Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 823: the reason

"It's like this."

"My father traveled to the central region in his early years and made a good friend named Yang Huan in Yaoguang City."

"At first they met because my father saved his life when he was in the Xinghai Forest. Then because of the same age, they also had a good relationship. Over time, they became close friends. They are also brothers with different surnames."

"Then about a few years ago, this Yang Huan suddenly visited my house, saying that he was going to enter the depths of the Xinghai Forest to capture a ninth-order pedigree animal, and he needed to borrow my father's shadow knife."

"Because my father and him are close friends, although they haven't seen each other for a long time after leaving the central area, they have always been in contact, and the relationship has never changed. So my father didn't have any defense against him, so he lent the Venom Knife Kill him."

"But after borrowing like this, I have borrowed for many years. No matter how my father urged, Yang Huan thought he hadn’t used it as an excuse, and he did not return the Venom Knife, and every time Yang Huan saw my father urged him, They all behaved very angry."

"Said that my father didn't treat him as a friend. He called him repeatedly for the purpose of a venom knife. It seemed that we were wrong."

"So this time I came to Yaoguang City in the central region, mainly because I wanted to ask Yang Huan for the Venom Knife, but who knew that Yang Huan would not admit that he borrowed my father's Venom Knife? s things."

"I fought **** reason, but Yang Huan refused to admit it, so he drove me out, and said that even if my father came in person, it was useless. In desperation, I could only go back temporarily."

"The reason why the state is wrong is that I was thinking about it." After Meng Zhishan finished speaking, he sighed deeply.

After listening to Meng Zhishan's remarks, Lin Ran and the others present became serious.

You must know that Meng Zhishan's father is also a well-known strong man in the southern region, with the title of Poison Venerable.

And the reason for this title, apart from a very powerful Poison-type alien beast in his hand, the most important thing is that Poison Shadow Knife.

It is said to be a perfect divine weapon with almost no damage. Once its power is fully erupted, the terrible poison can even instantly kill the ninth-order alien beast. However, due to the high spiritual power consumed, under normal circumstances, it will not Random urges.

For this reason, Meng Zhishan's father was given the title of Poison Venerable, even if he had a higher cultivation base, he did not dare to provoke him easily. The main thing he feared was the power of the Poison Shadow Sword.

But who would have thought that this powerful Poison Shadow Knife was actually no longer in the hands of Venerable Poison, but was cheated away by a man named Yang Huan?

"It's no wonder that such a precious artifact has been cheated away, and it is no wonder that it is so absent-minded."

"But this Yang Huan is too disgusting. He was considered a brother at the expense of others, and he lent him the Venomous Shadow Sword aside, but he just took it and couldn't pay it back. It was so annoying."

"No, you must go get it back!"

Situ Feng couldn't help clenching his fists at this time. If it weren't for the game, he would immediately take Meng Zhishan to Yang Huan's house.

"Don't worry, the reason why Yang Huan used the method of low-pitched breath to ask Venerable Poison to borrow the Shadow Sword, obviously he must be afraid of Venerable Poison's strength."

"And the reason why I dare to occupy and not return it now is because of a breakthrough in his cultivation level. In addition, with the shadow knife as a weapon, the strength should be very strong. If we rush in, I am afraid that it will cause him to resist strongly. "

"That Poison Shadow Knife is not a joke. It is said that as long as an alien beast is contaminated, even an alien beast of the ninth-order bloodline will die very quickly, let alone use it on us." Lin Ran frowned. Said.

"I was also going to grab it directly at the beginning, but found that Yang Huan's strength is no longer weaker than my father, and he still occupies the Poison Shadow Knife, so I have no choice but to give up." Meng Zhishan said quickly.

"Since the hard grab is not enough, we can only come to outsmart it, or we should steal it in the middle of the night?" Situ Feng said with his eyes turned.

"Don't be stupid. Didn't you hear what Zhishan said just now? People's cultivation is no longer weaker than that of Venerable Poison, that is, your father's level. Do you think it is possible to steal in the middle of the night?" Su Xiao quickly shot Situ Feng's shoulder was touched.

"That being said, there must be a way. After going back, my father will join a few nine-star powerhouses to find Yang Huan's trouble."

"Furthermore, Yao Yucheng's father is the city lord of Yunhe City, and the Black Robe Venerable is still his uncle. If the two elders make a move, I'm afraid that Yang Huan will hand it over immediately." Situ Feng looked at Meng Zhishan and said.

"I actually thought about this method, but it might not work either."

Meng Zhishan sighed slightly, and said, "That Yang Huan didn't know what conditions he used, and he had a relationship with the ten thousand clan. With the protection of the ten thousand clan, it might not be easy to force him to hand it over."

"Thousands of people?"

Situ Feng and Su Xiao were shocked, their brows frowned.

After all, this ten thousand clan is indeed very powerful, far from the Murong family in their southern region can match, not only there are many powerful people in the family, but the financial resources are also very amazing.

As the saying goes, the rich are ghosts. Once they anger the tens of thousands, they are afraid that things will become more troublesome.

"No wonder you are so confident that you dare to occupy the Poison Shadow Sword and not return it. It turns out that there are thousands of people backing it."

"But, it's not without a chance." Lin Ran raised his brows slightly and said.

"Do you have a way?" Meng Zhishan said when he saw Lin Ran's expression at this time, his eyes lit up.

"Yes." Lin Ran smiled and said, "The method is simple, that's a hard grab!"

"Huh? Really grab it?" Situ Feng and the others were suddenly surprised.

"It just needs to wait after today's game is over."

Lin Ran originally was still thinking about whether Yang Huan had such a solid background or not, but he didn't expect his background to be the Ten Thousand Clan, so that would be easy to handle, just go ahead and grab it.

Even if Yang Huan told the Ten Thousand Clan, Lin Ran would definitely ignore Yang Huan's current relationship with the Ten Thousand Clan, and he would even help Yang Huan forcibly hand over the Venom Shadow Sword.

Of course, if Yang Huan really has a deep relationship with the Ten Thousand Clan, just like Yue Tianhen and Murong's family back then, then Lin Ran can also do it.

After all, with Lin Ran’s current strength, he is completely able to deal with him. Although the Poison Shadow Sword is strong, it is useless if it does not touch Lin Ran’s body. If it is more secure, Lin Ran can choose to summon the Purple Phoenix Ancestor directly. Long, can kill Yang Huan in seconds.

It’s just that it’s easy to expose your hole cards, and if someone sees it, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, it is the safest way to choose Wan Clan to clean up Yang Huan.

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