Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 907: Yanglincheng

"Golden Light Bamboo Forest, in fact, in the 100,000-year-old Holy Spirit Continent, there is also such a peculiar place. If I am not mistaken, there should be a golden lake here, and all the light attribute energy is emitted from that lake. "

"These soils and bamboos have been irrigated by golden lake water for many years, and the light attribute energy absorbed has resulted in such a peculiar appearance, but because of this, many powerful light attribute animals have been born in this bamboo forest, including that The lord of the Holy Spirit continent area, the light and shadow six-winged beast."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon had been sleeping all the way, or was playing with Xuanguang Liehuofeng. After he noticed the golden light bamboo forest, he said with emotion.

"Oh? According to what you said, the golden lake did not disappear because of the collapse of the blue starfish area. Is it the same as the Flaming Mountain in our southern region, it has been safely retained?"

Lin Ran asked curiously after hearing the voice of Zihuang Zulong.

"It should be like this, otherwise this golden bamboo forest should no longer exist." Zihuang Zulong responded.

"When you said that, I would like to see the golden lake. It will not be exhausted for 100,000 years. There must be a lot of articles. Maybe like the Flame Mountain, there are some peculiar stone monuments around that can protect the golden lake."

Lin Ran immediately thought of the strange stone stele on the top of Huoyan Mountain.

"You really guessed it. The golden lake is called the Holy Spirit Lake. There is also a stone monument at the bottom of the lake. The reason why the lake is golden is precisely because of the power emanating from the stone monument."

"It should be possible to keep it from drying up for 100,000 years. It should also be because of the protective power that the stone tablet gave, but unfortunately, I don't know what the stone tablet is. Maybe only when I unlock all the memories, I can know it." Zi Huang Zulong explained.

"Forget it, it's okay if you don't know, just a little curious."

Knowing that the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon didn't know exactly what the power of the stele was, Lin Ran didn't have to ask any questions, and continued to look at the strange bamboo forest outside the window.

Like Lin Ran, Meng Zhishan on the side opened the window and seriously felt the atmosphere outside, also feeling relaxed and happy.

"If I can, I really want to stay here for a while. This feeling is really comfortable." Meng Zhishan closed his eyes and said comfortably.

"Haha, if you two like it, you can naturally stay for a few more days. I can also make the best of the landlord friendship and take the two to stroll around this golden bamboo forest."

"By the way, in the center of this golden bamboo forest, there is a peculiar golden lake. This golden lake not only tastes sweet, but also has healing power. For those who are frail and sick, or have dark diseases in their bodies, drink golden water for a long time. The lake can be cured."

"After the two leave, you can go to the golden lake to collect more and bring it back. Of course, you can't charge too much, or you will be driven away by the lake guard." Yunfeng smiled and said.

"If there is such an effect, then I must collect more."

Lin Ran's eyes lit up when he heard that the golden lake water still had this function.

Both my mother and grandfather were seriously injured. Even if they could be treated with the Protoss Vine Demon, it would certainly be difficult to recover to their original state. If they were to drink this golden lake water all year round, it might have an unexpected effect. .

For this reason, Lin Ran must collect more before leaving the western region, so that he can take it back to his mother and grandfather.

Moreover, Lin Ran was reminded by the Blood Demon Dragon King, saying that the Star Spirit Vine Demon had started to change in the past few days. I am afraid that it will not take long before he can wake up. By then, he will almost reach the nine stars. , If the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon wakes up, he will directly use the power of time and space to return to the southern region first.

If he didn't wake up, he would take the car all the way back, and he had to treat his mother and grandpa first.

"Brother Lin likes this golden lake so much? This is easy to handle. I have a lot of reserves in the Yun Clan. If Brother Lin wants to, he can naturally take a large part of it when he leaves, so that he will save Lin. Brother specially went to fetch water."

Seeing that Lin Ran was very concerned about the golden lake, Yun Feng said quickly.

Obviously, there may be some patients in Lin Ran's home, otherwise he would not care so much about this golden lake. Yun Feng didn't want to let go of the opportunity, and pleased Lin Ran.

"Then thank you Brother Yun, this golden lake is really important to me."

Lin Ran immediately pointed at Yunfeng, clasped his fists, and said.

"You are for your mother. I have heard that if the golden lake water is effective, it will be really great. If not, my father also knows a lot of famous doctors in Linhai City, and he can give it to you. Mother treats the disease." Meng Zhishan on the side whispered to Lin Ran.

"Hey, in fact, ordinary people really can't cure my mother's disease, but you can rest assured, I have my own way, rest assured." Lin Ran said to Meng Zhishan with a smile.

Meng Zhishan nodded slightly when he heard the words.

In this way, the silver-white armored combat vehicle was driving in the golden bamboo forest. Since this place cannot be destroyed, the speed of the vehicle slowed down when it entered the golden bamboo forest.

Along the way, many winged, light-attribute animals in the golden bamboo forest, like elves, also curiously flew towards the silver-white armored chariot, and even some bold ones flew directly into the windows.

"So cute, what kind of strange beast is this?" Meng Zhishan said excitedly.

"This is a peculiar kind of light-attributed beast in the golden light bamboo forest. It is called the light feather elves. They are not strong, and their bloodline is only about 7th. However, they are very cute in appearance, and they are very mini. They are the size of an adult. Big palms are very popular with girls." Yunfeng explained

"Yeah, yeah, I also like this Light Feather Elf very much. I have several of them at home."

Yunna stretched out her hand excitedly, exuding a hint of light attribute power, attracting a large group of light feather elves.

The originally boring ride in the car became more interesting because of these lovely light feather elves. Even the rough guy like Lin Ran is very interested in these light feather elves and has already begun to plan to leave. In the western region, he conquered a few and brought them back to his sister.

Unknowingly, this armored tank drove out of the golden bamboo forest. Then, a large area of ​​human-inhabited city was caught in the eyes of the forest, and the western area of ​​Yanglin City finally arrived!

Like other cities, this city of Yanglin also divides the outer city from the inner city. At this time, it is the outer city. As the most prosperous city in the western region, even the outer city is better than other cities. many.

However, the silver-white armored chariot did not stop in the outer city at all, and drove directly in the direction of the inner city. Some residents of the outer city who were walking outside saw the armored chariot engraved with the Yunzu logo. They retreated one after another, standing on both sides of the road, not daring to stop.

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