Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 849: Refresh the cognitive view

"Lin, I don't care what your intentions are, but if you summon this dream-eating beast to come out, there will be no chance of winning."

"But don't worry, I will not kill your strange beasts, hahaha!"

The more Shang Guan Heng looked at Lin Ran's dream-eating beast, he found it ridiculous and couldn't help but ridicule.

"Stop talking nonsense, okay?"

"If you have the ability, hurry up, don't be jumbled."

Lin Ran looked cold, and said to Shangguanheng.

"Hmph, I'm not ashamed, today I will defeat you, the so-called strongest player!"

"Ice Crystal Beast, launch the Ice Shadow Ghost!"


As soon as Shangguanheng's voice fell, a vertical eye suddenly appeared on the surface of the originally bare icicle.

Then this vertical eye emitted a lot of white light, and creatures formed from ice cubes began to form continuously.

The shapes of these ice creatures are all different, the rich wolf tiger and leopard have everything, and even many of them are humanoid, very rich.

"Come here! This is the trick of the strongest ice monster in our northern region!"

"Ice Shadow Ghost!"

"These ice creatures are not only extremely powerful, but they also have the characteristics of immortality. As long as the ice crystal beast itself is not defeated, these ice creatures will always exist, even if it is consumed, they can consume the enemy to death!"

When the ice crystal beast began to cast the ice shadow ghost, the audience in the northern part of the scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

And some viewers who didn't know what the ice crystal beast were, were equally shocked at this time.

If they did what they said, then Lin Ran’s dream-eater would have no chance of winning at all. This would mean that the ice crystal beast itself did not launch an attack. These ice creatures alone would be enough to severely damage the dream-eater. .

"This is the so-called Ice Shadow Ghost, really interesting."

Although these ice creatures do not belong to alien beasts, and the pet appraisal device in Lin Ran's mind does not take effect on them, Lin Ran can also feel their cultivation base kindly, each of them is at least Tier 8 cultivation base, and even has Some of the stronger ones still have the strength of Tier Nine.

It’s just that these ice creatures are not alien beasts after all, they are just summoned objects, so they don’t have wisdom and only fight instinctively. If Shangguanheng doesn’t control well, they will even be very dull. This is the ice shadow ghost. The biggest flaw.

It's just that these are completely irrelevant to Lin Ran's Purgatory Dream Eater, no matter how they attack or bite, they won't cause any harm to the Purgatory Dream Eater.

"Hehe, are you scared?"

"Don't worry, I said I won't kill your strange beasts, so I will definitely do it."

"It's just that you have to endure a bit of suffering, lest you don't remember the lesson!"

"Hmph! Attack me fiercely against that strange beast, just leave me a breath!"

Shangguanheng pointed to the dream-eating beast with a drowsy expression in front, and said.

After receiving the owner's instruction, the white light of the ice crystal beast's vertical eyes immediately turned purple, and then the eyes of these ice creatures suddenly turned red, and then they rushed towards the purgatory dream-eater.

"Sambo, you haven't come out to move your muscles and bones in this period of time, you should be suffocated."

"You can have a good fight today. Have you seen the icy pillar stuck in front of you?"

"I only have one sentence, beat him severely, but remember not to break it, so that it will be dead, just leave a breath." Lin Ran touched the head of the Purgatory Dream Eater, pointing Said the ice crystal beast ahead.


The Purgatory Dream Eater roared in excitement, a faint cyan light inadvertently radiated from its body, and its expression changed from drowsy to an extremely excited state.


As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, the purgatory dream-eater beside him immediately disappeared, and then immediately appeared in front of the ice crystal beast, preparing to strike it with a punch.

"Yo! I didn't expect it, your dream-eater is really fast."

"However, do you think that the body of my ice crystal beast can be tainted by your garbage beast?"

"court death!"

Shangguan Heng snorted coldly, and with a light wave of his right hand, a large number of ice creatures immediately disintegrated, and immediately turned into a huge ice wall blocking the purgatory dream-eater.

boom! ——

The punch of the Purgatory Dream Eater was very powerful, and it smashed the ice wall in an instant, but the smashed ice wall was not scattered on the ground, but quickly condensed again, forming a figure three The rice-sized bear-shaped creature blasted at the Purgatory Dream Eater.

Although the Purgatory Dream Eater had paid attention to this scene and was fully capable of avoiding it, it did not dodge at all, letting it bombard itself with this punch.

"A strange beast of this level is not only trash in strength, but also low in intelligence."

"Do you really think I am an ice sculpture?"

"This punch is enough to defeat you! Hahaha!"

boom! ——

The bear-shaped ice creature, its huge fist slammed into the head of the Purgatory Dream Eater, causing a strong energy wave.

"Referee, you can declare victory, I don't want to kill."

After seeing the successful hit of the Purgatory Dream Eater, Shang Guanheng sneered, without even going to see the result, turned his back and said to the referee on the side.

"Please take this player seriously and really play, don't talk nonsense, otherwise you will be disqualified from the competition!"

A referee wearing a gray baseball cap sternly shouted at Shangguanheng.

"What's the matter with you referee, see for yourself whether this is over..."

Shangguanheng thought that the referee had deliberately embarrassed him, so he angrily pointed at the Purgatory Dream Eater and said, but when he saw the Purgatory Dream Eater still standing there, he was speechless for a while.

Not only was Shang Guanheng's face shocked, but the audience was also silent at this time.

"I'm not mistaken, did that dream-eater withstand such a powerful punch, but nothing happened?"

"How is this possible? This Dream Eater is essentially an alien beast of the eighth-order bloodline. Even if it undergoes a mutation, it is barely a nine-order bloodline at most, but it can be easily resisted by the strength of the ice crystal beast. A blow?"

"This is incredible."

The audience in the audience had the same idea as Shang Guanheng. They all thought that the Purgatory Dream Eater did not evade that punch. It was already a sign of failure, but they didn't expect to carry it down abruptly, and There was no injury at all.

This simply refreshed the perception of their audiences.

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