Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1070: Stele power

At this time, Lin Ran was in the villa.

"Do you think this Star Spirit Vine Demon can really restore Senior Yuntian's cultivation base?"

Lin Ran took off the Purple Golden Devouring Armor and placed it on the bed, and then together with the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, he observed the Star Spirit Vine Demon attached to it.

Not long ago, Lin Ran sensed that the Star Spirit Vine Demon seemed to be awakened, and then took off the Purple Gold Devouring Armor and carefully observed it.

"Difficult. After all, this is the supreme. It has already transcended the scope of normal humans. If it hadn't reached the supreme cultivation base, the Yun clan supreme would have died a long time ago. It is impossible to live without any cultivation. For more than a hundred years."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also shook his head slightly, and he was not completely sure about the healing of the Yun Clan Supreme by the Star Spirit Vine Demon.

"Hey, this is difficult. If you can really restore Senior Yuntian's supreme cultivation base, as long as the problem of the power of the heavens can be solved, the current Black Demon Hall Masters of Blue Sea Star, I am afraid that they will all be destroyed. He beheaded clean."

"But it's a pity that the supreme cultivation base is temporarily unclear if it can be restored, and there is no way to solve the power of the heavens. It is really a problem."

Lin Ran also sighed deeply after hearing the words of Zihuang Zulong.

"In fact, with regard to the power of heaven, if I completely inherit the power of my father Dragon God, then I have the ability to temporarily suppress it. I know this from my existing memory."

"But the problem now is that there is no supreme, and even if this star spirit vine demon can restore the cultivation base of the supreme Yun clan, are you absolutely still moving now?"

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon poked the Xingling Vine Demon's **** with the dragon's claws, and the Xingling Vine Demon trembled very uncomfortably, and did not intend to leave the Purple Golden Devouring Armor at all.

"Yes, this guy fell into a coma after healed my parents last time, and finally woke up, I'm afraid he won't consume his strength easily."

"Moreover, the object to be healed this time is the former supreme. It will definitely consume even more terrifying power. Maybe it will endanger its own life. It's hard to do..."

Lin Ran shook his head helplessly, and tried to pull the Star Spirit Vine Demon from the Zijin Devouring Armor, but unfortunately, this guy sucked too firmly, there was really no way, unless he was willing to come down.

"In fact, there is another way that may be possible to restore the supreme cultivation base."

"You should remember the weird stone steles on the blue sea star. Those stone steles should also have some kind of strange power beyond the blue sea star. I suspect that it is the original blue sea star's heavenly power."

"You should remember what the Rose Flower Demon, the Blood Demon Dragon King, and the Blazing Fire Phoenix said, it was the power that broke out in this stele and successfully resisted a part of the power of heaven, which allowed them to survive."

"So if it weren't for the power in this stele to resist the power of heaven, how could it be possible to do it."

"Therefore, I now have a way, and that is to let the Yun Clan supreme bring the Prosperous Vine Demon to the Golden Light Bamboo Forest in their western area to find the stele, and then use the Prosperous Vine Demon to restore it under the power of the stone tablet."

"This may still be possible, and it may not have much impact on the Star Spirit Vine Demon."

"Of course, all of this is just speculation. No one has ever verified it. There is no guarantee of its success. Moreover, the most troublesome thing is this Star Spirit Vine Demon. How to persuade it is the most important thing."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon kicked the Xingling Vine Demon's **** very uncomfortably, but the Xingling Vine Demon still had no intention of leaving, but turned around and made a grimace at it, and vomited some green slime on the Purple Phoenix. Zulong body.

"Wow, you hateful fellow, believe it or not, I ate you!"

Zihuang Zulong was very disgusted with rubbing the slime on Lin Ran's body, and said uncomfortably.

Lin Ranzai saw the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon constantly rubbing against him, he didn't care about it for the time being, and he was thinking about what the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon had just said in his mind.

"I found that what you said is very reasonable. It may be feasible. No matter how you take this guy to the stele first, there may be an accident."

After thinking for a while, Lin Ran nodded in agreement.

"Oh, what do you guys rub against me!"

"It's disgusting, why is it like a green nose..."

Lin Ran only reacted now, and immediately ran to the toilet, took a towel, and wiped the mucus on his body with a look of disgust, but it was a pity that the mucus was too strong and could not be wiped clean at all. In desperation, Lin Ranzhi Able to change clothes.

"Blame this guy, spitting everywhere."

Zihuang Zulong shirked responsibility and said.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, otherwise this guy will be even more upset, just let it **** first."

Lin Ran ignored the Star Spirit Vine Demon for the time being, and continued to wear the Zijin Devouring Armor.

"Oh! The Yun Clan Supreme seems to be coming over to find you, I can feel his breath."

"I withdrew bye bye first."

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you. Just now, the Yun Clan Supreme took out the Heavenly Heart Divine Stone, which contains the power of time and space, and is a very powerful gem."

At the moment when the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was about to return to the Lin Burning Beast Space, he suddenly remembered this, and he quickly talked to Lin Ran, and then returned to the Lin Burning Beast Space.

"Have the power of time and space? I think it will radiate such a powerful celestial spirit power."

"But what's the use in being strong, it's a gem of others, and it seems to be extremely important, it's definitely not available."

Lin Ran spit out, went downstairs, and then opened the door in advance, waiting for the supreme Yun Clan.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ran came downstairs to open the door, he ran into Yun Clan Supreme.

"You kid, did you predict that I would come in advance?"

Yuntian smiled slightly and said.

"No, the supreme temperament in you has shocked me from a distance."

Lin Ran said with a smile, while letting Yuntian enter his villa, and then poured a cup of hot water.

"Haha, I'm just a widowed old man now, where is the supreme temperament, those are all passing by."

Yun Tian was also amused by Lin Ran's words, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, no kidding, I came here to find you something."

"You kid has a lot of secrets, especially the secrets of your mysterious shop. Although you never want to be discovered, you still can't escape my eyes."

"But I don't care much about the secrets of your shop, and I won't mention it to anyone. I am here now mainly to ask you a question."

Yun Tian's face suddenly became serious, and then said solemnly to Lin Ran.


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