"Well, I also know, it's just that the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly hasn't sent me a signal for a long time, so I'm a little worried."

Naturally, Meng Zhishan understood this, but he was a little flustered when he had not received the message from the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly.

"Don't worry, it should be that it is currently focused on the end, and nothing will happen."

Lin Ran carefully observed the purple light cocoon, and found that there were indeed fluctuations in the energy of the stars inside, so he concluded that the colorful holy poison butterfly must be fine.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ran finished speaking, the purple light cocoon in mid-air began to split immediately.

boom! ~

With a loud noise, the purple light cocoon in midair shattered immediately, and the colorful sacred poison butterfly flew out from it. The poisonous gall that had been completely absorbed was also turned into rubble and fell on the ground.


The moment Meng Zhishan saw the colorful holy poison butterfly flying out, she shouted excitedly.

Looking at the colorful sacred poison butterfly in mid-air at this time, Meng Zhishan can clearly perceive the increase in its strength. The poison attribute energy on her body is really very powerful, and her body size has also become a little bigger. A pair of colorful butterfly wings on the back, It is also more than double the size, exuding dazzling colorful light.

"Not bad, such a powerful aura, basically among the ninth-order alien beasts, you can walk sideways."

Looking at the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly, Lin Ran also nodded appreciatively.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if Lin Ran does not use the Seven-Star Golden Thunder Tiger or Xuanguang Liefeng, the Tier 9 alien beast in his current hands may not be able to defeat it.

Of course, this refers to the situation of competition, if it is the kind of life and death duel, if Lin Ran fully activates the advanced alien beast armor ability, and the alien beast madness, then it can be defeated.

The colorful sacred poison butterfly flew to Meng Zhishan's side happily, expressing his excitement.

"Well, after you reach the peak of Tier Nine, you will be swallowed by the monster crystals of the evil dragon and the poisonous dragon and python. Then, you will basically be promoted to the quasi-sacred beast level 100%." ​​Meng Zhishan stroked the colorful sacred poison butterfly. Said with a smile.

At this moment, Lin Ran unknowingly walked aside, looking at Qing Linghai, as if thinking about something.

Meng Zhishan also noticed Lin Ran's magic, and asked solemnly: "If I didn't guess wrong, you want to enter the depths of the Qingling Sea."

"Yes, although it's dangerous in there, I have to go there." Lin Ran nodded slightly and responded.

"Can you tell me why?" Meng Zhishan asked, walking towards Lin Ran.

According to Lin Ran's personality, if it wasn't for something important in the depths of Qinglinghai, otherwise he would never take such a big risk.

"You should have heard of the rumor of a mysterious site in the depths of the Qingling Sea. If I tell you that the mysterious site actually exists, not a rumor, do you believe it?"

Lin Ran turned to look at Meng Zhishan, and said.

When Meng Zhishan heard the words, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she said in shock: "Is it true? This is impossible!"

"Even if it is true, there is indeed a very powerful alien beast living in the depths of the Qingling Sea, and it should be even more powerful than the evil dragon python."

"Besides, there is the sea, and the alien beasts that don't have the ability to fly can't fight at all."

"I know all of this, but I can tell you clearly that there is indeed a ruin in the depths of the Qingling Sea, and the things inside are very important to me."

"No matter how powerful alien beasts I have to face, I have to go."

"But you can rest assured, you also know my strength. Even if I can't defeat it, I have the ability to escape. For this I must go!"

Lin Ran said in a firm tone.

"This is what I want to go, and the depths of the Qingling Sea are indeed very dangerous. You have successfully obtained what you want. Call the passenger ship quickly. I am going to wait for the Thunder and Demon attributes to recover, and then leave immediately. ."

Going to the depths of the Qingling Sea was indeed very dangerous. Lin Ran had planned to go alone, so he decided to let Meng Zhishan return to Linhai City first.

"No! I'll go with you!"

Meng Zhishan's original plan was indeed to leave immediately after getting the things on the island, but this time without Lin Ran's help, he would not be able to get these things at all, and the colorful sacred poison butterfly would not become stronger.

In addition, Meng Zhishan had previously received Lin Ran's spiritual thoughts, so regardless of gratitude or other reasons, Meng Zhishan would accompany Lin Ran this trip, even if it was going to the depths of the Qingling Sea, Meng Zhishan was not afraid.

"No, the depths of Qinglinghai are not a joke. If you are not careful, you and I will die there. I can't let you take such a big risk."

"Besides, I promised your father that he will never let you have an accident."

Lin Ran was also taken aback when he heard that Meng Zhishan was going to go, but he quickly rejected her.

"You have helped me so much, and now it's reasonable for me to help you. Besides, my current strength is not weak anymore. Is it possible that you dislike me and will hold you back?"

Meng Zhishan was also determined to go to the depths of the Qingling Sea, and said directly at this time.


After hearing Meng Zhishan's words, Lin Ran didn't know what to say for a while.

For so long, Lin Ran has always been alone, and he would not let his friends go to any dangerous place, and this time he went to such a dangerous place, even Lin Ran was not absolutely sure. .

But with Meng Zhishan's resolute attitude, Lin Ran really didn't know how to refuse.

"Take her. The current strength of that colorful sacred poison butterfly is already very good. If you fight on the sea, it will give a lot of help, and two people are indeed safer than one, and take care of each other. a little."

When Lin Ran was tangled, the voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon rang in Lin Ran's mind.

"It's no problem to bring her, but I am worried about her safety." Lin Ran responded.

"Don't worry, I said that when you are in danger, I will help, naturally including her." Zihuang Zulong said.

"This is what you said, so I can rest assured."

Lin Ran also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that Zihuang Zulong could guarantee Meng Zhishan's safety.

"Well, let's go together! Go and see what is sacred in the depths of the Qingling Sea!"

After thinking about it, Lin Ran said to Meng Zhishan.

"Yeah!" Meng Zhishan nodded firmly.

"Continue to take the passenger ship to the depths of the Qingling Sea, it is too dangerous, it is easy to be overturned by the alien beast, so we must fly over by the alien beast."

"My Xuan Guanglie Fire Phoenix is ​​the best choice!"

Lin Ran looked at the direction of the depths of Qinglinghai, and said to Meng Zhishan.


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