Subsequently, the referee checked the situation of the Dark Flame Wolf, and after determining that he had no fighting ability, he immediately announced that Yao Yucheng was promoted.

The audience immediately burst into thunderous applause.

There were three players from the southern region who had been the least favored, and all three advanced to the second round. Including one of the strongest players, Lin Ran, this means that so far, only one player from the southern region has been eliminated. That's it.

And like the Eastern Region, this was previously more promising, but only one person advanced to the second round. Even with the strongest players, there are only two people left.

For this reason, in addition to being surprised by the combat effectiveness of the players in the southern region, the audience felt sorry for the players in the eastern region. If the last player is eliminated in the next second round, then the eastern region will be at the bottom this year. .

This is a situation that has never been seen in previous Beast Trainer League competitions.

Soon, under everyone's enthusiastic cheers, Yao Yucheng also returned to the southern preparation room.


"Just now the last wave was great."

"In this way, all three of me will advance to the second round!"

After seeing Yao Yucheng coming in, Situ Feng, Su Xiao and others became excited.

"Hey, it's a pity. If Zhishan also advances, then we will have won a big victory."

Although Yao Yucheng is very happy to be able to enter the second round, which has completed his goal, Yao Yucheng is not too excited, because it was a pity that Meng Zhishan lost before.

Originally, after seeing Meng Zhishan step down, Yao Yucheng wanted to go over and ask what was going on, but because his game was about to start, he needed some preparations, so he didn't have time to pass.

"So what happened yesterday?" Yao Yucheng quickly looked at Meng Zhishan and asked.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran told Yao Yucheng all about Meng Zhishan.


"I'm going! This guy named Yang Huan is too deceiving!"

"How could there be such a shameless person!"

After Yao Yucheng heard about Meng Zhishan, his expression was very angry.

"However, Brother Lin just said that he would go over and grab it. Is this safe?"

"After all, the Poison Shadow Knife is not a joke, its power is terrible, or should I call my father now and ask him to do it?" Yao Yucheng said worriedly. "

"Relax, I never do things that are uncertain." Lin Ran said with a smile.

"All right then." Yao Yucheng nodded slightly.

Originally, Yao Yucheng was a little worried, but after seeing Lin Ran so confident, he was relieved.

After all, Lin Ran's strength is really strong, and Murong Ling's ring really has a strong effect, as long as it is used well, it can definitely clean up that Yang Huan's.

The only thing to worry about is the Ten Thousand Clan, but Lin Ran has already helped the Ten Thousand Clan so much, and even thrown out an olive branch to Lin Ran, presumably it will not be difficult for Lin Ran.

"In that case, let's go find that Yang Huan now."

Seeing that Yao Yucheng had finished the match, Situ Feng couldn't wait, thinking about finding trouble with Yang Huan as soon as possible.

"Wait, let's finish watching this game." Lin Ran called out Situ Feng quickly.

Situ Feng was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked at the big screen.

At this time, the screen shows Yang Han, a player from the northern region, playing against a player from the central region.

"Do you want to see Yang Han's true strength?" Situ Feng looked at Lin Ran and asked.

"Yes, I always feel that this guy is not that simple, just to watch his game." Lin Ran nodded slightly.

"This guy is indeed a bit weird. Although the information is very ordinary, all signs show that this guy may be very unusual. Let's go to Yang Huan after reading it." Su Xiao nodded slightly, and looked at the big screen seriously. .

Meng Zhishan also agrees with Lin Ran. After all, if he is not sure about Yang Han’s true strength, there will be great hidden dangers for the next game. Meng Zhishan also doesn’t want them to help himself and cause subsequent losses in the game, so there is Need to watch this game.

"Then look at this Yang Han, what on earth is selling in the gourd."

Seeing that it was Yang Han's game, Situ Feng immediately went next to Yao Yucheng and looked at the big screen.

In this way, Lin Ran and others watched Yang Han's game seriously.


About an hour later, the faces of Lin Ran and others showed solemn expressions.

"This...this is incredible, the player in the central region actually lost to Yang Han?" Situ Feng said in surprise after seeing the result of the game.

"It's weird. It's obvious that Yang Han is inferior to that player in the central region regardless of his strength or the bloodline of the alien beast. He has a great disadvantage, but he was dragged down by Yang Han's rhythm and dragged to victory."

"Brother Lin, what do you think?" Su Xiao said with confusion.

"It seems that this Yang Han is really weird, especially his style of play. Even if Yang Han had the advantage at the beginning, he still flinched. He won with one blow until his opponent revealed obvious flaws."

"If it is written according to the information, then this Yang Han is absolutely impossible to do. Obviously, his strength should be very strong. As for why he narrowly wins, I think it may be deliberate."

"Think about it, if it's really bad, the players in the central region just now clearly defeated Yang Han in all aspects, why can't they win?"

"I think it is Yang Han who is pretending, maybe it has been pretending since the start of the Beast Tamer League competition, but I don't know what it is for." Lin Ran said solemnly.

"I agree with Brother Lin's point of view. The last moment Yang Han's alien beast broke out, it was extremely powerful, and it was far beyond the level that a Tier 9 alien beast should have, and it was cultivated quite powerfully." Yao Yucheng nodded. Nodded and said.

"So it seems that the four of you must pay attention to this Yang Han in the subsequent matches."

"Maybe his tactic is like this. It will continue to slowly consume your patience, and finally let the alien beast launch a powerful blow. It must be prevented." Meng Zhishan reminded hastily.

"Yeah, this Yang Han is too good at delaying tactics. If you encounter it, you must make a quick decision, and you must not delay it." Su Xiao said.

With the end of Yang Han's game, there was no need to focus on the next game, so Lin Ran and others decided to leave first.

It's just that before leaving, Lin Ran was still thinking about the game that Yang Han had just played in his mind.

A profile shows that a player who has just become an eight-star beast trainer hasn’t taken long, and he has a very ordinary alien beast. The strongest one is just a very ordinary ninth-order ice monster, named Ice Soul Snake. The only bright spot is that he has the blood of the ghost system and is very agile.

But abruptly defeated a 24 year old player in the central region who had been in the Eight-Star Beast Trainer for a long time?

The alien beast of the central area player was also much stronger than Yang Han, but it just couldn't win, which made Lin Ran very suspicious.

But it is a pity that only this information was exposed by Yang Han, even if Lin Ran wanted to go into it, he couldn't start.

In desperation, I can only give up first.

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