Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1077: Suspended animation

The Star Spirit Vine Demon's goal was very clear, and he jumped directly into Yuntian's arms, and then firmly adhered to Yuntian's chest, emitting a light green light continuously.

In this process, although Yuntian didn't know what the Xingling Vine Demon was doing, he didn't move or dared to move, waiting silently.

And Lin Ran and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side were the same, their eyes could not be separated from the Star Spirit Vine Demon, watching quietly.

At this time, the star spirit vine demon was still emitting a light green light, and gradually the green light became more and more shining, and it became bigger and bigger, directly covering Yun Tian's whole person.

After about five or six minutes, these green lights slowly converged in, and then the Star Spirit Vine Demon jumped directly onto the stone tablet.

"The general situation I have tested just now is mainly because the starry sky map in my mind is completely broken, and all my own astral power acupuncture points are completely damaged. These are undoubtedly fatal to any animal trainer, especially A starry sky map of the brain."

"But fortunately, you have reached the highest point of human cultivation, and your body is different from a normal human, so there is still the possibility of repair."

"It's just that this process will be very long. I don't know how long it will take to repair. In this process, I will use the power on the stone tablet to enter your body and continue to swim in your body slowly. Fix your problems slowly."

"At the same time, you will also enter a deep coma during this process, similar to a state of suspended animation, so it means that you are very vulnerable to danger and need someone to protect you day and night."

"If you think it over, then come here, you can get ready to start."

Although the Star Spirit Vine Demon looked reluctant just now, after touching the stone tablet, he immediately changed his state and said to Yun Tian very solemnly.

"it is good."

"Little friend, please go back and inform the Yun Clan. After I enter the suspended animation state, I will block the entire Golden Light Bamboo Forest and block all news."

After Yuntian heard the words of the Xingling Vine Demon, he was also very excited. In fact, he had already communicated a long time ago. Maybe he could only eat like this and wait for death, but now he did not expect to restore the Supreme Cultivation. For the opportunity.

If it is possible to recover successfully, then Yuntian will also immediately assume his previous responsibilities, and when everything is peaceful, he will be willing to dissipate half of his cultivation and vitality, awaken his wife, and spend the rest of his life with him.

"Senior, don't worry, I will make it clear."

Lin Ran said respectfully towards Yuntian.

"Someone is coming, I will withdraw first."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon suddenly moved his ears and felt a lot of people rushing towards this place. He hurriedly opened the space of Lin Ran's alien beast and got into it.

Sure enough, after the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon had left, there was a rush of footsteps ahead. It was not someone else, but Yun Han, the patriarch of the Yun clan, came with the elders of the Yun clan and others.

And the words Yuntian said just now happened to have been heard by them, and they all knelt down immediately.

"It just so happens that you are all here, even though I am no longer the patriarch of the Yun clan, I still have to give an order, an order related to life and death in the future."

"From today onwards, the Golden Light Bamboo Forest and the Holy Spirit Lake are completely sealed off. The clansmen will be sent to guard it day and night. At the same time, we will strictly prevent the leakage of news. We must not let the people of the Black Demon Temple know!"

"Have you heard it all!"

Sitting cross-legged and leaning on the stone tablet, Yun Tian said to all the Yun people present with a serious expression.


The Yun Clan members who were half kneeling at the scene shouted in unison without the slightest second word.

Then Yun Clan Supreme Master Yun Tian closed his eyes, and the Star Spirit Vine Demon who was still on the stone tablet also left the stone tablet and slowly climbed onto Yun Tian's body, emitting a green light again.

And Yuntian gradually closed his eyes and entered a deep coma. The Star Spirit Vine Demon also got in directly from Yuntian's chest at this time.

Not only that, the stone stele, which was originally exuding golden light, shone more and more at this moment, forming a thing like a cocoon, which firmly enveloped the sky, and the outside world could not see what was happening inside.

"It's done, now you only need to wait for the Yun Clan Supreme to break out of the cocoon, which represents the restoration of the Supreme's cultivation."

After Lin Ran saw the scene before him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Although he wanted to see how terrifying the supreme real strength was, he knew that the recovery process would take a long time, and he couldn't rush now.

Taking advantage of the time when Yun Clan Supreme was recovering his cultivation base, Lin Ran also had to quickly improve his cultivation base.

"Elder Lin, if I was not mistaken just now, the thing that looks like a green jelly should be the legendary Star Spirit Vine Demon."

"Unexpectedly, Elder Lin could find even such precious treasures, and he also specially sent me to restore the cultivation base for my Yun Clan Supreme. Such a great grace is undoubtedly difficult for us Yun Clan people to return. "

"Please worship everyone from the Yun Clan!"

Yun Han didn't care about his identity at all. Facing Lin Ran's great kindness, he didn't know how to return for a while, and directly led the Yun Clan elders to give a big gift to Lin Ran.

And the elders of the Yun Clan, including the patriarch's sister Yun Yue, did not hesitate at all. Now let alone kowtow to Lin Ran, even if Lin Ran wants other things, they will give it directly.

"Exaggerated and exaggerated, it can restore the Yun Clan Supreme's cultivation base. This is a good thing for all of us Blue Sea Star. After all, in the future against the Black Demon Palace, we still need to rely on the Yun Clan Supreme's powerful strength."

Lin Ran looked at the Yun clan people in front of him, and all bowed to him. Lin Ran was also very embarrassed for a while, and quickly helped the Yun clan chief.

"Lin Ran, ask them for a golden mirror!"

"If you want to get the inheritance of the western region smoothly, you will suffer a lot of damage without the golden mirror body."

"Now is a good time!"

The voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon rang in Lin Ran's mind.

Lin Ran naturally heard it immediately. After holding Yun Han up, he said solemnly: "Clan Chief Yun, I have a question to ask you, and I need to borrow something from you Yun Clan."

"There is no problem, Elder Lin, please speak."

Yun Han nodded without hesitation, and said.

"First of all, I need you to tell me where is the secret realm in the western region?"

Lin Ran didn't have too much ink, so he asked directly.

"The secret in the western region is in a very special place. It is not in the golden bamboo forest. It is on a small mountain peak in the eastern suburbs of Yanglin City. The small mountain peak is also more conspicuous in the eastern suburbs and it is easy to find. , But there is a large army guarded there."

"But the secret realm in the western region is currently closed and cannot be opened. If Elder Lin wants to enter, I can arrange for you to enter in the future. You can rest assured."

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