Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 910: the truth

"I don't know Elder Lin, what do you want to know about my Yun Clan Supreme?"

After seeing that Lin Ran successfully accepted the Yun Clan's elder order, it means that Lin Ran has become the Yun Clan's foreign guest elder, so the name naturally needs to be changed.

"Sovereign of the Yun Clan, it has been rumored for hundreds of years that he has not disappeared, but has been alive. This should be true?"

Since I came here to understand the truth, Lin Ran naturally wouldn't be oblivious, so he asked directly.

"This rumor is true. My Yun clan gave birth to an extremely talented clan member five hundred years ago. His name is Yuntian, which is the supreme Yun clan that is handed down in the world."

"After he came out of the Supreme Secret Realm, his cultivation level broke through the nine-star shackles and reached the real Supreme level, but unfortunately, because of the breakthrough, the celestial phenomena were changed. At the same time, the Yun Clan Supreme's body also noticed a trace. Something is wrong."

"Sure enough, it confirms a rumor of the blue sea star, that is, all human beings that reach the supreme level, as well as the beasts of the beast level, will be affected by the power of the blue sea star's heavenly path, and thus disappear between the heaven and the earth."

"For this reason, Yun Clan Supreme could not show his complete supreme cultivation base. When he discovered that the power of heaven had noticed him, he immediately forcibly sealed his cultivation base, suppressing the cultivation base to the nine-star peak."

"But although the cultivation base has been partially sealed, the matter of becoming the supreme is already fixed, so he has gained extremely long vitality, and is also the patriarch of our Yun clan for the longest time, and he has taken charge of the Yun clan for five hundred. for many years!"

"Of course, during these five hundred years, in order to avoid being noticed and causing unnecessary troubles, the Yunzu Supreme did not show his true colors, and frequently wandered the entire blue sea star. For this reason, the blue sea star always has See the rumors of the supreme Yun Clan."

"It's just that when I traveled in the southern region in the end, I encountered an accident and was killed by the hateful Murong old thief. If it were not for the Yun clan rules and could not initiate a war, I would have led the Yun clan to go. Annihilated their Murong family."

"But fortunately, their Murong family still suffered retribution, and now they are almost annihilated, and it can be regarded as revenge for the supreme Yun Clan."

Yun Han was very serious about Lin Ran, telling the affairs of the supreme Yun clan, but when he mentioned the death of the supreme Yun clan, his expression clearly began to feel sad.

"Sure enough, it is the influence of the power of heaven, but if you can survive for more than five hundred years, you will not find it, and you have done so many things. This Yun Clan supreme is really not easy."

After hearing Yun Han's words, Lin Ran said in admiration in his heart.

However, Lin Ran is particularly curious now, what exactly did this Yun Clan Supreme use to seal his own cultivation base, if it weren’t because of Murong Yan, I’m afraid that Yun Clan Supreme is still alive now, this sealing method must be very powerful. Otherwise, it is impossible to escape the power of heaven.

Moreover, Lin Ran is now a little curious about this Yun clan rules, but he can't take the initiative to initiate a war. It seems that this Yun clan is really going to live a life without controversy.

But fortunately, what Lin Ran has become is only a foreign guest elder, not a person with the surname Yun. For this reason, this family rule should have no effect on Lin Ran.

"I don't know if Patriarch Yun can tell me, what kind of means was used by the Yun Clan Supreme Senior?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"It is obviously impossible for ordinary sealing means to escape the detection of the power of the heavens. The Yun Clan Supreme uses the Holy Spirit Guangju that has been passed down by my Yun Clan for thousands of years!"

"The Yun Clan Supreme had cultivated the Holy Spirit Light Jue to great success at that time, and mastered an extremely powerful sealing technique called the Light Path Sealing Demon Array. Even the quasi-sacred beast-level strange beasts, once they were sealed, they did not escape. Possible."

"The Nether Beast that was a disaster to the world before was severely injured and sealed by the Light Path Sealing Array in the western part of the Xinghai Great Forest. Except for the Yun Clan Supreme, or holding the key of the Light Path Moon Emblem, no one can. Lift the seal."

"But it's a pity that after the demise of the Yun Clan Supreme, the power of the Light Path Sealing Array has also been weakened year by year. Finally, the demon found the Light Path Moon Emblem and released the Nether Beast that was a disaster for the world, but fortunately The impact was not great, and it was successfully killed."

"And the Yun Clan Supreme's method of sealing his own cultivation base is precisely using the Light Path Sealing Demon Array to forcibly seal part of the starry sky map in his mind and some of the star spiritual power acupoints on his body. This is the only way to suppress the cultivation base. At the peak of Nine Stars, perfectly evaded the power of heaven."

"Not only that, the two divine beast-level cultivation bases in the hands of the supreme Yun Clan have also been sealed by the Light Dao Sealing Demon Array, suppressing them at the quasi divine beast level."

"Later, after being besieged by the old thief Murong and Yunhe City Demon, the Yunzu Supreme was injured in a sneak attack, and he didn’t have time to cast spells to disarm the Light Path Sealing Array. The beast, in line with its remaining nine-star peak cultivation base, fought hard to resist."

"After all, the supreme is supreme after all, and the alien beast is also very powerful. At the beginning, this old thief Murong and those cannon fodder demon were unable to defeat the supreme Yun clan until the arrival of the head of the Black Demon Hall of Yunhe City in the southern region.

This Yunhe City Black Demon Temple Lord is the strongest demon in the southern region. The combination of demon energy and star spirit power has reached almost supreme status. Under their joint hands, the supreme of the Yun family can Retreat. "

"In the end, the Yun Clan Supreme was completely furious, and at all costs he broke through the Light Path Sealing Demon Array, and returned his cultivation to the supreme status. With the supreme's extremely terrifying cultivation, he easily defeated these demons. At the same time The head of the Black Demon Temple was seriously injured."

"But when the Yun Clan Supreme was about to kill the Murong thief, the celestial phenomena also began to change, and this led to the Murong thief fleeing, because he forcibly broke the Light Path Sealing Array, resulting in severe damage to his vitality and Influenced by the power of heaven, the Yun Clan Supreme is also unable to continue to use the Light Path Sealing Demon Array.

"Finally, under the influence of the power of heaven, it disappeared between heaven and earth."

"But before the Yun Clan Supreme was dying, he released his two quasi-sacred beasts that had been sealed and cultivated. Now I don’t know if they are still alive. If there are, they should still be in the southern area. , But the exact location is not known."

In a very sad tone, Yun Han elaborated for Lin Ran the truth of the demise of the supreme Yun clan.

Although Yun Feng had talked about this process before, it was not so clear, and Lin Ran also understood a key message, that is, the two supreme Yun Clan monsters may still be alive!

They are all following the breakthrough of the Yun Clan Supreme, and thus also have the cultivation base of the **** beast level, but they are suppressed by the light path seal demon formation, relying on the strength of the **** beast level, then it is very likely that they are still alive now. , And it's in the southern region!

However, Lin Ran still has a big doubt now, that is why Yunhan knew so clearly, could it be that he had witnessed it at the time?

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