Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 975: Practice completed

In addition to the ancient mysteries of the two ordinary demon systems, Lin Ran also took out another ancient mystery of the thunder system and two ancient mystics of the wind system.

Since he could not continue to master the attribute energy before breaking through the Supreme, Lin Ran must practice the three attribute energies of Thunder, Wind, and Demon. Before, Lin Ran had the main attack method besides the Supreme Ancient Secret Art. Raging thunder curse,

Although the power is already very powerful, the next enemy will only become stronger and stronger, which is definitely not enough. Therefore, we need to take advantage of this time to quickly master other things to enhance our own combat capabilities.

Among them, the ancient mystery technique of the thunder system, called Tian Lei Descending, can condense large tracts of thunder clouds in the air after it is activated, and continuously launch powerful thunder bombardments on the covered area.

And within the area covered by thunderclouds, Lin Ran’s thunder skills, or Lin Ran’s monster’s thunder skills, would be increased to a certain extent.

The other two ancient mysteries of the wind system, one was the violent wind blade, the previous trick used by Senior Liu Yunxuan, but at that time he could only use the wind attribute magical tool.

But Lin Ran is completely different. It can be released without relying on any wind attribute energy, and it is more powerful, belonging to a wide range of attack skills.

As for the other ancient mystery of the wind system, the wind scrolling cloud, it can form a tornado like a giant dragon, and its destructive power is quite amazing.

After learning these ancient mysteries, Lin Ran immediately began to experiment in this demon purgatory heritage.

After all the tests were completed, Lin Ran left the Demon Purgatory Heritage Site and never entered.

"It's finally over, this time is really exhausting."

Lin Ran leaned on the sofa and said tiredly.

"Although you are very tired, your gains are also great. Now you have mastered the three supreme ancient mysteries, and you also have quasi-sacred beast-level alien beasts. Unless you meet the lord of the Black Demon Temple, you should not Someone will be your opponent."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also came out with Lin Ran, lying on the sofa beside him, and said.

"Speaking of the Black Demon Temple, it seems that the Black Demon Temple has ceased during this period of time, and it seems that they haven't come out to do evil. The two demon men we ran into were just happened to be hit by us."

"I always have a feeling that they will have any big plans, otherwise it is impossible to stop like this, even if I kill two people, there is no reaction at all, it is a bit strange." Lin Ran heard the Black Demon Palace. , Said puzzledly.

"It's really weird, but it's completely unclear now. The ghosts know what they are going to do, but there is no doubt that there is no good thing."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon shook his head slightly, but he didn't know what the Black Demon Temple wanted to do.

The only big action was the beast wave they triggered in the city of Yaoguang, but the beast wave was triggered. The people in their Black Demon Temple really did not act, as if the action was cancelled midway, let Lin Ran also It was an accident.

"Forget it, no matter how they plan, now I mainly improve my strength, so that I can deal with all sudden situations."

"By the way, what happened to my water spirit beast?"

Now that his own cultivation has come to an end, Lin Ran also decided to look at his own water spirit beast to see what stage it has grown to now.

If it is well cultivated, Lin Ran decides to give it to his mother first. Although Lin Ran planned to use it by himself before, Lin Ran now has a lot of exotic animals and they are very strong, and he doesn't have much energy to cultivate. it.

And Lin Ran's mother has just recovered, and there is no other animal. This water spirit beast is very suitable. Once it grows up, it is completely capable of protecting her.

"The qualifications are very good. The store manager's stand-in did not quickly upgrade its level according to your instructions, but has been laying the foundation for it. At present, it is only about Tier 4 and has just gotten rid of the juvenile body." Responded.

"Not bad, even if you want to lay a solid foundation for it, if you rashly promote it to Tier 8 and Tier 9, although you will immediately gain strong combat power, it is not conducive to future development. Since it is for the mother, then The best."

"When we are about to leave the southern region, let's take a trip home, and bring back the water spirit beast and some other exotic beasts with good qualifications and high quality in the shop."

Although Divine Mind Technique and Gui Yuan Jue could greatly improve the cultivation base of Lin Ran’s family, the cultivation base has been improved, and the strength of the alien beast must also be improved simultaneously. Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Ran to treat his family wrongly, so he must be prepared. Some powerful monsters.

Especially Lin Ran's younger sister, Lin Shanshan, currently only has a red-trained Firefox. For now, it is enough, but it won't work in the future. Therefore, Lin Ran still needs to prepare for the powerful ninth-order pedigree monster.

The way to quickly get the ninth-order pedigree alien beast, in addition to buying, is the incubator of the shop.

Not so, before Lin Ran had obtained a Tier 9 dragon clan alien animal egg from the treasure house of ten thousand clan, he also ordered the store manager to place it in the incubator as a substitute.

After counting the time, it may also be hatched, and then this strange animal can be given to Lin Shanshan.

As for the follow-up cultivation of alien animals, Lin Ran has also ordered the store manager to be a substitute, that is, if his family comes to the store, they must unconditionally give priority to cultivation, but they must be professionally cultivated without charging any fees.

Lin Ran actually told his family about this a long time ago. Lin Shanshan and Wang Shiyun also come to the Linran store from time to time, but they can't enter the store above the third floor, so they don't know why they can cultivate such a powerful Alien.

But Lin Ran had a lot of secrets, and they were not surprised, anyway, the strange beasts they cultivated were really powerful, and there would be no problems.

"no problem."

Zihuang Zulong nodded slightly.

At this moment, Lin Ran's phone rang suddenly, and it turned out to be a call from Meng Zhishan.

"Hi, how are you doing these days." Lin Ran answered the phone and said with a smile.

"I'm almost done practicing. Master told me that the next step is to look at myself. I plan to go back to Linhai City." Meng Zhishan on the other end of the phone responded.

"I have been away from home for so long, and I really should go back."

"But what should you call specifically for?"

Lin Ran is also very clear about Meng Zhishan's personality. If it's okay, it should be impossible to call specifically. Apart from telling him that he has returned, there must be other things.

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