Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 213: Vision is too high?

"I heard that this kind of divine weapon is guarded by powerful alien beasts."

"Yes, we still don't take it down rashly."

At this moment, Zhang Yi and Fang Jin began to discuss in a low voice nervously. Ou Chen and the others also looked around with solemn faces, as if they really felt that there would be danger. Naturally move the magical tool.

Since Lin Ran entered the stone gate, he looked around in surprise and found that the strange beast here had disappeared? Did they really migrate away? You should know that when Lin Ran first came to this cave through plane fragments, he saw this divine artifact. When he wanted to take it away, he found that there was a huge spider in the stone gate, it was a ninth-order spider. The strange beast, Lin Ran was invincible, so he had to leave first, but now this big spider is gone?

Lin Ran also used the star power to sense it carefully for a week, and there was no abnormality, so he immediately walked over, jumped, and took off the black short knife from the rock wall.

When everyone saw Lin Ran stepping forward and taking off the black short knife, they were shocked and shouted, "Brother Lin! Don't!..."

But the words were not over yet, the black short knife was held in Lin Ran's hand securely, and when everyone saw it, it was all petrified on the spot...

"Damn!" Ou Chen cursed inwardly, and immediately looked vigilant and looked around. After confirming that there was no danger, he breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly to Lin Ran, "Brother Lin, you really It's too reckless. This magical weapon can be placed here safely for thousands of years. It is definitely protected by a very powerful alien animal or some terrible prohibition. If something really happens, it will be cold! "

Seeing Ou Chen's relieved look, Lin Ran couldn't help but smile a few times in secret, but didn't show it. After all, the other party didn't know the situation of the cave, and it was natural to care about his own safety.

You must know that this secret realm was originally a heritage site, and the treasures in these secret realm fragments were originally the super mythical beast-level strange beast that scattered all the treasures it had obtained in its entire life onto these secret realm fragments when it died. Order an extremely powerful Tier 9 alien beast to guard, just to prevent these people from being able to obtain it easily, but now that alien beast has left this place for unknown reasons, then naturally this divine artifact has become an unowned thing. , Can be taken away at any time.

As for prohibited traps, it is naturally even more impossible. The super-divine beast-level alien beast itself scatters these treasures just before dying, and being able to assign a alien beast to guard is probably already the limit. Now, can you still have the ability to place powerful prohibitions and traps?

And even if it has, it’s been so many years, it’s impossible for it to be effective. Even Lin Ran suspects that it must be too long. Even the guarded monsters are tired of them, so they left these places one after another. I went to find a new place to play, so these treasures were thrown away like rubbish.

Maybe the next treasure might not be able to be placed securely, maybe some mischievous strange beasts would throw it away and throw it into their own excrement, it is not impossible.

Lin Ran swung a few black short knives in his hand. It felt normal in the hand, but it was very light and not suitable for use in frontal combat, but it was a good weapon for sneak attacks, but Lin Ran obviously had no interest in this weapon. If it’s a long sword, you can still ask for it, but this short sword is forgotten. After all, based on Lin Ran’s experience, you will definitely encounter a better treasure next, so you don’t have to waste this time. Chance to choose.

"Who wants this?" Lin Ran turned to ask after playing with the black short knife.

Ou Chen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't want it? This is a divine artifact, and it is also an ancient secret treasure that appears outside the prescribed core treasure spot. He just played it for a few times and didn't want it?

Others were also very surprised. This Lin Ran had priority over the core treasure point, so he would give up this opportunity?

However, although everyone was surprised, they were actually extremely excited. Such a good artifact, Lin Ran, said he gave up and gave up. This is great!

"Let me see." Ou Chen said excitedly.

Lin Ran handed him the black short knife casually.

Ou Chen quickly took it, and tentatively injected the black short knife with star spiritual power, but obviously it didn't play any role. After all, Ou Chen only had the cultivation base of a seven-star beast trainer, and even had the real star spiritual power. It can't be done for the time being, so from his current point of view, he can't inspire this divine tool at all.

Ou Chen saw that the astral power that he had injected into the black short knife did nothing, nor was he too surprised. After all, there was no manifestation of astral power and could not be used. That was normal, but even In this way, Ou Chen took the black short knife that was not activated and swiped it lightly. A rock on the side was suddenly cut in half, extremely sharp.

"So sharp!" Ou Chen's eyes showed a look of wonder. He didn't expect that the divine tool that had not been injected with the manifestation of the star's spiritual power also had such a powerful power.

Everyone also saw the sharpness of this black short knife, and they were all shocked. It was so powerful even without the infusion of the celestial spiritual power. If it was injected with the manifested celestial spiritual power, I am afraid it could hurt some eighth ranks. A strange beast, maybe even a rank 9 strange beast can be injured. Such a divine weapon is definitely very powerful.

When they thought of this, they became more and more excited. Lin Ran gave up such an ancient secret treasure decisively. Although he felt sorry for Lin Ran, he was more happy. In this way, this magical artifact can be used. It belongs to their Shenghui treasure hunt team.

Seeing their excited expressions, Lin Ran couldn't help being very surprised. How could such a black short knife make them so excited? Is it possible that you have a subtle vision in the system and your vision is too high? I don't like these magical tools...

Soon after everyone experienced this black short knife, Ou Chen looked around the cave and said, "Since we have obtained the treasure of this treasure spot, we should leave and go to the next one. Treasure point."

Everyone nodded one after another, then walked out of the stone gate and walked out of the cave.


After leaving the cave filled with the smelly corpses, Ou Chen opened the map again and led everyone to the next treasure spot.

Along the way, Lin Ran didn’t hide anything. He commanded his dream beast to perceive the surrounding situation by "tracking thousands of miles." He pointed out that many Fang Jin and Zhang Yi hadn’t noticed the situation, allowing them to avoid many potential dangers. , It also saved them a lot of time, unknowingly they got closer and closer to another treasure spot.

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