"Sure Shadow Thunder Prison!"

Lin Ran revolved the Seven Sage Thunder Body, obtained the skill of Destroying Thunder Tiger through spirit attachment, and activated the Shadowless Thunder Prison with a puppet in front of him.

Along with the roar of lightning, a cage formed by lightning appeared beside the puppet, and then the puppet was also bombarded by a large amount of lightning in the shadow of the Thunder Prison cage, and it was already black in a moment.

"Raging Thunder Curse!"

After seeing the formation of the Shadowless Thunder Prison, Lin Ran didn’t try to use the thunder attribute skill to kill the Thunder Tiger to bombard the Shadowless Thunder Prison and force it to explode. Instead, he wanted to try the ancient mystery of the Thunder attribute. Cannot use this combination skill.

boom! ~

The raging thunder curse formed a lightning like a golden dragon, which directly bombarded the lightning cage, directly causing the explosion of the Shadowless Thunder Prison. The puppets in the cage were originally extremely strong and could withstand the attacks of the ninth-order alien beasts. , But under the bombardment of this combination of skills, it was immediately broken.

"Sure enough! It seems that you can try alien beast skills with ancient secret techniques in the future."

After seeing the success of the test, Lin Ran couldn't help shouting in excitement.

"Yes, not bad. With your current strength, if you meet Yang Han, you can definitely defeat him easily." Zihuang Zulong lay on the sofa and praised.

After all the tests were completed, Lin Ran also released the spirit attachment and walked towards the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"Yang Han, I don't know where this guy is now. To be honest, I miss him a bit." Lin Ran said with a slight smile.

Lin Ran's journey along the way was basically smooth, and he didn't encounter any opponents. Only this Yang Han nearly defeated Lin Ran, so Lin Ran paid special attention to Yang Han.

"In the Beast Trainer League Competition, he performed such a powerful Colorful Frost Decision in front of the entire Blue Sea Star. I think he is either hiding in a remote place to practice, or he is invited by some big family to leave. "

"But one thing can be confirmed. This Yang Han should not be in the northern area for a while, haha!" Zihuang Zulong smiled.

"That's right, if Yang Han returns to the northern region, he will definitely be arrested by the Shangguan family, but since Yang Han dares to expose it like this, do you think he will have any other hidden players?" Lin Ran sat on the sofa thinking.

"Maybe, there is another smell in Yang Han that is familiar to me, but I don't know what's going on. I just can't remember it. Maybe there is a secret, but maybe it's just me."

"Then even if Yang Han doesn't have a hidden back hand, relying only on his current strength, I'm afraid that the Shangguan family can't help him at all. I don't think he will go back, he must have the same idea as you, that is to be afraid of trouble, haha !" Zihuang Zulong smiled.

"It seems that it is indeed like this. With Yang Han's strength, the Shangguan family members, unless the patriarch comes in person, the rest of them are afraid it will be impossible to defeat him."

"Forget it, don't want that much."

"I have one thing to ask you, do you know the ancient secret technique of Phantom Poison Record?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"Phantom Poison Record? What a familiar name!" Zihuang Zulong was taken aback for a moment, flipping through the information in his mind.

"Yes, I know what this Phantom Poison Record is. There was a woman in the ancient times who was extremely talented. If that terrible ancient war hadn't happened, I'm afraid that woman would have the ability to be promoted to supreme. But unfortunately, it finally fell."

"And this Phantom Poison Record was created by her. Although it is not as good as the Supreme Ancient Secret Art, it also slings most of the ordinary Ancient Secret Art. It can be murdered and invisible by storing poison attribute energy in the body."

"When the Poison Smashing Blade was forged, the Supreme Human Race originally wanted to give it to this woman, but the power of the Smashing Poison Blade was too terrifying, and the Phantom Poison Record can greatly enhance the power of the poisonous magical tool. , The two are combined. Once this woman has a wrong mind, the consequences will be disastrous."

"For this reason, the human supreme did not choose to give it to her, but now that I think about it, it is still too cautious. If the woman had obtained the smashing poison blade, she might be able to increase her strength greatly, and she would not die so miserably. Reading this memory in his mind, Zihuang Zulong said sadly.

"That's it, so that the Poison Blade and the Phantom Poison Record are a perfect match, so it seems that Meng Zhishan is really lucky to get the Phantom Poison Record." Lin Ran nodded suddenly.

"Oh? That girl got the Phantom Poison Record? I'll go, okay!"

"This Phantom Poison Record has been missing since the woman's death. How did she get it?" The Purple Phoenix Zulong suddenly became curious, and asked.

"It was obtained by Yun Yue, the third elder of the Yun clan, you should have not paid attention at the time. In addition to the powerful light attribute energy in that Yun Yue body, the poison attribute energy is also quite rich."

"It's just that because of the inability to compress the light attribute energy, these poison attribute energies cannot be stored. They are all stored in a poison attribute divine tool, so she can't practice Phantom Poison Record."

"And after seeing Meng Zhishan possessing the Poison Destruction Blade, I took a fancy to her, took him back to his apprentice, and gave her the Phantom Poison Record." Lin Ran explained.

"Wow! So the unrealized Wang Zhan combination may really be realized."

"But the prerequisite is that the Poison Slaying Blade needs to be completely repaired, and that Meng Zhishan also has talent, but any ancient secret technique that can store attribute energy is extremely difficult to cultivate."

"But if it can be achieved, Lin Ran, you will have one more powerful opponent in this world." Zihuang Zulong teased.

"I would rather give me a few opponents, haha!" Lin Ran smiled slightly.

In the process of chatting between Lin Ran and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, Lin Ran suddenly received a message from the Rose Flower Fairy in his mind.

"What! The Star Spirit Vine Demon is awake!"

After Lin Ran heard this message, he immediately stood up, and then immediately took out the time-space map of mountains and rivers.

"Wait for me, I will go too."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon had never seen a living Star Spirit Vine Demon in person, and was very curious at this time.

"Then go."

Lin Ran directly opened the time-space map of mountains and rivers in the battlefield and teleported in with the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

Because the battlefield where Lin Ran was located was specifically instructed by Yunfeng not to be disturbed by anyone, no one came here. Even if they heard the silence inside, they did not dare to disturb, thinking that Lin Ran was still inside .


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