Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 501: Rise to fame

After getting a basic understanding of the situation in the Black Demon Temple, Lin Ran didn't stay in the Qinghe Battle Hall too much, and rode his little eDonkey back to the shop.

The sky at this time had gradually darkened, and no one dared to contain Lin Burn along the way, and Lin Ran soon returned to the shop.

Just as Lin Ran was about to arrive at the shop, he saw many cars parked outside, among which there were one or two very expensive, which looked like a big family.

"I'm going! The business is so good, it's already past 7 o'clock, and there are customers." Lin Ran was shocked when he saw it.

Lin Ran hasn't experienced this state of queuing guests until the night.

It seems that the wave of publicity during the day is indeed in place today. Lin Ran can be said to be completely famous in Xuanzhong City, and his shop can naturally attract countless customers.

In order not to attract too much attention, Lin Ran quietly entered the shop from the back door, hiding behind and watching the manager's substitute earnestly receiving every customer.

At the same time, I immediately connected the store manager's substitute to check the income of the store today.

"Wow! This business is a bit too good, too." Lin Ran was suddenly startled.

This was when Lin Ran was completely famous at noon, and in just a few hours so far, he has already earned millions of Blue Star Coins. Absolutely part of it is the service of forging armor. There are also more than a dozen strange animals in the room, and several luxurious small private rooms have all been occupied.

"It looks like we have to work overtime again tonight."

Lin Ran smiled and walked into the hall immediately. Although he might be tired tonight, these are all points. These millions of blue sea stars can be converted into points, which is thousands of dollars. !

The customers who were still waiting in line suddenly saw Lin Ran coming out from the side, and were shocked.

"Boss Lin, when did you come back?"

"Great, boss Lin, you must help us forge the armor, I have been in line for several hours."

"Me too. In the afternoon, I didn't finish watching the game, so I hurriedly found here, but I didn't expect so many people to queue up."

"Boss Lin, I also want to forge armor and cultivate alien beasts."


At this time, after seeing Lin Ran appear, these people were very excited.

And Lin Ran was very happy when he looked at them.

You must know that in the past, most of the customers of Lin Ran’s shop were only students. There are very few rich families who patronize. But now Lin Ran’s shop is lined with students or passers-by. Almost all the people in the line were people with a face and a face in Xuanzhong City.

After all, the power of the armor forged by Lin Ran is really too powerful. Even if these local tyrants were rich in the past, it was difficult to find a master forging to forge the armor. Now there is such a powerful forging master as Lin Ran. , They naturally cannot let go of this opportunity.

So all came one by one.

"Okay, no problem, you should be clear about the specific charging situation, I won't say much, just line up one by one." Lin Ran said to them with a smile.

"I have already heard from this little brother. The charge here, Teacher Lin, is too cheap, right? Forging a complete forging an alien armor, it only costs 1 million. This is a set. 3 million blue starfish, this is too cheap."

"Perhaps this should be the charge for the ordinary alien armor, Boss Lin, although we are not rich and wealthy, we still have some savings, so we want to ask you to help us forge it, like the golden shield in the afternoon. I wonder if it’s a war armor with the same strength as a war armor?"

"Yes, there is no problem with how much money."

Some customers in the front said quickly.

"Um... I'm sorry, I think you should have misunderstood, no matter what kind of alien armor forged in my shop, the charge is all 1 million pieces, and the strength of each piece is guaranteed to fight the golden shield. A is generally no different."

Lin Ran saw that they wanted to increase the price for forging, although he wanted to agree, but after obtaining the system for so long, he even had a reason, that is, the price set by the system really cannot be changed.

So Lin Ran could only say with a wry smile.

"What! A monster armor of the level of the Golden Shield armor, you only need 1 million pieces? That adds up to only 3 million sets, let me not say, give me two sets first!" A middle-aged uncle who was a bit fatter immediately raised his hand and said.

"This is too cheap, no, I have to order two sets too!"

"I order three sets!"

"I have three sets too!"

After hearing Lin Ran's remarks, the audience queuing up instantly fryed the pot, each of them excitedly shouting to forge several sets.

"It's great to have money." Lin Ran couldn't help but sigh slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Then he hurriedly laughed and said, "No problem, there are no problems with a few sets, but well, you know that it is the Beast Trainer League Competition recently, so the construction period may be a bit longer, you should be able to wait." Lin Ran Said.

After all, these people came too suddenly at this time, and they all had so many sets all at once. Although Lin Ran had a lot of spars, he had to forge such a large number of armors, and he couldn’t guarantee it for a while. There is not enough spar, and in addition, I really have to be busy participating in the Beast Trainer League competition recently, and there is not much time during the day, so naturally I have to extend the construction period.

"Haha! No problem, we can wait as long as possible."

"That is, to have such a powerful alien armor, not to mention the construction period is a bit longer, it is to wait a year or a half, it is no problem."

When they heard that Lin Ran promised to help them forge the battle armor, they were so excited, how could they care about extending the construction period.

Besides, they are all local tyrants with a lot of wealth. To say less, there are also people who have forged several suits of armor. Naturally, they understand how long it takes to forge armor.

And just now I heard from the store manager’s substitute that it only takes 7 days for Lin Ran’s shop to forge a suit of armor. Isn’t that too fast?

So when they heard Lin Ran's proposal to extend the construction period, they didn't have any opinions. After all, so many suits of armor need to be forged, how could it be possible to forge them all in 7 days.

"Yes, please line up the ranks in order. Remember to write down the requirements for the armor and what attributes the alien beast uses. Of course, the most important thing is the name and The contact information must be written, otherwise there are so many sets, I can't guarantee that I will not make a mistake." Lin Ran said quickly.

"This is natural."

Everyone nodded immediately and lined up in an orderly manner.

And no one dared to jump in the line. It seemed that they were all very afraid that Lin Ran would get angry, and then refused to forge them, so they all followed the rules very well.


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