"Okay." Lin Ran looked at the black-robed venerable carefully. After sensing his cultivation level at close range, he immediately stopped saying anything. This person is definitely very powerful. Among the people encountered, the cultivation base was the most terrifying.

After speaking, Lin Ran handed the black ruler magic knife to Ou Hao, walked aside by himself, and stopped talking.

Venerable Black Robe's expressionless face also smiled slightly at Lin Ran.

"Zhuang Yan, the reason why I rescued you today is all because your father had some friendships with me. I don’t want to see him lose his son in his later years. I hope you can remember this lesson well. Stay, don't cause trouble anymore, and leave quickly." The Venerable Black Robe never looked at Zhuang Yan's eyes, and stared at Lin Ran the whole time.

Zhuang Yan was completely frightened at this time, and naturally did not dare to say anything. After nodding his head repeatedly, he immediately left with a few members dingy.

Although there were fewer onlookers around, but when I noticed the appearance of the black robe, although I did not dare to come close to listen, after all, many of the people present were not low-level, and the listening was naturally very good. The dialogue between them was all Have been heard.

For a while, everyone was extremely surprised. They did not expect that the black robe would have a relationship with the leader of the Bloodfish Treasure Hunting team, and rescued it. It can be seen that the relationship is absolutely extraordinary, and what surprised them the most was the look The unremarkable young man, relying on the blow he had just now, actually needed the Venerable Black Robe to come forward and resolve it personally. The power was absolutely terrifying.

Can't provoke... Can't provoke...

Originally thinking that they would hurt both sides, some people who fished in troubled waters were all frightened at this time, and they immediately left this place of right and wrong.

After finishing the endgame, the Venerable Black Robe also immediately disappeared and returned to the dragon skull.

"I thought you would help that young man, but I didn't expect to save that incredible Captain Bloodfish, but that young man is really a bit too strong, I feel that he is not weaker than you with that black ruler magic knife." The golden-inched uncle smiled at Venerable Black Robe.

"Do you have any information about that young man?" Venerable Black Robe asked.

"Not for the time being, but this is easy to handle. Go directly to the treasure hunting team to adjust the information, and you will know it as soon as you check it." Uncle Golden Inch said.

Heipao nodded slightly, and stopped looking at Lin Ran, and continued to look at the vicinity of Lei Yuan Tower in the distance.


After seeing Venerable Black Robe leave, the group of Shenghui Treasure Hunters also breathed a sigh of relief. Ou Hao laughed and said, "Brother Lin is really too strong. I used to compare you with me. It seems I am really ridiculous."

"It's really a young genius. I really admire the little brother Lin with the two of you." Uncle Lin and the short old man hurriedly walked over and hugged Lin Ran. At this time, the two of them no longer dare to underestimate. Lin Ran had already regarded Lin Ran as a peer.

Seeing their attitude, Lin Ran naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately smiled with his fists.

"By the way, are you going to leave the secret realm and go back directly, or do you want to stay here?" Lin Ran asked suddenly.

When everyone heard Lin Ran's question, they couldn't help being a little surprised. Ou Hao immediately said, "Listen to Brother Lin, don't you plan to go back with us?"

"I want to spend more time here, after all, it's the first time I have come to the secret realm to be curious." Lin Ran smiled.

Hearing what Lin Ran said, the few of them immediately understood. Although Lin Ran's strength is unfathomable, he is still a teenager after all. He seems to be in his early twenties at most. It is natural to be curious about the secret realm, but Ou Hao and others are not in the mood anymore. Let’s not say that Ou Chen is seriously injured and needs medical treatment. Many of their exotic animals are also seriously injured. They all need to be sent to the exotic animal hospital to get medical treatment, and the most important thing is. The thing is that there are a lot of secret treasures on them, especially the dragon pattern fruit and the black ruler magic knife. It is inevitable that some people will come to **** it later.

So Ou Hao immediately waved his hand and released a star spirit power barrier to surround them and isolate the sound from coming out, so he said softly: "Brother Lin has helped us too much this time. Lin Ran only chooses one, so let's allocate these exotic animal materials and those secret treasures."

The short old man and the uncle cheek also nodded and agreed.

When Zhou Jianheng saw Ou Hao earlier, he had already handed the dragon pattern fruit to Ou Hao. After all, it was naturally impossible for them to take this kind of treasure. As for Lin Ran’s one, Zhou Jianheng was relatively clever. , It's just that it was destroyed by the Blood Demon Flood Dragon, and the rest of Chen Xue and others also nodded repeatedly.

After all, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, they had already thought about it, that is, not to announce it to the public. Anyway, they have already got two, which is considered to be full.

Lin Ran groaned slightly. In fact, he wanted to leave right away, but since they want to give something to themselves, it is better to be respectful than fate, so Lin Ran also whispered: "Then quickly find a place, Assign it, I don’t make it difficult for you. I’ll be picking when you are all done. Anyway, I’ve used the power of the first choice among the secret fragments before.”

"Well, let's go and check the secret treasure first. Although the government will not take it away, we still have the right to know that what we have obtained is the treasure, so we can keep a record, and maybe the government personnel still I will fancy our treasures and buy them directly at a big price." Ou Hao said.

When he heard that the inspection was still needed, Lin Ran's face changed slightly. Although he knew that the treasures obtained in this secret realm could be taken away at will, he didn't expect that the inspection would be needed? And from what Ou Hao said, it seems that their government inspectors will pay a high price to buy the treasures they want directly? Are you sure not to steal it directly?

And if you can become the government's special inspector, you must have an excellent vision. Isn't that the few dragon fruits that they have obtained? And Lin Ranke also brought a precious dragon-print fruit tree!

Zhou Jianheng on the side saw Lin Ran’s face change slightly, and he immediately said to Lin Ran in a low voice, “Brother Lin doesn’t need to worry too much. He is just pretending to be in form. As for those dragon fruits, we have already collected them In the space-time warehouse, unless someone informs it, otherwise they will not check the contents in the space-time warehouse. As for Brother Lin, it must have been placed in place."

Lin Ran heaved a sigh of relief immediately after hearing this. Although he didn't put the dragon pattern fruit in the time-space warehouse, he did put it in the star ring, which was almost the same thing as the time-space warehouse.

"Well, let's go." Lin Ran's expression returned to calm immediately, and said.

Although the remaining short old man and Uncle Lin saw a slight change in Lin Ran’s face, they didn’t go too much. It’s probably because he got some good treasures among the secret fragments and didn’t want to see anyone. This is understandable. They also don't want to take it out.


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