Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 207: placenta

Zhang Yi and Fang Jin looked at each other and immediately started investigating. At this time, they were very serious about the surrounding situation. After all, they had just missed it once, and they couldn't make any mistakes this time.

"By the way, do we want to take the materials on the corpses of these supersonic spirit bats?" Chen Xue asked, looking at the corpses everywhere.

This sentence also immediately attracted the attention of everyone. They were busy killing them just now, and for a while they forgot that the materials on these alien beasts are also very valuable. For example, their internal organs are very suitable for the consumption of demon monsters, and The hard hair on the head, these hairs are very suitable for forging some defensive protective gear, can well protect the trainer.

"Just take their internal organs and head hair. Even if you don't use other materials, it's better to leave as soon as possible." Ou Chen thought for a while and said.

Everyone nodded quickly, and immediately went forward to collect materials.

At this time, Lin Ran saw his dream-eating beast lifted its Jedi counterattack. He frowned frantically at the body of the supersonic spirit bat leader.

Just after the head of the supersonic spirit bat was chopped off by the Shaying Mantis, Lin Ran immediately directed the Dream Eater to rush over and smashed its head with one foot, as expected by Lin Ran. , The leader’s soul, after a miserable roar, immediately dissipated. The fragments gradually condensed into a spiritual rough exuding thick dark energy, so the Dream Eater picked it up without saying a word. Get up and hide under the fur.

Since they were all paying attention to killing the enemy at the time, they didn't notice what the Dream Eater was doing. After all, its size was not very big, and it didn't attract their attention by smashing the leader's head with one foot. It was just playing. Originally, Lin Ran thought that after he got the original spirit stone, it would come back immediately, but he didn't expect to eat the corpse there?

If it is in the Phoenix Feather area or plane fragments, then Lin Ran will definitely let it eat and eat at will, but now the smell of blood is everywhere, it is really dangerous, I am afraid it will not take long to attract some powerful monsters. So we still have to leave as soon as possible.

"Sambo! Come back soon!" Lin Ran passed on immediately.

The Dream Eater was eating with gusto. Suddenly received Lin Ran’s instructions, he could only leave reluctantly. Before leaving, he did not forget to tore off a large piece of food, held it in his hand and walked slowly. come back.

"Is that the placenta?" Lin Ran saw the **** thing on the Dream Eater's hand and raised his eyebrows slightly. Unexpectedly, the supersonic spirit bat leader was a mother, and he was still pregnant. You must know that the placenta bred in the mother's body like this is an extremely tonic material, and all of it is full of thick life essence, no wonder this dream-eating beast can forget it.

So when Lin Ran saw that everyone was collecting materials from these corpses, he asked him to go back and eat the placenta clean.

After getting Lin Ran's consent, the Dream Eater immediately became energetic, and quickly swallowed the mass of flesh and blood in his hand, then ran back quickly and continued to eat.

The other people who were collecting materials also noticed what the dream-eating beast was eating at this time, and their expressions changed slightly. You must know that this thing is very valuable, and it is even more important for some seriously injured monsters. It has a life-saving effect. The placenta full of life energy is made into a pill. At least one medicine is hundreds of thousands of large, and the price is very expensive.

After all, this thing is too scarce. Generally speaking, the conceived alien beasts don’t need to come out to fight. They will choose a relatively safe place to conceive, and they can only encounter this kind of pregnancy in the secret fragments. It's a strange beast that has no brain to attack.

But this very precious thing was actually eaten by the Dream Eater?

Their strange beasts watched the dream-eating beasts gobble up, all of them drooled, but they could only watch silently without getting the master's order, and they were very envious of the dream-eating beasts.

However, although everyone knew the preciousness of this thing, they didn’t say much at this time. After all, Lin Ran discovered it first, not to mention that he was the first to notice the abnormality, so at this time it was obviously unreasonable to ask him to divide the placenta. .

It’s just that Zhou Jianheng on the side was a bit upset. It was his own alien beast who clearly killed the supersonic spirit bat leader. As a result, he was only looking at killing the enemy at the time. , And still pregnant, I really regret it.

"Hey, it's a pity." Zhou Jianheng sighed helplessly, then didn't think much about it, and continued to collect the materials from the bat corpses.

Lin Ran naturally felt the expressions of the people. In fact, he was ready to split evenly. After all, this placenta is indeed a bit precious. If they want to split equally, Lin Ran will agree, after all, he has already got the most wanted This placenta is completely unexpected. They gave it to themselves generously, so just reluctantly accept it. The big deal is that if you encounter precious things, you can take less.

As for the materials on the corpses in front of him, Lin Ran was completely uninterested. After all, he didn't know how much this kind of thing he had obtained from the plane fragments. The shop had accumulated a lot, so he didn't have any interest at all.

Soon, when the Dream Eater ate the placenta clean, Ou Chen, Chen Xue and others also took off the heart and head hairs from the corpses of the supersonic spirit bats, and everyone hurriedly left here. This area is moving extremely fast along the nearest treasure spot on the map.

Everything I saw along the way was a vast expanse of desolate areas, with no grass and no vitality.

After traveling for dozens of miles all the way, everyone was not encountering any strange beasts. It seemed that the only group of supersonic spirit bats that lived in this desolate area had no other strange beasts.

"Look, everyone, the front is the first treasure spot marked on the map." Ou Chen looked at the map in his hand, his eyes glowing, and he pointed to the front, and said very excitedly.

Everyone looked quickly.

I saw that it was a huge mountain. There was a cave at the bottom of the mountain. The inside was extremely dark and there seemed to be no light. At the same time, a spooky and weird wind blew out from it, like the sound of a ghost crying and howling a wolf. Goose bumps all over.

At this moment, they were not far from the entrance of the cave, and they could smell a foul smell, like the smell of rotting corpses, and at the same time mixed with the smell of foreign animal excrement, accompanied by that demon wind blowing out , The smell is very strong.

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