Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 807: Critical value

"Brother Shangguan, please stay."

After getting Wan Feiyang's consent, Wan Rufan immediately called to Shangguanheng.

"Since Brother Shangguan is sure to open, then everything is easy to say, as long as you can really open, then we agree to your request." Wan Rufan said.

"That's right, if you let me come early, there would be no need to waste so much time." After hearing what Wan Rufan said, Shangguanheng suddenly laughed.

Then Shang Guanheng walked towards the old box calmly.

"Unexpectedly, Wanjia would even agree to such demanding requirements. It seems that there must be no way."

"If Shang Guanheng really opened this, it would really make a lot of money. The things in this box must be extremely extraordinary."

"But are you sure that Shangguanheng can open it? After all, the Xiang family and the Yun family have failed. The strengths of their families are similar. It always feels that Shangguanheng may not be able to open it."

"I can't see it. If Shangguanheng is not fully confident, he will certainly not be so confident. I think I can really open it."

At this time, everyone underneath was talking about Shangguanheng.

Lin Ran was still leaning against the corner of the banquet hall, waiting for Zihuang Zulong's reply, and at the same time he was very curious about Shang Guanheng.

"Yes, I know what that box is."

Just as Lin Ran watched Shang Guanheng silently, the voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon immediately rang in his mind.

"What is it!" Lin Ran asked quickly.

"This box is something of the human supreme in Fenglinhaishan in ancient times. The specific name has not been mentioned, but in the process of making this box, the human supreme placed a restriction. As long as this restriction cannot be solved, then This box will never be opened."

"It won't even be damaged, and it can preserve the contents of the box well." Zihuang Zulong explained.

"It turned out to be Fenglinhaishan's supreme thing, but I think it's true. After all, Ten Thousand Clan also said that this box was discovered in the secret realm of their central area, but I don't know why it fell into the space-time crack of Dragon God. ."

"This is not clear. Anyway, the secrets of the various areas on the blue sea star are just space-time cracks accidentally formed when my father was fighting with all his strength. Maybe it was accidentally inhaled."

"Then since you know what this box is, do you know how to open it? And what will it be inside?" Lin Ran asked.

"In fact, it is very simple to open the box. It is to break the restriction. You have also seen that no matter what kind of attribute energy is injected into the box, the box can be echoed."

"Although it does not seem to have any reaction, it is not the case. When the box emits light, it is absorbing the attribute energy emitted by the trainer. If you want to break this restriction, you need to inject the attributes. If the energy reaches the critical value, then this prohibition will naturally be broken."

"As for what will be there, this is not known. After all, the function of the box itself is to store things, and the contents inside are often changed, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, the contents inside are really extraordinary. Precious, otherwise this box will not be used for preservation."

"I understand. If you want to open it, you have to constantly inject attribute energy into it, knowing that this box cannot bear it, so it will open." Lin Ran said suddenly.

"In that case, Shangguanheng looks so confident, doesn't he already know this secret?" Lin Ran said puzzled.

"It's actually not difficult to know this secret. I think those guys who have tried it before should have discovered the secret. It's just another matter whether it can be opened or not." Zihuang Zulong didn't care. Said.

"Listening to your tone, is it possible that Shang Guanheng can't open the box at all?"

"Hehe, does he still want to open it?" Zihuang Zulong said disdainfully: "You have to know that it is a restriction under the supreme human being. Even after 100,000 years, the power may loosen, but if you want to open it, you must There is extremely powerful attribute energy in the body."

"Moreover, it must be one's own power. You can't use foreign beasts, divine artifacts, etc., the ice attribute energy in Shangguanheng's body is too weak. It is absolutely impossible to open it."

"Doesn't this Shangguanheng want to make a fool of yourself in public?"

Lin Ran suddenly laughed and said, "I really don't know where this guy's self-confidence comes from. It's like a kind of thing that can't be opened except him in this world, and he still brazenly wants to carve up the people. Wait. See how his failure ends."

"The one called Shangguanheng can't open it, but you can." Zihuang Zulong reminded: "There must be precious things in the box. You can go up to help the Ten Thousand Clan open it, and then make the same request as Shangguanheng. , Divide up the things in that box."

"Me?" Lin Ran was shocked.

"Didn't you say that it is a restriction under the supreme? With the cultivation base of only an eight-star animal trainer, I can do it?"

In fact, when Lin Ran heard the Zihuang Zulong say the specific method of opening this box, Lin Ran also thought about going up and trying it himself.

But when he thought of constantly injecting attribute energy into the box, until the box could not bear it, and this was a seal under the supreme, Lin Ran also knew that he could not do it yet, so he dispelled this idea.

"Haha, one attribute energy may not be enough, but don't forget you have two types."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon smiled and said, "Although you have just completed the first step of cultivation in Qianyuan's control of the wind, you already have wind energy in your Dantian."

Lin Ran was shocked when he heard this, and said: "You are me who inject two kinds of attribute energy into the box at the same time, can I break the prohibition of the supreme?"

"If it had been 100,000 years ago, when the human supreme had just set the seal, then you would never have done it, but now it is different. 100,000 years have passed, and the seal has long been loosened."

"When you add your Seventh Sage Thunder Body has reached a small level, the attribute energy in the body is stronger than anyone present. At the same time, in conjunction with the wind attribute energy, the two will be merged into the box, and I can guarantee that it can be opened. "The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said firmly.

"That's great. I thought I had no hope, but now it seems that I can open it properly."

Now that he knew that he had the ability to open this box, Lin Ran would naturally take action, and Shangguan Heng's request was indeed very good. After opening the box, he must be evenly divided with the ten thousand clan.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran's expression calmed down and walked slowly toward the box.

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