Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 360: Control five alien beasts

But after all, Lin Ran was not a true nine-star peak power at this time. After summoning five alien beasts, he also began to feel that the starry sky map in his mind was beginning to feel a little burdened, which was a very dizzy feeling.

"It seems that although five strange beasts can be summoned, it is extremely burdensome!" Lin Ran wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said.

However, Lin Ran did not give up directly because of this. After all, this is the plane of the system. Even if it is dead, it can be resurrected without limit, not to mention the burden of the so-called star map. If you really can’t hold on, it’s not. It's a big deal, it's resurrected, just do it again.

At this time, the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger, Dream Eater, and Xuanyan Golden Tortoise that had just come out of the light gate were at first blank, and then they saw the Flowing Shadow Magic Moon Dog struggling in the black creek and were slightly startled.


When the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger saw the pain on the face of his partner Liuying Huan Yueh, he couldn't help but burst into joy, and he kept roaring, seeming to say to it: "Unexpectedly, you also have today, master, beautifully done! "

The Dream Eater, who was still sleeping, looked at Liuying Magic Moon Dog with sleepy eyes, yawned, then slowly crawled to the side, and continued to fall asleep, paying no attention to the surrounding environment.

As for the basalt beetle, after it mutated from the giant rock tortoise, it became a light-type and earth-type beast, which also has light type as its main attribute. When it comes to an environment full of demons, it can’t help but frown. , Very uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, have you seen the black river in front of you? Give me a bubble bath. It will be very beneficial to you." Lin Ran was sitting on the ground at this time, pointing to the black river in front of him. .

The three strange beasts that hadn't paid attention to them were suddenly startled and looked at Lin Ran.

Especially the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger, while looking at Liuying Magic Moon Dog, he watched constantly growling.

"Don't persuade Dabao, your brothers are already gone, don't you hurry up to cultivate it?" Lin Ran smiled.


At this time, the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger slowly walked towards the black river very reluctantly. After all, he knew the strength of the Liuying Magic Moon Dog. Even a strange beast of this degree would be so painful to enter it. Isn't it possible?

Moreover, the river was still full of demonic auras, and it would be even more uncomfortable to enter the world-destroying Thunder Tiger pure thunder beast.

But it was impossible for Lin Ran to refuse his instructions. He roared aggrievedly, as if he was dead, he jumped into the black creek.

At the beginning, it could flop, but after the dark quicksands at the bottom of the river locked onto the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger, the powerful adsorption power was immediately activated, and it began to frantically absorb the Star Spirit Power in the World Extinguishing Thunder Tiger.

The World Destroying Thunder Tiger, who was still fluttering, suddenly had an extremely painful expression and was constantly struggling, but it couldn't get rid of these powerful adsorption forces anyway. It finally understood why the Liuying Magic Moon Dog suffered such pain. It turned out to be this. The river will absorb the power of the stars.

The Flowing Shadow Magic Moon Dog, who was still struggling in pain, glanced hard at his old partner, and couldn't help but grinned with a grin: "I told you to dare to laugh, not to come down to accompany Lao Tzu!"

And the dream-eating beasts and basalt beasts still on the riverbank did not dare to move. How strong these two strange beasts are. They are absolutely familiar with them. Will be worse?

"Why are you still in a daze?" Lin Ran saw that the Dream Eater and the Xuanyan Golden Tortoise hadn't moved for a long time. He raised his brows, stood up, and said with a smirk: "Well, I'll help you two. ."

Lin Ran slowly approached them. He picked up the Dream Eater in his left hand, and the basalt beetle in his right hand. He walked to the river and threw it down.

"It's gritty, really, I summoned one and five in one breath. It's so uncomfortable for me, don't hurry up and give me a bath." Lin Ran clapped his hands, continued to walk back, and began to sit cross-legged.

After being thrown into the black creek by Lin Ran mercilessly, the dream-eating beast and the basalt beetle began to struggle desperately, their expressions were extremely painful, and they began to resist the adsorption force of the dark quicksand at the bottom of the river.

Especially the basalt beetle is the most miserable. Because it is a light system plus earth system, facing the devilish river water, its two attributes are completely restrained, plus it has to resist the dark sand at the bottom of the river. The persistence time was very short, less than 5 minutes before sinking to the bottom of the river and died.

Therefore, Lin Ran also understood this situation. After all, it was really not easy. Not only was it the lowest level, but it was also double restrained, making it more difficult, but it really suffered.

The same benefits are also very many. If you can successfully persist in the end, it will probably be the biggest improvement. It can not only increase the body’s resistance to the demon system and water system, but also generate antibodies against the absorption of the celestial spirit. Three birds with one stone!

"Resurrection in situ."

As Lin Ran yelled, the resurrected Xuanyan beetle was once again mercilessly thrown into the black river by Lin Ran.

Although the other three alien beasts were not as good as the basalt beasts, but they persisted in the end, they could all obtain the antibodies against the absorbing power of the stars.

However, among these three alien beasts, Lin Ran is most curious about his own dream-eater. No matter what environment it encounters, this alien beast has an indifferent look, and has never cared about the surrounding environment. One thing made Lin Ran very curious.

Is it true that the race of Dream Eater is like this?

But also, after all, this kind of strange beast is sleeping all year round, as long as it doesn't disturb it to sleep, no matter what kind of environment it is, it can adapt to it in the first place.

"It seems that you have a lot of benefits from sleeping regularly." Lin Ran smiled as he looked at the struggling Dream Eater in the river.

However, although able to adapt to the environment with a strong demon aura, facing the almost insoluble dark quicksand at this time, the Dream Eater has no way to do it, and can only continue to struggle against the dark quicksand at the bottom of the river. .

And at this time, Lin Ran took advantage of these four strange beasts to fight against the gap in the dark quicksand, took out the empty shell of demon blood essence, and placed it in front of him, although the power of the devil in this place In the super plane of Demon Purgatory, it is not very powerful, but it is also very good.

"Yes, you can just take advantage of this time to absorb a little devil's power." Lin Ran looked at the empty-shell demon blood essence in front of him, began to continuously absorb the devil's power from the surrounding environment, and nodded.

At the same time, Lin Ran did not slack off. At present, he was in a state of extremely burdened mental power due to the summoning of five alien beasts. In this case, it might be more effective than normal to practice spiritual thoughts with the spirit candle.

"It shouldn't be too late. Try it now." Lin Ran quickly took out the spirit candle, injected the star spirit power, and ignited it, and he immediately entered the cultivation state.


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