Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 863: Perilous

"So where should I look for a place with strong wind attributes."

"Look at such a large Xinghai Forest. Even if it's just a western outskirts, I'm afraid I won't be able to walk for a few days or nights. Maybe I haven't found a place yet, so I ran into Yang Han."

"It's too embarrassing to not fight once you encounter it," Lin Ran vomited.

"Haha, so are you panicking?" Purple Phoenix Zulong smiled.

"Let's tell you, it's true. After all, Yang Han can be said to be better than me in all aspects. If you really happen to encounter it by chance, I am afraid that someone who is not careful will really lose."

"A little caution is the right choice."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was silent for a while, and said: "Don't worry, although you can't perceive the surging of the wind, and you haven't formally learned Qianyuan's wind control technique, you already have a lot of wind energy stored in your body. ."

"Once you encounter a place with strong wind attribute energy, the wind attribute energy in your body will be echoed, and then you can detect it yourself." Zihuang Zulong explained.

"I remember that Fenglinhaishan had many such places at the beginning, and I think the Xinghai Forest should be similar now, and you can also look for places where a large number of wind-attributed animals gather. Those places are probably just fine." Zi Huang Zulong added.

"If you say this, it's really easy to find."

Lin Ran heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words of Zihuang Zulong.

But at this moment, Lin Ran suddenly felt a strong wave of star spirit power close to him, and immediately frowned.

"Oh, it seems that a cute little guy has stuck to you, so please ask for your blessings, bye."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also sensed a powerful celestial spirit power, so he said with a look that the excitement is not too big of a problem.

"I didn't expect this Xinghai Great Forest to be really dangerous. It was just a western outskirts, and a Tier 9 alien beast appeared immediately."

"It seems that in the next three days, in addition to dealing with players who may come out to challenge you, you must also beware of these strange beasts that will attack humans at any time."

Lin Ran stood up immediately and looked around vigilantly.

Sure enough, just to the right of Lin Ran, a black leopard jumped out of the grass. His figure was very illusory, and it looked like a shadow. It was obvious that it should be a ghost. Attributes of strange beasts.

"It turned out to be a shadow panther."

"With this breath, at least it has reached the ninth rank. Fortunately, I have sensed it in advance. Otherwise, if I can't use any divine weapon, I will be attacked by it. It will definitely cause a major event."

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, he swiped his right hand and summoned his purgatory dream-eater.

In this extremely dangerous place, if you summon a large Liuying Magic Moon Dog or World Exterminating Thunder Tiger, it will definitely attract more powerful alien beasts.

Moreover, other players will be aware of their position, so it is the most wise choice to summon a small-sized monster like the Purgatory Dream Eater.

Roar! ——

After seeing Lin Ran summoning the Purgatory Dream Eater, the Shadow Panther immediately roared in anger, and immediately turned into a black shadow, ready to directly attack Lin Ran himself.

But how could the Purgatory Dream Eater allow it to harm its owner, before even receiving Lin Ran’s instructions, it immediately launched an absolute counterattack, and then predicted the location where the Shadow Panther might appear, and punched it. .

Seeing such a purgatory dream-eater with a fighting spirit, Lin Ran didn't stop it too much, letting it fight on its own.

It has to be said that this shadow panther is really fast, although its attack ability is not strong, it has the ability to escape into the darkness.

Once turned into a black shadow, it is really difficult to attack it, and this Xinghai Forest is where it has lived for many years, and it is naturally very familiar, so it can often take advantage of the terrain to constantly avoid the attacks of the purgatory dream-eater.

But Lin Ran was not very anxious. At the same time, he gave the Purgatory Dream Eater an order not to make a dead hand. This made the Purgatory Dream Eater dare not let go of a full blow, otherwise a large-scale killing fist shadow wave would have been long ago. Send it on the road.

The reason why Lin Ran did this was entirely because he wanted to use this shadow panther. After all, he was able to cultivate to this level here. He must have survived for many, many years. He is very familiar with everything here, and he must know where. There are a lot of wind-attribute strange animal lives.

After the Purgatory Dream Eater completely subdued it, then threatened it with its life, so that it could smoothly find the place with strong wind attribute energy.

In this way, more than half an hour passed without knowing it.

The Purgatory Dream Eater was also full of fighting spirit from the beginning, but gradually became boring later, because this shadow panther is not his opponent at all, but if he uses his full strength, he can easily kill it.

So the Purgatory Dream Eater silently leaned under a big tree. Once it saw the shadow panther escape from the darkness, it would just throw a punch and would not give it a chance to harm Lin Ran.

At this time, the Shadow Panther was also shocked by the strength of the Purgatory Dream Eater. He originally thought that he could taste the delicacy of human flesh and blood, but now it seems that it is completely impossible to do, and there is also the Purgatory Dream Eater at any time. The risk of killing.

Being able to cultivate to such a level by itself in the wild, the spiritual wisdom is naturally far more than an ordinary beast, so the shadow black panther now has the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

After realizing that the shadow panther's attack frequency had slowed down, Lin Ran stopped dragging, and immediately let the Purgatory Dream Eater take action, preparing to subdue the shadow panther immediately.

Roar! ——

With a roar, two huge black paw prints suddenly appeared in front of Lin Ran, and they bombarded Lin Ran.

Lin Ran immediately showed the celestial spirit armor, circling the Seven Sacred Thunder Body, using the power of thunder to defeat these black claw marks.

As for the Purgatory Dream Eater, at the moment these black paw prints appeared, through a keen sense of smell, it found the exact location of the Shadow Panther and found that it was about to escape at this time.

These black paw prints are used to confuse Lin Burning, so the Purgatory Dream Eater immediately started to do it. As soon as it flashed, it appeared directly beside the shadow panther, punched it three times, and then Pinched its neck, making it impossible to escape.

"You guy is quite scheming. Realizing that there is no way to beat me, I want to run away?"

"Since all are here, do you think I would let you go so easily?"

"Got to leave something."

Lin Ran dissipated the Star Spirit Armor, and walked towards the Shadow Panther with an evil smile on his face.

At this time, the Shadow Panther was very frightened and was constantly struggling, but the purgatory dream-eater was too powerful, and it could not break free at all, and the fluctuation of the star spirit power emanating from Lin Ran’s body completely frightened it. The whole body was trembling constantly.


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