Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 887: Rush to the battlefield

"Ha ha!"

"Just relying on you three strange beasts, are you sure you can hurt me? It's ridiculous!"

After hearing their words, the ghost beast couldn't help laughing.

"I tell you that the human beings were as powerful as a hundred years ago, and the monsters they controlled were stronger than you, but did he do it?"

"It's not that I have been resurrected again and again. It's no exaggeration. There is no monster that can kill me in this world!"

"Hehe, you are not ashamed!"

"Today let you see our strength!"

Qingying Gale Dragon no longer continued to talk nonsense with it, and rushed forward first, and the Qinglei Xuanwu and Ice Flame Fire Phoenix also followed.

"Want to fight with me now?"

"Sorry, you are not qualified enough."

As soon as the ghost beast's voice fell, four extremely powerful red bats immediately appeared in front of the Blue Shadow Gale Dragon.

"My most faithful servants, skin these three strange beasts for me!"


The eyes of these four red bats immediately turned red, and the aura on their bodies became stronger and stronger, launching a series of crazy attacks on them.

The sudden appearance of these four strange beasts caught the Qingying Gale Dragon by surprise, and they had no choice but to entangle with them.

"The four red bats should be ghost blood bats. Judging from the aura now, I'm afraid it has reached the peak of Tier Nine, which is really scary."

"When this Nether Beast launched the tide of beasts a hundred years ago, there were more than a dozen Nether Blood Bats, and each one was the pinnacle of Tier Nine. Now there are only four left. I think It was killed a lot by the supreme Yun clan."

"In this case, it is already impossible to attack the Nether Beast with a foreign beast. It seems that we can only do it ourselves!"

After a brief exchange, Xiao Yinan, Wan Lao Patriarch, and Wan Qingfeng each erupted with an extremely powerful celestial spirit power, and divine artifacts appeared in their hands, rushing towards the ghost beast.

"Hehe, three such weak human beings are also worthy of being my opponents?"

"Never mind, let this king have a good time with you."

As soon as the Nether Beast's voice fell, the original purple kitten's body gradually became illusory, while at the same time, the demon shadow behind him became more and more obvious.

Roar! ~

Accompanied by a roar like a beast, a black tiger with a black body, three heads growing, and a pair of devil wings on its back, appeared in front of them with a terrifying aura.

Even the Blue Shadow Gale Dragon, a quasi-sacred beast, was obviously weaker in front of the Nether Beast in this state.

"It's too powerful. If the blue sea star allows the beast-level monster to appear, I'm afraid this ghost beast has already become the beast-level."

After seeing the true face of the Nether Beast, Xiao Yinan and others' faces were very solemn.

But there is no way. No matter how strong this Nether Beast is, the three of them must go. In order to protect Yaoguang City, even if they lose their lives, they must also repel this beast wave.

Then the three of them exploded with powerful ancient mysteries, madly attacking the ghost beast.

The Nether Beast was in a fighting stance, facing the attack of these three people, it was completely relaxed, and it didn't pay attention to it at all.

The violent beasts underneath were also fiercely fighting with the defending sergeant. For a time, a large number of the corpses of the beasts and human corpses were scattered outside the city of Yaoguang, blood flowing into rivers.


On the other side, in the western periphery of the Xinghai Forest.

Lin Ran also opened his eyes at this time.

"It's only recovered about 50%. Although it hasn't recovered completely, I think it should be about the same."

Lin Ran finished the cultivation of Divine Mind Technique and Guiyuan Jue, and temporarily put away the three strange beasts, preparing to rush to the frontline battlefield.

"Even if you don't restore the Star Spirit Power, I can easily kill this Nether Beast." The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said confidently.

"In other words, will you come out directly from my alien beast space, and then go to kill the ghost beast?"

"Doesn't this expose you, is there a safer way?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

After all, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon is Lin Ran’s biggest trump card. Today, almost everyone in Yaoguang City is fighting the beast tide at the front line. If the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon is exposed at this time, then everyone knows it. Lin Ran will be very troublesome.

"I know your concerns, don't worry, since you don't want me to come out, then I won't come out rashly. After all, I don't want to be exposed to everyone's sight prematurely." Zihuang Zulong hesitated slightly. Said.

"Well, I will temporarily attach my power to your body, and in a short time, control your body to get close to the ghost beast."

"As long as I get close to it, I will use the power of time and space to directly inhale the Nether Beast into a specific space, where I will show its body and directly kill it."

"What do you think of this approach?" Purple Phoenix Zulong said.

"Very good, just use this method. As long as the Nether Beast dies, the beast tide will immediately collapse, and then the crisis in Yaoguang City will be lifted."

"But you just said that you want to enter my body, will I feel weird during this process?" Lin Ran asked immediately.

"Hey! Don't worry, you won't feel a bit, it's just a brief loss of body control."

"Are you ready, I am coming!"

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon opened Lin Ran's alien animal space, got out of it, and looked at Lin Ran with a wicked smile.


"What's the matter with your expression? There is no conspiracy, right?" Lin Ran suddenly felt a cold behind his back and said.

"Oh, I really don't feel it, I won't lie to you, don't you want to experience the power of the Dragon God?" Zihuang Ancestral Dragon lay on Lin Ran's shoulder and said.

"Forget it, in order to kill the ghost beast, I can't care too much."

"come on!"

Lin Ran closed his eyes and shouted awe-inspiringly.

"Stupid boy."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon murmured silently, then turned into a purple-golden light and plunged directly into Lin Ran's eyebrows.

Lin Ran, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes immediately, but at this time, Lin Ran's pupils were not like normal human beings. They had transformed into the pupils of Dragon Race alien beasts, very strange.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran lightly swiped his right hand, tearing a gap in time and space, and walked directly in.


When he came out of the crack in time and space again, Lin Ran had already arrived in the sky outside Yaoguang City.

At this time, a large number of city guards, treasure hunters, and other beast trainers were struggling to resist the tide of beasts. Even Lin Ran saw Su Xiao, Meng Zhishan and others, making him very surprised, especially seeing They all had scars of varying degrees, and they immediately became worried.

It's just that Lin Ran's body was controlled by the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon. Although he was worried, he didn't make any response.

The people below didn't even notice Lin Ran, and attacked the violent beasts wholeheartedly. Even Yang Han, who had just come out of the Xinghai Forest, immediately went into battle.

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