Thunder Dragon to load the thunder attribute energy to maintain the activation of the inheritance. However, due to the 100,000 years, the thunder attribute energy has passed a lot, so you need to inject it. ."

"Fenglinhaishan is also in a similar situation, except that the hexagonal sapphire stone is used as the key to start, but this time the Demon Purgatory Inheritance, there is nothing, which means that you have to put in one, which contains extremely Something with powerful demon power."

"And this thing must be strong enough to spur the entire heritage!"

After the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon understood it, he flew to Lin Ran's side and explained.

"Is there such a powerful thing in me?"

Lin Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'll go! I seem to have it!"

"Something powerful enough to spur the entire inheritance, isn't it the Heaven Demon Sword?"

As soon as Lin Ran finished speaking, he immediately took out the Heavenly Demon Sword from the Star Ring. At this time, the Heavenly Demon Sword was still wrapped in a purple-gold light film, so as not to touch the restriction inside.

"Yes, according to the shape of the groove above, it should correspond to the Heavenly Demon Sword."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon nodded slightly and said.

"In this way, if you want to gain the inheritance here, you must find the Heavenly Demon Sword in advance. If this is not the case, it won't help even if you come here."

"But I'm very curious. The main body of the Heavenly Demon Sword is in the eastern region, the gems are in the central region, and the key is in the southern region. It is almost impossible to gather together. How can the Blood Fiend Shadow Emperor guarantee that future generations must Can you find it?"

Lin Ran asked a little puzzled.

"I think the Blood Fiend Shadow Sovereign didn't think so much at all. Don't forget that a full 100,000 years have passed since the ancient times. During this period, anything can happen."

"During this period, many powerful men were born. It is also possible that you got the Heavenly Demon Sword by accident, and then learned about the terrifying power of this Heavenly Demon Sword. In order not to affect others, it was broken down into three parts, and then passed on inexplicably. In the hands of people in other areas."

"This led to the gems and keys of the Heavenly Demon Sword falling in the central and southern regions."

"But fortunately, you got it in the end, maybe it's also your chance."

Zihuang Zulong pondered for a moment, then explained.

"Now it looks like this should be the case."

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's start the inheritance now!"

Lin Ran didn't think much anymore. He jumped and flew directly in front of the groove of the stele, compared the Heavenly Demon Sword in his hand, and it was completely consistent. Therefore, Lin Ran didn't hesitate to insert the Heavenly Demon Sword. Into the groove.

With the insertion of the Heavenly Demon Sword, the purple-gold light film that was originally attached to the outer surface immediately shattered. The powerful demon power of the Heavenly Demon Sword burst out on the spot, the stone tablet immediately turned black, and the secret realm shook again.

Immediately afterwards, the stele slowly descended, and another stele rose gradually. There was a progress bar on this stele, which represented the progress of Lin Ran's passage through the barrier, and also represented the official opening of the test of inheritance.

After the secret realm stopped shaking, Lin Ran looked at the 108 fragments behind the throne, and all of them were refreshed at this moment. The black tower on the side was also constantly shining with black light.

"The Heavenly Demon Sword is the driving force to initiate the inheritance. After I complete the test, I should be able to return it to me, otherwise it will be a big loss."

Lin Ran said with some worry when he saw the Heavenly Demon Sword disappear with the stone tablet.

After all, the previous dragon **** and hexagonal lapis lazuli used to activate the inheritance lands, but all have disappeared, it is normal for Lin Ran to be a little worried.

"Don't worry, this Heavenly Demon Sword must be the most final reward. Don't forget that there is a restriction on the Heavenly Demon Sword. Only the Blood Fiend Shadow King can unlock it. After the inheritance is completely passed, it should be returned to the Heavenly Demon Sword. "

Zihuang Zulong smiled and said.

"That's good! I'm going to go through the barrier now, you wait for my good news."

Lin Ran didn't hesitate too much, turned around to look at the black tower behind him, and strode over.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon is also the same as before, silently waiting for Lin Ran outside the tower. After all, with Lin Ran’s current strength and the test of inheritance, for him, there is no longer any challenge. Passing just A matter of time.

After arriving in front of the black tower, the originally closed door automatically opened, and a powerful demon aura rushed over his face. The blood-red materialized star spiritual power armor on Lin Ran's body was also constantly running, without hesitation. Walked in.


The black tower, the first floor.

After Lin Ran entered here, a skeleton phantom holding a black sword slashed directly at Lin Ran. Lin Ran didn't care about it at all, ignored it, and ran towards the second floor quickly.

The mechanism of this black tower is also the same as the previous inheritance test. The first layer does not cause substantial damage, it is just a phantom, and when it comes to the second layer, although the phantom is still just a phantom, the demon aura is enhanced. A lot, a lot.

If the demon aura of the first level, as a beast trainer, can barely bear it, then when the second level begins, the demon aura is obviously enhanced a lot. If the cultivation base is not high, it is basically difficult to continue to go up. .

This is far more terrible than substantial damage, so the black tower does not need any phantom with substantial damage, only the constant demon aura, which is enough to stop the trainer and unable to continue upward.

However, for Lin Ran, who has already practiced the purgatory blood curse to a small level, it is not the slightest challenge. After Lin Ran learned that these phantoms did not have the ability to attack, he began to rush all the way, directly to Hei The seventh floor of the tower.

Starting from the seventh floor, the difficulty of the black tower has increased a lot. At this time, the skeleton phantom holding the black sword already has the ability to attack, and the dark sword auras are constantly slashing towards Lin Ran.

Lin Ran habitually wanted to take out the Rust Sword to fight back, but suddenly realized that the Rust Sword was gone, couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and then directly took out the Dragon Soul Thunder Sword.

Although in the state of purgatory blood curse, the Dragon Soul Thunder Sword could not turn into a golden dragon, but it was also very powerful. It easily defeated this phantom and successfully reached the eighth level.

At the eighth level, the devil's aura has also strengthened again, but Lin Ran can still bear it, and the phantom of the skeleton has also changed from one to two, and the forest burns from two directions respectively.

Under Lin Ran's powerful offensive, these two phantoms were still defeated in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran flew towards the stairs leading to the ninth floor.


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