Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 904: Go to Yunzu

After Su Xiao, Situfeng, and Yao Yucheng left, only Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan were left at the door.

Since they were going to the western region, it was most convenient to follow Yunfeng and the others back together, so Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan were waiting at the door for Yunfeng and Yunna.

In this process, the players from the eastern and northern regions have also gradually emerged from the villas. Because the competition has ended, it is no longer a competition. At the same time, because of Lin Ran’s amazing strength, these contestants The players did not dare to look down at Lin Burn.

Before parting, they all hugged their fists at Lin Ran, saying goodbye very politely.

Even the northern players who had provoked Lin Ran and others have become particularly honest. Of course, Shang Guanheng still ignored Lin Ran, and didn't even dare to look at Lin Ran, so he got into the car.

"Why Yang Han didn't seem to go back together."

Meng Zhishan found out that Yang Han hadn't seen Yang Han among the players in the northern area, so he asked with some confusion.

After seeing this situation, Lin Ran smiled slightly and said, "Maybe Yang Han is also thinking about traveling, haha."

Of course, this is just what Lin Ran said casually. The reason why Yang Han didn't want to go back to the northern area can be understood. After all, he exposed the colorful cold frost decision. Once back to the northern area, it will be very troublesome, and he will definitely be taken by the Shangguan family. People caught it.

Rather than go back and be arrested, it would be better not to go back, this way is also free, anyway with his strength, not many people in this world can hurt him.

"Excuse me, Brother Lin, we are late, so you have to wait a long time."

Just when Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan were discussing the whereabouts of Yang Han, the two brothers and sisters Yunfeng and Yunna hurriedly ran out of the villa.

"Why are you two, the other three contestants in the western region?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"My Yun family has a special vehicle to take me back. The speed is faster than this and more spacious. Brother Lin can ride with me." Yunfeng explained quickly.

"So that's the case, don't you mind if I bring one more person?" Lin Ran said with a smile.

Yunfeng also noticed Meng Zhishan at once, and smiled and said, "It turns out that it is Miss Meng. Since it is Brother Lin's friend, it is my friend, so it's okay."

"Sister, you have to take care of Miss Meng along the way." Yun Feng winked at Yun Na.

"Oh! I understand, I understand." Yun Na suddenly realized that she nodded quickly.

In Yunfeng's view, the relationship between Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan must be extraordinary, otherwise they would not go together, so they must be taken care of.

"Then let's set off, the car has arrived, it's ahead."

After Yunfeng mobile phone received the information, he immediately took Lin Ran and the others and walked forward.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran saw a silver-white armored fighting vehicle with the symbols of the Yun clan engraved on both sides of the tank, which looked obviously higher than other armored fighting vehicles.

"Young Master, Miss."

An uncle who was about fifty years old got off the armored chariot and said respectfully to Yunfeng and Yunna.

"Uncle Jiang, these two are my friends and will return to the Yun Clan with me."

Yun Feng briefly introduced the middle-aged uncle.


After hearing Yun Feng's introduction, the middle-aged uncle also nodded slightly at Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan.

Although the middle-aged uncle's aura was very restrained, Lin Ran still sensed his powerful cultivation base. He must be a nine-star beast trainer. At the same time, he is driving an armored chariot. There is no doubt that he should be a treasure hunter.

Seeing that Lin Ran was looking at this middle-aged uncle, Yun Feng also immediately introduced:

"This is the deputy captain of our Yun Clan treasure hunting team. He is very strong. He is also a nine-star beast trainer. He escorted our brothers and sisters all the way. He has stayed in the city of Yaoguang all this time."

"Hello senior."

After Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan listened to Yunfeng's introduction, they politely clasped their fists at the middle-aged uncle.

"Okay, well, there is no need to be so polite, let's get in the car quickly."

Yun Feng couldn't wait to take Lin Ran's hand and got into the car. Meng Zhishan and Yun Na were also close behind.

Immediately afterwards, this silver-white armored combat vehicle started, sprinting all the way, and drove out of Yaoguang City quickly. No one stopped at all along the way. When I saw the cloud logo engraved on the vehicle, I understood it. .

Along the way, Yunfeng and Lin Ran talked happily, constantly inquiring about some cultivation matters, and at the same time carefully inquiring about the Seven Sage Thunder Body, Lin Randao did not hide it, and explained to Yunfeng. Some things about cultivating the Seventh Sage Thunder Body.

When I heard that the Seven Sages Thunder Body had to be constantly struck by lightning in the process of cultivating the Seven Sages, the brothers and sisters Yun Feng and Yunna were very shocked. Compared with their Yun Clan’s Holy Spirit Light Judgment, this Seven Sages Thunder Body was indeed somewhat It's too violent.

The Holy Spirit Light Judgment is very gentle, only when it first absorbs the light attribute energy, it will be painful, but after it lasts, it will be very comfortable.

For this reason, after seeing the powerful destructive power of the Seven Saints Thunder Body, Yun Feng felt that it was very reasonable, and at the same time, he admired the forest burning more and more. He was able to cultivate such a difficult ancient secret technique. At this point, it is absolutely possible for people to do it.

At least Yunfeng himself was totally unsure of being able to do like Lin Ran.

Meng Zhishan beside Lin Ran was shocked after hearing the process of cultivating the Seven Sage Thunder Body. He originally thought that when he broke through the nine-star beast trainer, there was hope that he could study it, but now it seems that it is obviously not. Possibly, just being struck by lightning would definitely not be able to bear it.

In fact, Lin Ran didn't tell them all about the process of cultivating the Seven Sage Thunder Body. He just mentioned that it would take a long time to withstand the bombardment of lightning, which would make the body tough and absorb the energy of thunder.

There was no mention of Lei Chi, let alone being bombarded by the power of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon Divine Beast-level Thunder. If you tell the truth about these things, I'm afraid it will scare these people on the spot.

Of course, Lin Ran's approach was extreme, he wanted to cultivate quickly and successfully. For other people who wanted to practice, it was indeed the method Lin Ran said to withstand the bombardment of lightning.

And in this conversation about the ancient secret arts, Lin Ran also understood some things about the Holy Spirit Light Judgment. In addition to the terrible sealing technique, there are also some other light attribute formations.

It's just that it takes time to prepare for these formations, so in a 1V1 confrontation, there is no time to prepare.

If Yunfeng draws the formation before the game, it will undoubtedly be more difficult for Lin Ran to defeat Yunfeng. This Holy Spirit Light Judgment is indeed a very tricky ancient secret technique.


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