"No, something is going to happen, do we want to help."

Seeing a large group of people rushing towards Meng Zhishan, Su Xiao said hurriedly.

"Wait, those people are not high in cultivation. Most of them are five-star and six-star beast trainers. Meng Zhishan will be fine. You still have to wait for Yang Huan to be attracted out, so as not to stun the snake." Lin Ran shouted quickly. Su Xiao lived.

"That's right." Su Xiao nodded slightly before continuing to observe.

Lin Ran's eyes kept staring at the villa, waiting for Yang Huan to come out.

At this time, Meng Zhishan didn't panic when he saw this large group of people rushing.

"Why, this is how you treat guests?"

"Don't tell me that the Poison Shadow Knife lied to my father, is it possible that you still want to kill me?"

"Yang Huan, are you sure you can't come out and explain it?" Meng Zhishan sneered and said.

"Presumptuous! How dare you yell in Yang Mansion, today the captain will personally send you on the road!"

Suddenly a sturdy middle-aged uncle sprang out from the crowd, and a powerful celestial spirit burst out of his whole body, turning out to be an eight-star animal trainer.

It's just that although he is an eight-star beast trainer, he is still unable to realize a complete astral power armor, but a layer of astral power armor emerged on his right arm, and then he blasted towards Meng Zhishan with a punch. .

"Uncle, you deserve to be the security captain even with your cultivation level?"

"I think it's better to go home and farm, this is not for you!"

After Meng Zhishan finished speaking, a complete celestial armor appeared on his body, and with a light wave, he directly defeated the middle-aged uncle's punch.

"How is it possible!" The security captain was shocked and stopped immediately.

But unfortunately it was too late, Meng Zhishan directly punched the middle-aged uncle's face, blasted him out, and hit the wall fiercely.

Like the previous old man, the nose and mouth were bleeding constantly, but because the middle-aged uncle was not weak in cultivation, he didn't suffer too much injury, but he didn't dare to take it easily.

"Damn it! I didn't expect this female player in the southern region to be so capable."

"Brothers, I also summoned all the strange beasts and swallowed her alive!"

The security captain also paid attention to the game just now. From the game, he saw Meng Zhishan was easily defeated by the players in the western region. In addition, due to the changes in the rules of the finals, the players only controlled the alien beasts and did not launch the Protoss. The strength armor fought, so I thought she was not that strong, so I thought of teaching her.

But never thought that Meng Zhishan was so powerful, and the manifestation star's spiritual power was so powerful, which surprised the security captain.

Following the order of the security captain, a large group of strong young men behind him all summoned strange beasts, and various wealthy wolves and leopards rushed towards Meng Zhishan madly.

"Huh! Really think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing so many strange beasts, Meng Zhishan didn't intend to hide his strength anymore, and was ready to immediately summon the colorful sacred poison butterfly.

These strange beasts are not very strong, most of them are some seventh and eighth pedigree strange beasts, but the victory is in a large number, so Meng Zhishan does not want to drag it down, and directly prepares to summon the colorful holy poison butterfly. Once poisoned, these strange beasts immediately lose their combat effectiveness.

But at this moment, a young man in his twenties walked out of the house.

"What are you doing, who allows you to deal with this young man's distinguished guest?"

"Retreat to me!" the young man immediately scolded.

"But she..." The security captain stood up and pointed to Meng Zhishan.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" The young man glared at the security brigade, an angry expression appeared on his face.

"Sorry son, let's retreat now."

After being glared at, the security captain was suddenly shocked, and quickly left with his brother.

The reason why the young man wants to do this is entirely because the noise caused is really too big. If this goes on, he will definitely attract the army patrolling the city. At that time, so many people in their Yang Mansion will attack a girl. It is bound to cause a lot of trouble.

Maybe it will alarm the tens of thousands of people. If this happens, big things will be bad, so in any case, you can't make things happen.

"This is Sister Meng. I haven't seen her for many years, and she looks better." The young man smiled at Meng Zhishan and said.

"Who is your sister, quickly let your father return the Venom Knife, otherwise today is not over!" Meng Zhishan was also a little surprised after seeing this young man.

Because he is Yang Huan's son, Yang Zhang, who is very powerful. He has reached the eight-star peak cultivation base at the age of 26 this year. It is said that he can become a nine-star beast trainer before he is thirty.

If it wasn't for Yang Huan to do such a despicable thing, Meng Zhishan would actually admire him a little, and he would often hear his father talk about it.

When Meng Zhishan came yesterday, he didn't see Yang Zhang. I heard that he went to hunt for treasure in the cracks of time and space, but he didn't expect to come back today. This is a bit tricky.

Lin Ran and Su Xiao, who silently watched the battle, frowned at this time.

"This guy seems to have a very high cultivation base, obviously not at the same level as those bodyguards, and should be infinitely close to the Jiuxing cultivation base." Su Xiao said solemnly.

"It seems that the plan has changed a bit. I didn't expect a Cheng Yaojin to be killed halfway." Lin Ran raised his brow slightly and said, "I guess this guy should be Yang Huan's son. The current accurate cultivation base should be at Eight Star. peak."

"But it's not hurtful, judging from his attitude towards Zhishan, he shouldn't make a move easily."

"We are waiting." Lin Ran said quickly.

"Yeah." Su Xiao nodded slightly.

Then the two continued to pay attention to the front.


"Sister Meng wants to get the Poison Shadow Knife back?"

Yang Zhang smiled slightly and said: "This is easy to tell, there is no need to make this happen, why don't you invite Sister Meng into the house and have a good chat?"

"There is nothing to talk about. I have already said everything I want to talk about yesterday, so quickly hand over the Venom Knife."

Meng Zhishan ignored Yang Zhang at all and said directly.

"Sister Meng, this Poison Shadow Knife is a treasure. It must be placed in a very safe place. Even if it takes time, it will take time to get it. It's better to come in and sit instead of waiting." Yang Zhang said kindly to Meng Zhishan.

"Yang Zhang, put away your hypocritical expression, don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to take out the Poison Shadow Knife. If you don't have one, don't blame me for doing it."

If Meng Zhishan came alone, she would probably choose to leave at this moment, but now she has friends beside her, especially Lin Ran watching from the side, even if Yang Zhang wants to make a ghost, don't be afraid.

So Meng Zhishan strode directly into the hall.

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