Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 226: Night hidden clothing

Everyone fumbled in slowly, and Zhou Jianheng whispered from the side: "Ou Chen?"

Soon there was a hint of red light in the dark cave. Everyone quickly followed the red light and saw that the place where the red light radiated was a wide open space, far more than the magma pool outside. It’s wide, the open space is not as hot as it is outside, on the contrary, it’s a bit colder. There is a river in the open space. A strange tree is planted on the opposite bank of the river. It is about three meters high. The leaves are all red and exudes. The faint red light, the red light they saw just now was emitted by this leaf.

On the top of the tree, a fruit with a dragon-shaped pattern hung, emitting a dazzling red light, especially dazzling.

After Lin Ran saw it, he immediately recognized what it was, and that was the legendary dragon fruit!

When Lin Ran first saw this thing, it was on the side of the magma pool. At first, because his strange beasts had not been cultivated, and the strength was not very strong, he could not defeat the Blood Demon Flood Dragon. He had no choice but to retreat temporarily. .

But when Lin Ran came to the magma pool, he was very surprised, why did those dragon fruits disappear? Unexpectedly, it was transplanted into this cave, but the strange thing is that if you look at the memory from the last time, there should be three dragon fruits. Why is there only one left now?

not good!

A warning sign suddenly rose in Lin Ran’s heart. This dragon-patterned fruit tree was transplanted into it, obviously to better protect it, and the dragon-patterned fruit tree was transformed from the bones of the supremely pure dragon animal when it died. If this Blood Demon Flood Dragon wants to devour it by itself, it is obviously impossible to leave a special one, and now there is indeed only one left, which means that someone else has picked it away!

"Ou Chen!"

At this time, Zhou Jianheng shouted and hurried over.

On the other side of the river, Ou Chen lay there dying, his left hand was dripping with blood, his bones were obviously shattered, and his abdomen was visibly sunken, and it seemed that his ribs were also broken a lot. Stabbing a sword, if it were not for the defensive treasure of the wearer's body, it would have offset a large part of the damage for him, I am afraid that he would have died at this time.

"Hold on! Don't go there!" Lin Ran turned his head and looked over, his pupils shrank and shouted immediately.

Zhou Jianheng reacted very quickly. After all, he was also an experienced treasure hunter. The moment he heard Lin Ran’s words, he immediately stopped, but at the moment he stopped, he shot out from the nearby rock wall. Several small flying swords came almost instantaneously. These small flying swords passed by his neck, forehead, chest and other deadly places. If Lin Ran hadn't called him in time, I'm afraid he would be right now. It was already a corpse.

"So fast!"

Although Zhou Jianheng had escaped these deadly little flying swords at this time, his body was still shaking.

"Sure enough, someone!"

Fang Jin suddenly shrank his eyes at this time. Through the perception of the Fire Beast, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted, "Don't hide, come out!"

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that you still have two brushes, and they were able to spot us in advance, which is much better than this waste."

After a deep ridicule, four people suddenly appeared on the rock walls on both sides of the cave, all of them wearing black-gray robes.

"It's Ye Yinyi, you are really too mean!" Fang Jin saw the black-gray robes on them, and he immediately understood what was going on. This Ye Yinyi was made based on a kind of Ye Yin beast. This kind of strange beast is born a concealer, and it is silent in the dark. The Night Invisible Cloak made from the fur of this kind of strange beast inherits this perfectly, so their group of people can be silent and silent. Hide here.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I thought that leaving a half-dead person who would let us catch a few big fishes, I didn't expect your reaction to be quite fast." A slightly fat black robe came out, looked at Lin Ran, smiled Tao.

"We have no grievances and no grudges, why do we want to kill you next time!" Zhou Jianheng slowly came over at this time, staring at them with sharp eyes.

"No grievances and no grudges? I can only blame you for discovering this treasure spot first. I thought you would be killed by the Blood Demon Flood Dragon, but I didn't expect you to really hold it back. It saves us trouble. , Haha!" A short black robe man sneered.

"So, did you come in while we were entangled with the Blood Demon Flood Dragon?" Lin Ran said blankly and coldly.

"So what? Boy, I think your cultivation level is not low, or if you obediently surrender and surrender to us, maybe I can let you go." The little black-robed man laughed.

"So you picked the dragon pattern fruit on it?" Lin Ran completely ignored his words and asked straight to the subject.

"Smelly boy, you are so much nonsense, He Sheng, you don't need to talk nonsense with him, today these people must die, otherwise they will escape and move to save lives, it will be difficult to handle." The fat black robe man stepped on Taking a step, he said aggressively.

"Don't worry Chen Yi, I think this kid is obviously far away from the others, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed us the first time just now." He Sheng looked at Lin Ran meaningfully and said.

"Hmph, I don't think it's just a fluke, can this guy see through the hidden cloak this night? Ridiculous!" Chen Yi sneered.

At this time, Zhou Jianheng and others were pale, and the group of people in black robes who did not know their identities in front of them was really too tricky. Just now, they had already sensed each other through the Star Spirit Power. Among the four people, the short and fat ones This is an eight-star beast trainer, the other two are all seven-star strengths, and they have just experienced a battle here, most of the alien beasts have been injured at this time, if you face them There is absolutely no chance of winning.

Moreover, Ou Chen's life and death are still unknown, and Ou Hao's Raikage Wind Lizard is also nowhere to be seen at this time. It is really not clear about the overall situation on their side.

The only chance of winning is that Lin Ran, but they have the treasure of Ye Yinyi. Although the dragon pattern fruit can emit red light and illuminate a little cave, the whole is still too dark. In this environment Ye Yinyi is indeed too powerful. It can detour behind you silently and kill with one blow!

Just when they were nervous and entangled, Lin Ran took a step forward, and the whole body of star power was fully radiated. His eyes were very cold and looked at the four people on the opposite side, as if looking at a group of dead bodies, and said lightly: " I now give you a chance to hand over the dragon vein fruit, and then break my arm so that I can let you go!"

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