Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 913: Suddenly invited

And Meng Zhishan also went downstairs at this time.

After Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan finished their breakfast, they chatted for a while in the hall.

It didn't take long for Yun Feng to come to this villa.

Led by Yunfeng, Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan got into a car and drove in the direction of Xingyuan Mine.

Along the way, Yunfeng also told Lin Ran about the specific location of the Xingyuan Mine. It was located in the northeast of the territory of the Yun family. It was originally a small mountain peak, but after being bombarded by lightning, the Xingyuan ore was exposed. , It was mined by the Yun Clan.

In order to be able to mine more conveniently, this small mountain peak was also completely leveled, leaving only a road leading to the underground, and the Xingyuan Mine was also underground.

There are also many houses specially built around it, and various ore-gathering tools are also here, and most of the workers who mine the star source ore are almost ordinary Yun surname people who have no star power.

In addition to working hard here, you can also get a very good salary. For them, it is a very good job.

And because this Xingyuan mine is very large, it is definitely not enough to belong to the Yun Clan. Therefore, the Yun Clan also hired a lot of residents from the outer city of Yanglin to work here for free, board and lodging, and there are also good ones. Salary, so it is also a job that ordinary residents in outer cities are looking forward to.

Soon, when the vehicle drove to the Xingyuan Mine, the workers who were still working hard saw the young master of the Yun clan coming, and they stopped their work and watched respectfully.

The main person in charge of this Xingyuan mine is a woman who seems to be in her thirties. At the same time, she is also the third elder of the Yun family, named Yunyue, the sister of the current patriarch of the Yun family.

"Auntie!" Yun Feng shouted excitedly after seeing Yun Yue.

"Feng'er, you are here."

After seeing Yun Feng, Yun Yue nodded with a smile, and then looked at Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan behind Yun Feng.

Yun Yue already knew the identity of Lin Ran. It was clear that they had a young foreign elder in the Yun Clan, and the girl behind him was his companion.

"Auntie, this is Lin Ran, the foreign guest elder of our Yun Clan."

Although Yunfeng knows that his aunt already knows Lin Ran’s identity, he still needs to introduce him. The purpose is to let the workers present know Lin Ran’s identity so that Lin Ran will not be blocked when he comes back in the future. .

As soon as Yun Feng said this, all the workers present looked at Lin Ran in shock, but the reason for the shock was not just because Lin Ran became the elder of the foreign guest of the Yun clan, but this Lin Ran, who was Tame. The champion of the Beastmaster League Contest!

Two days ago, they saw Lin Ran's extremely powerful strength on TV just now, and even the Young Master of the Yun Clan was defeated by him, but they didn't expect to come to the Yun Clan so quickly and become a foreigner elder.

"Yeah." Yun Yue nodded slightly.

"Aunt?" Lin Ran looked at Yunfeng curiously.

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce it, Brother Lin, this is my aunt Yunyue, who is the sister of the current patriarch of the Yun clan, and also the third elder of the Yun clan." Yun Feng hurriedly moved Lin Ran and introduced.

"It turned out to be the Three Elders."

After Lin Ran learned the identity of this woman, he was slightly startled, and immediately gave her a fist, and Meng Zhishan next to her also respectfully gave a fist.

In addition to being a bit shocked by her identity, Lin Ran is actually more of her cultivation level. Lin Ran can clearly perceive that Yunyue’s cultivation level is more than the two elders Yunhuang and Yunli yesterday. It can be said that this is only the case with the patriarch Yunhan.

Not only that, Lin Ran also perceives another attribute energy from her body, that is the poison attribute!

In other words, this Yunyue may not only be proficient in the Holy Spirit Light Judgment, but may also have some kind of powerful poison attribute ancient mystery, or he may carry a powerful poison attribute divine weapon.

Meng Zhishan on the side is also particularly sensitive to poison attribute elements, and she also perceives the powerful poison attribute energy in Yunyue's body, and it is stronger than his father's, so he is so respectful.

Yun Yue smiled slightly and said, "Elder Lin wants to enter the Star Source Mine now?"

"Yes, is it convenient now?" Lin Ran responded.

"Naturally it is convenient. Come with me."

Yun Yue nodded, and led Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan towards the Xingyuan Mine.

But after bringing Lin Ran here, Yun Feng also completed the task, and quickly went back to practice.


Following Yunyue all the way into the underground entrance, Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan successfully entered the star source mine, and instantly felt a strong wave of star spirit power.

The area of ​​this star source mine is very large, and there are indeed many star source stones in it. The walls, the ground and so on are all. The workers inside also use special instruments to mine the star source stones carefully. Dare to have a slight slack.

After seeing Yunyuelai people come in, they stopped their work and looked at them respectfully.

"A brief introduction. The man behind me is our new foreign guest elder Lin Ran from the Yun Clan. You must have seen him on TV. He is the champion of this Beast Trainer League. ."

Yun Yue smiled and introduced Lin Ran's identity to these workers.

Like the workers outside, they all had a shocked expression, and their eyes never left Lin Ran.

"Alright, let's all start working."

After a brief introduction, Yun Yue continued to lead Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan towards the inside of Xingyuan Mine.

Until I saw an open space that was relatively empty and the number of Star Source Stones was not as large as outside.

"Elder Lin should want to use the power of the Star Origin Stone to cultivate."

"So what do you think of this place?" Yun Yue said with a smile at Lin Ran.

"Great, this place is really good, thank you Elder Yunyue."

Lin Ran was also very satisfied with this place. While the star power was very strong, it was also very empty, and there was no need to worry about accidentally destroying the star source stone.

After that, Lin Ran immediately found a place and sat down cross-legged.

But when Lin Ran was about to let Meng Zhishan start practicing, Yun Yue suddenly looked at Meng Zhishan and said, "I wonder if you want to come with me?"


Meng Zhishan was shocked and said at a loss.

Lin Ran was also a little surprised when he heard that Yunyue suddenly wanted to invite Meng Zhishan, but after thinking about it carefully, this Meng Zhishan possessed a very powerful poisonous magical weapon. Perhaps it was for this reason that Yunyue was right. Meng Zhishan was curious.

Anyway, Lin Ran is still in the Yun Clan now, and I'm not afraid of what they do. It's better to let Meng Zhishan go with Yunyue, maybe there will be an unexpected surprise.


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