Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 350: Get it done

"At that time, the situation was very chaotic. I was stunned at first, thinking who was the first to board, but strangely, the dragon scales were not taken away, so I used the blood dragon flame to break the seal, but I don’t know. What's the matter, I didn't use my full strength before the seal broke automatically. At that time, I thought it was the powerful flames around that affected the seal, so I didn't think much about it.

After taking the dragon scales, I originally wanted to leave directly. At that time, I saw that the fire was too fierce. Although I had hatred with it, when it was only the hatred between me and it, it did not concern its people, so I Then he shot out the flames. "The Blood Demon Jiaolong said.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, according to what you said, someone specially came over to set fire to Ten Thousand Flower Valley, and by the way, broke the seal of the dragon scales for you, and then left without taking anything?" The Rose Flower Fairy sneered. .

"Otherwise? I finished setting the fire and won't leave? Help you put out the fire?" The Blood Demon Flood Dragon smiled.

"Wait, it's not impossible." Lin Ran said, "Didn't you say that just now. At that time, the war was about to come. Could it be that the enemy did it in advance?"

When the two strange beasts heard what Lin Ran said at this time, they were slightly taken aback...

Because indeed, as Lin Ran said, after the destruction of the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, the territories or nests of other races of alien beasts were also destroyed to varying degrees, and then also at this time, the ancient war broke out.

Although the Rose Flower Fairy had doubted whether it was caused by the enemy, Ten Thousand Flower Valley was indeed burned by the Blood Dragon Flame. This Blood Dragon Flame could not be used by other monsters except the Blood Dragon King who was still in its heyday. In addition, it did take away the dragon scales, which made the Rose Flower Fairy and it forge a grudge.

Seeing the reaction of the two alien beasts at this time, Lin Ran smiled: "Yes, I'm right, it must be the enemy at the time. breakthrough."

"But what do you say about the Blood Dragon Flame? I think there should be no other alien beasts in this world, can you use its unique blood dragon flame?" The Rose Flower Fairy calmed down at this time and said.

"I didn't do it anyway." The Blood Demon Flood Dragon did not admit it from beginning to end.

"Although I can't see its blood dragon flames yet, I can guarantee that it must be caused by the enemy at the time. Didn't it also say that the two flames have different temperatures. I think it is not necessary as the king of a clan. Lie." Lin Ran glanced at the Blood Demon Flood Dragon and said.

"Yes, I did it, and I will definitely admit it." The Blood Demon Flood Dragon also said.

"I still don't believe it." Rose Flower Fairy said lightly.

"Unreasonable! Too lazy to care for you!" The Blood Demon Jiaolong snorted coldly.

"Well, anyway, you all will stay with me for the time being, as long as I can help it regain its strength after I hatch the Dragon God Golden Egg, and when the time is to use the bleeding dragon flame, you may not know it." Lin Ran said.

"However, during this period, if you dare to fight here, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Lin Ran stood up and said coldly while looking at them.

"As long as it doesn't bother me." The Blood Demon Flood Dragon glanced at the dragon pattern fruit tree and then at the Rose Flower Demon, and said.

"Huh! I can't tell who is annoying who!" The Rose Flower Demon looked at the Blood Demon Flood Dragon coldly.

"That's right, they are all old monsters that have lived for 100,000 years, and they are all survivors. Can't you get along well? When you regain your strength in the future, you can do whatever you want." Lin Ran smiled.

At this time, the Blood Demon Flood Dragon slowly fell to the ground, lying on the top of a mountain, without speaking.

And Qiangwei also sat near the dragon pattern fruit tree, closing his eyes and preparing to start practicing.

"Hey! I don't know if there will be an accident if you leave them here." Lin Ran looked at the Blood Demon Flood Dragon and Rose Flower Demon, shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, although they look like they are going to fight for life and death, they can't fight here." The system suddenly rang.

"Why?" Lin Ran asked.

"One of them has a short lifespan and needs the help of the dragon-print fruit tree to survive, while the other one hurts the foundation. At present, it has only the strength of the ninth lower rank, and also has the **** of the alien beast contract with you. They can't fight." System Said lightly.

"Of course I know this, but I'm not afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case! What if there is a fight?" Lin Ran suddenly raised his brow and said.

"Absolutely impossible!" After the system dropped this sentence, there was no sound again.

After hearing such a decisive response from the system, Lin Ran was relieved.

"Then I'll go first, the Blood Demon Flood Dragon, you have to stay here for me!" Lin Ran pointed at it and said loudly.

"Get out! Don't disturb the king's cultivation." The Blood Demon Flood Dragon was still a little angry at this time, and he yelled at Lin Ran and closed his eyes to practice.

"Cut! I'm quite tempered!" Lin Ran spit out a few words before looking at the Rose Flower Fairy.

"You go out with me first, and be a good clerk." Lin Ran walked over after speaking, took the hand of the rose flower demon, and prepared to leave the time and space map of Shanhe.

But at this time the Rose Flower Fairy was very arrogant, she shook off Lin Ran's hand hard, and glanced at him coldly. Although he was very unhappy in his heart, there was nothing it could do. Subject to the contract with the alien beast, it had nothing to do. Defying Lin Ran's instructions.

So after throwing away Lin Ran's hand, he opened the exit of the time-space map of Shanhe, and went back to the store.

After being thrown away by the rose flower demon, Lin Ran was taken aback for a moment, and did not react for a while.

But after seeing the exit of the time-space map of Shanhe appeared, he immediately regained his senses and immediately followed out.

Back in the shop, the Rose Flower Fairy stayed in the storage room silently, staying with the strange animal at the guest door, and ignored Lin Ran.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ran smiled bitterly and said, "As for, isn't it just going to stay with it, what's the fear!"

"Huh!" The Rose Flower Fairy ignored Lin Ran, turning his head and snorted coldly.

"Why the beasts of the sacred beast level are so stingy." Lin Ran looked at the Rose Flower Fairy like an angry little wife, couldn't help being a bit funny.

"Forget it, who told me to be more magnanimous, let you play with this thing for a few days first." After all, Lin Ran still needs to be with him every day, so it's not justified without comfort.

The star ring flashed in Lin Ran's hand, and the purple gold swallowing armor appeared in Lin Ran's hand.

The Rose Flower Fairy who had ignored Lin Ran's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the appearance of Zijin Devouring Armor, staring at the dragon ball on it, intently.

"Really give it to me?" Rose Flower Fairy said.

"Well, I'll lend you a few days. Anyway, I'll be in the store during this period of time, and I won't need it." Lin Ran smiled when he saw the face of the Rose Flower Fairy at this time.

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, he saw the Rose Flower Fairy rushing over and quickly took away the Zijin Devouring Armor from Lin Ran's hand and held it in his arms.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Ran didn't have too many doubts. After all, it was the dragon ball on the purple-gold devouring armor that subdued the rose flower demon. But Lin Ran was a little puzzled about why it liked dragon **** so much. .

But Lin Ran didn't think much about it, after all, he really calmed down and could be a good salesperson.


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