Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 841: Ice Soul Wind Serpent

But the sudden increase of the Ice Soul Wind Serpent was not only that, Yang Han immediately launched the five kinds of alien beasts to increase the BUFF and violent.

With the increase of these external forces, the Ice Soul Wind Serpent at this time already had the power to surpass the sword-wing angel beast.

After seeing the golden sword energy formed by the holy sword slash, a blue light wave was immediately ejected from the mouth and collided with it.

Then the Ice Soul Wind Serpent emitted a large amount of green light, and its speed increased tremendously in an instant. With a move, it came directly to the side of the sword-wing angel beast, and lashed it fiercely with its huge snake tail.


"No, the sword-wing angel beast dodges quickly!"

Situ Feng never expected that Yang Han’s Ice Soul Wind Snake would suddenly burst out with such a powerful force, and he was very confused about why it emits green light, but Situ Feng didn’t care much about it, so he just let him The sword-wing angel beast dodges.

But unfortunately, the speed of the Ice Soul Wind Serpent was really too fast. The sword-wing angel beast had just finished the release of the holy sword slash, and had no time to escape, and was directly blown away by the snake tail.

But fortunately, the sword-wing angel beast has extremely rare steel attributes, and its defense power far exceeds most other beasts. This snake tail whip is not enough to cause the sword-wing angel beast to suffer severe damage.

It was just that he was injured, his body was covered with a golden alien beast armor, and a trace of cracks appeared.

Situ Feng's face became heavier when he saw this scene suddenly happening in front of him.

"No, this guy Yang Han has been hiding his strength as expected, and his ice soul snake is also very weird. The green that broke out just now is obviously wind attribute energy, and ordinary ice soul snakes don't have wind attributes at all. "

"Not only people always hide their strength, but even strange beasts have always been hidden. This Yang Han is too terrifying."

The attack that the Sword Wing Angel Beast could explode just now was the strongest so far, but it was easily broken by the Ice Soul Wind Serpent, but the Sword Wing Angel Beast was injured.

For this reason, it is impossible for Situ Feng to think about a quick fight.

"In that case, it's my turn to use procrastination tactics."

As soon as Situ Feng's eyes lit up, he immediately let the sword-wing angel beast fly into the sky, and at the same time he lifted the lightsaber in his hand, and the light energy armor began to absorb the light attribute energy to increase his strength.

This is also the only chance that Situ Feng wants to win. As long as it can be successfully delayed, the sword-wing angel beast's strength will be greatly enhanced because of the light energy armor. In this way, there will be a spirit of peace. The ability of the wind snake to fight.

The scene that happened just now also shocked the audience present.

Some spectators who originally thought Situ Feng would win, all looked at the battlefield with incredible expressions.

"I'll go! It's impossible, how could Yang Han's Ice Soul Snake explode with such a powerful force, it suddenly blasted the sword-winged angel beast in that state!"

"Could it be that Yang Han's previous games were actually hiding his strength?"

"It should be like this. It seems that this Yang Han is also a dark horse player. The power that the Ice Soul Wind Serpent has exploded just now completely crushes the sword-wing angel beast. I see Situ Fengxuan in this game."

"The players in the northern region are really as strong as ever. Yang Han should be the strongest player in addition to the strongest players in the northern region."

Although the audience present were surprised at Situ Feng's instantaneous disadvantage, they were more excited, because it was the most exciting to see the birth of the dark horse player.

Of course, some of the spectators present came from the northern region. They had seen the process of Yang Han's previous games, and they were as mediocre as before, and they all used delaying tactics.

But at this time, after seeing Yang Han showing his true strength, in addition to shock, each face was more excited, because this means that they are more likely to win the championship in the northern region. Can't help but cheer.

At this time, in the preparation room in the northern area, everyone's expressions were also quite strange.

"Let me go! Brother Shangguan, what's the situation with Yang Han? How do I feel that his strength has instantly increased to several levels!"

"Is it possible to say that all his previous games were hiding his strength?"

Peng Yong said in shock after seeing Yang Han's current strength.

Before that, Peng Yong always thought that he was the strongest player in the northern region except Shangguanheng, but now that he saw Yang Han show his strength, he understood that this Yang Han is the guy who hides the deepest. .

Shang Guanheng did not immediately respond to Peng Yong, his face was solemn, and he kept staring at Yang Han on the screen.

"Hehe, this Yang Han really seems to have something, just because of the power that his alien beast burst out just now, I think no one of you will be his opponent except me." Shangguan Heng Weiwei Smiled and said.

Peng Yong and another player from the northern region nodded in agreement, but their faces were a little lost.

After all, I thought he was the weakest player, but now he is stronger than them, so he will naturally feel very uncomfortable.

"Big Brother Shangguan, now it seems that Yang Han's scheming is really deep. He is right by your side at every turn. You have to be careful." Peng Yong whispered toward Shangguanheng.

"Be careful? Do I still need to be careful about him?"

"Hehe, the reason why he has been by my side is purely envious of my strength. Yang Han, this kid, I know his details too well. He has been as cautious as ever since he was a child and never does anything extraordinary. "

"Although I was a little surprised to show my true strength this time, it is not a good thing. After all, he is from the northern region of me, and his opponent happens to be the son of the arrogant city lord in the southern region. Taught him."

"By the way, did you notice that Yang Han's ice soul snake is weird just now?" Shangguan Heng raised his brow slightly and said.

"It's really weird. The green light from the body just now is the wind attribute energy fluctuation. It should be the wind demon coat, which can greatly increase the speed."

"It's just that I didn't understand why his Ice Soul Snake can master the wind attribute skills, is it possible that it has mutated?" Peng Yong said puzzled.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's actually not an ordinary Ice Soul Snake, but an Ice Soul Wind Snake, but it's still not certain. Let's continue to watch his next game." Shang Guanheng explained.

When they heard the name of the Ice Soul Wind Snake, Peng Yong and another player in the northern region were shocked, and immediately looked at the big screen.


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