And this red stone looks very similar to the demon blood essence, except that the shape is different, and the red stone is a bit transparent, and there is a logo similar to a skull inside.

There is no doubt that this is the key material of the demon-type advanced alien beast armor, called the ghost spirit stone.

"Although I promised that the patriarch of the Yun clan will only get the three treasures inside, but since they have encountered them, they don’t take them for nothing, and the big deal is to go out and buy them with money, or exchange those other things. I don’t think the Yun clan will save me so much Right."

Lin Ran didn't want to make a choice directly when he wasn't sure what kind of attribute Liuying Magic Moon Dog specializes, so all these four attributes were taken away.

"Since you have said so, I suggest that you also take away the fifth jade box on the tenth floor."

Seeing that Lin Ran was not limited to three hours, Zihuang Zulong kindly reminded him.

"Huh? Is it what I need?"

Lin Ran was taken aback for a moment, driven by curiosity, climbed up the ladder and carefully took down the fifth jade box on the tenth floor.

Lin Ran didn't hesitate, he opened the jade box directly. In contrast to the ghost spirit stone just now, when this jade box was opened, a sacred breath came to his face.

And this stone is transparent, but there is a golden ball of light inside, constantly emitting golden light with a sacred atmosphere.

"This is the material of the light-type advanced alien beast armor, the light-cleaning spirit stone!"

"I have the light beasts in my hand. It seems that there are only Xuanguang Liehuofeng and Xuanyan Golden Tortoise. When Xuanguang Liehuofeng's light type skills are not strong, and they have evolved through the blood of Blazing Huofeng, the fire attribute skills are very good. Strong, it's obviously inappropriate to use this pure light spiritual stone."

"And that basalt beetle is only an eighth-order bloodline. Although it wants to evolve toward basalt, it has not yet successfully evolved, and it is still completely impossible to determine its attributes after successful evolution." Lin Ran thought for a while and said.

"Take it just in case. Unfortunately, there are no water or soil types here, otherwise I will let you take them. After all, you don’t have much chance to enter the Yunzu treasure house. If you don’t take it away in one breath, you will definitely regret it in the future. Yes." Zihuang Zulong responded.

"That's true, it's not a loss to hold it, maybe it can still come in handy, but their Yun Clan is very sensitive to the light element, will they not let me take it away?"

Lin Ran remembered that the Yun Clan, whether it was the Holy Spirit Light Jue, and the strange beasts they used, were all of the light system, and he couldn't help but worry.

"So don't worry. The other key materials for the attributes are either not available, or there are only one or two. However, I feel that there are still three pieces on this small container, and one should be taken away by you. nothing."

"It's a big deal, you promised them to use the remaining three light-cleaning spirit stones to forge three sets of high-level alien beast armor for them. Anyway, except for the light-cleaning spirit stone, the rest of the materials are very simple." Zihuang Zulong said .

"You said this method is very good, just do it."

After all, the power of this advanced alien beast armor is far beyond that of the ordinary alien armor. As long as Lin Ran can use the pure light spirit stone to forge the light-type advanced alien beast armor for them, I am afraid that what he wants, they are all Unconditionally.

Therefore, Lin Ran has successfully obtained the key materials for the thunder, wind, demon, fire, light, and fighting systems, six advanced alien beasts, and can burn almost all the alien beasts. Put on a high-level alien beast armor.

"Basically, the key materials for the advanced alien beast armor are almost collected. Anyway, they have come in. No matter how good they are, the area in front where there are many scrolls and books, I think it should be the historical materials of the Yun family. "

After obtaining these key materials, Lin Ran can be regarded as completely relaxed and walked towards the Yun Clan History Scroll area.

Because the Yun Clan is an ancient family of 100,000 years, there are really many historical scrolls and books here. Even if they were lost or damaged before, there are still many. If Lin Ran reads one by one, I am afraid that one Can't finish the month.

"Huh? Although it looks messy here, it seems to be in order."

Lin Ran briefly glanced at all the scrolls and books here, and found that the bookcases on which they were placed were of different colors, and they were divided into three colors, namely brown, yellow and gold.

Lin Ran walked towards the brown bookcase and picked up a very dilapidated book on the far left of the first floor.


"This... what this book records is that the Yun Clan was under siege by the demon!"

"Could it be that all the historical materials of the Yun family have been lost since then. No wonder they don't even know that they are actually a hundred thousand-year-old ancient family." Lin Ran just flipped through it at random and guessed.

Afterwards, Lin Ran flipped through several other books on this brown bookcase and found that they were all things that happened after the demon siege incident.

At the same time, Lin Ran also roughly understood the process of that demon besieging the Yun Clan.

The specific timeline is 50,000 years ago. At that time, the city of Yanglin in the western region had not yet appeared. Just like the Purple Phoenix Zulong said, the Yun clan still lived in the golden bamboo forest, but later in the various black magic temples in the western region, I noticed that the Yun Clan has a long history, and the strong are constantly appearing.

In order to put an end to this hidden evil, the Black Demon Temple was combined and jointly launched a terrorist attack on the Yun Clan. Fortunately, the strength of the Demon was not so strong at the time, and there were many top experts in the Yun Clan. There is even the appearance of Supreme.

But after this battle, the Yun Clan supreme all showed their strength, which led to the power of heaven's detection. Therefore, the supreme all perished, and the remaining Yun Clan powers were almost destroyed. Fortunately, the Black Demon Palace was also completely defeated and scattered. Escaped.

At that time, when the demon invaded, all the young people and children of the Yun clan were hiding in the Yun clan’s treasure house with broken dragon stones, so they were not killed by the demon and retained the key of the Yun clan. Bloodline.

However, although the Yun Clan was not destroyed, the loss was really too great. In order to prevent the demon from attacking again, the Yun Clan moved to the current place.

Some of the previous history scrolls were lost when they were moved away, and some were weathered after leaving the protection of the Yun Clan’s treasure house because they were too old, and some were destroyed by the fleeing demons. .

When Lin Ran saw these materials, his face was also very solemn.

"It seems that the history of the devil is also very long. It appeared 50,000 years ago." Lin Ran said solemnly.

"When the demon actually appeared, it should have appeared after the end of the ancient war and the blue sea star divided into five new areas, probably after ten thousand years."

"The specific reason for the emergence is that the four super powerful beasts sealed on the blue sea star were loosened, which caused the leakage of the magical atmosphere, and was accidentally inhaled by some humans or alien beasts, resulting in the appearance of the demons and the magical beasts."

"It's just that the organization of the demon was not very clear at the beginning. The historical data of the Gu Yun clan speculates that I think the formation of the Black Demon Temple should have been around 50,000 years ago." Zihuang Zulong pondered for a moment and said.

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