Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1073: Secrets of the Supreme Secret Realm

"You are right. In the Holy Spirit Lake of the Golden Light Bamboo Forest, there is indeed a stone stele standing upright, and it is very large, directly inserted into the bottom of the lake."

"If I want to go, I will have someone prepare the vehicle now, and we will go immediately."

Yun Tian nodded slightly, looked at the Star Spirit Vine Demon on the desktop, and said expectantly.

"You can go, and you don't need to prepare a vehicle. With my ability, I can take you there in an instant."

"But before you go, you have to tell me what is in the Supreme Secret Realm."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was not smiling hippie at this time, and suddenly became serious, and said solemnly to Yun Tian.

After all, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon will soon fall into a long deep sleep. It should be these few days, so I have to help Lin Ran for the last time and ask in advance what is in the Supreme Secret Realm, so that Lin Ran can make some preparations. Lest there really be an accident after entering.

"Uh? Do you want to know about the Supreme Secret Realm?"

Yuntian frowned immediately after hearing the words of Zihuang Zulong.

"Yes, predecessors, you must also know the current situation of the Blue Sea Star and the Black Demon Temple. We do not hide it from you. A big war may break out soon. By then, if there is no supreme among our human beings, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning in this victory."

"Because among our blue sea stars, there are four extremely powerful beasts sealed, which are definitely not ordinary beasts. The trainer is capable of resisting them. There are these four super powerful beasts, plus the powerful black demon. The temple organization, I'm afraid the blue sea star is really dangerous."

"And the most terrifying thing is that some of these four super powerful monsters may have broken the seal set by the Zijin Dragon God, and it will not be long before they will all break through. By then it will mean the beginning of the war."

"For this reason, I struggled to win the championship of the Beast Trainer League Competition, in order to enter the Supreme Secret Realm, so that there is the possibility of impacting the Supreme."

"Although I know that this Supreme Secret Realm is very dangerous. Eight out of ten people who enter it will die in it. Even if they get out by chance, they will hardly get anything, but even so, I have to give it a try."

Lin Ran's expression became heavy immediately, and he looked at Yuntian and said.

"It's coming after all."

After hearing Lin Ran's words, Yuntian sighed deeply.

"I don't hide it from you. I have seen the super monster in your mouth once, and the master of the Black Demon Hall. It was not long before I entered the realm of supreme, and my power was at its peak, so they It can't help me, but I was hit hard."

"At the time they threatened to say that the war was about to begin, and now it seems that it is about to be fulfilled."

As soon as Yun Tian finished speaking, he immediately recalled the situation in his mind when he fought with the super powerful beast and the main hall of the Black Demon Hall.

"Senior and the super demon have **** with each other?"

"Can you tell me exactly what it is?"

Lin Ran's eyes lit up after hearing it, and he asked excitedly.

After all, I have only heard the Zihuang Zulong mention it all the time, and I have never seen it with my own eyes, let alone seen it from any historical classics, so I am extremely curious now.

"That super-powerful beast does not belong to an alien beast. It looks like a black fox in appearance. When it generates power, it will ignite a green flame on its body. The strength is very powerful, and it is definitely above the level of the beast. "

"Not only that, the head of the Black Demon Palace is also very strong. He had almost supreme strength at the time. Now hundreds of years have passed. If he is still alive, I am afraid that he has already entered that state."

Yun Tian recalled the memory of a hundred years ago, and said to Lin Ran.

"It's a pity that although I was promoted to the supreme at that time, I was stronger than them, but it was a pity that the power of heaven limited my strength and was unable to exert my full strength at all, so I only managed to severely inflict them without successfully killing them. If I killed them at that time With them, maybe there won’t be this war anymore."

Yun Tian added regretfully.

"You may be able to kill the Hallmaster of the Black Demon Hall, but that super powerful beast cannot. They have a very powerful ability, that is, immortality. Unless you kill the four together in one breath, they Will be resurrected one by one."

"Furthermore, their power is far from being as simple as that of the beast-level and above. They are stronger than the super-divine beast-level alien beasts. At the beginning, my father Dragon God couldn't kill them, so I chose to seal them. "

"When you played against it, I don't think the power of this super powerful monster was fully restored, otherwise you were suppressed by the power of the heavens, I am afraid it would be dangerous."

Seeing that Yun Tian had played with the super demon, Zihuang Zulong quickly added it.

"It turned out to be so!"

"It seems that I underestimated..."

Yuntian's expression immediately became heavy when he heard the explanation of Zihuang Zulong.

The most frightening thing is that there are four more powerful monsters, and with the powerful organization of the Black Demon Temple, it is true that once a full-scale war is launched, the Blue Sea Star will really be over.

"It's still hard to say whether I can restore the Supreme Strength, but Lin Ran, your talent and strength are very strong, and you may really be able to do it after entering the Supreme Secret Realm."

"For the sake of the thousands of creatures of the blue sea star, I don't do much to hide. I will tell you what is in the Supreme Secret Realm now!"

"This was originally a secret and should not be disclosed to anyone, but now I can't care too much."

Yuntian pondered for a while, and finally decided to speak out, otherwise the blue sea star would be destroyed and everything would be over.

"Well, seniors please say."

Lin Ran and Zihuang Zulong did not speak at this moment, silently listening to Yuntian's account.

"Perhaps you have all heard that the Supreme Secret Realm was the fall of the Five Great Human Race Supremes in ancient times. This is actually wrong. It is to prevent the situation in the Supreme Secret Realm from leaking and deliberately release false news."

"Since the emergence of the Supreme Secret Realm, any beast trainer who can gain inheritance and successfully promote to the Supreme Secret Realm must keep the secrets in the Supreme Secret Realm, and will not tell anyone or leave any relevant clues."

"And in that Supreme Secret Realm, it's actually a trial ground!"

"Anyone who has the ability and courage to enter the Supreme Secret Realm will almost always enter this trial land. If you want to become the legendary Supreme, you must first pass this trial land. This is why the Supreme Secret Realm It would be so dangerous."

"And those who survived successfully but didn't get anything, it was because they didn't have the chance, or the talent was not enough, they were repelled by trials, and were not teleported in. This resulted in them being unable to obtain anything, thinking that they were in the Supreme Secret Realm. Nothing at all."

"But the trial ground is really very dangerous. Most of the people couldn't pass the trial ground, and they didn't even know what happened, so they died tragically in the trial ground."

"For tens of thousands of years, there are countless bones, almost all of the corpses of beastmasters who want to obtain the supreme inheritance but regret their death in the end."


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