At the same time, Lin Ran's body immediately showed a physical golden star spiritual power armor.

Meng Zhishan saw this scene happening in front of him, and he quickly got the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly ready to fight, and a purple Star Spirit armor appeared on his body.

Huh! ~

At this moment, two figures jumped out of the sea immediately.

This is the water spirit beast that Lin Ran has seen before, but the breath of this water spirit beast is far greater than that of Lin Ran’s, and it is not a child, it is the size of an adult female, and obviously has at least a ninth rank. Superior strength.

The other was a strange animal with a fish head and a human body. It also held a pitch-black steel fork in his hand. Its aura was also extremely powerful. They all took the flying fish with wings and flew directly into the air.

"If I remember correctly, the alien beast with the fish head human body should be the Deep Sea Yasha of the ninth-order bloodline, a humanoid alien beast, and the other is a water spirit beast, both a very powerful alien beast. And here is still the sea, which can greatly enhance their strength."

"We have to be careful."

After confirming the strange beast that appeared in front of him, Lin Ran quickly said to Meng Zhishan: "This water spirit is ** to me, you are responsible for this deep sea yaksha, is there a problem?"

"Don't worry, since I'm here with you, I'm here to help you, so naturally I won't be dragging you down. In the mere deep sea Yaksha, I still have absolute certainty that I can defeat it." Meng Zhishan nodded confidently.

If such a powerful alien beast appeared before, Meng Zhishan would definitely be invincible, but now it’s different. Her colorful sacred poison butterfly has already transformed. Now as long as there is no quasi-sacred animal-level alien beast, then For the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly, none of them pose a threat.

"Okay! Let's do it!"

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, he immediately floated in the air, driving Xuanguang Liehuofeng towards the water spirit beast.

Although the water spirit beast suppressed Xuanguanglie Huofeng in terms of attributes, the gap between the two strengths was too great. Xuanguangliehuofeng was a quasi-sacred beast, and it also had the blessing of a high-level alien beast, and it also cooperated with Linburn's alien beast. Madness, even if the attributes are inferior, it is completely capable of defeating it.

The fire system and the water system also belong to the attributes of mutual restraint. Water can extinguish fire, but as long as the fire attribute is strong, it can still evaporate the water attribute.

After a loud phoenix sound, Xuan Guanglie Huofeng immediately fought with the water spirit beast.

On the other side, Meng Zhishan was also suspended in the air by virtue of the Star Spirit Armor, controlling the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly to fight the Deep Sea Yaksha.

The attributes of this deep-sea yaksha are demon and water systems. The dark yaksha in his hand can burst out with very powerful demon power, angrily launch an attack on the colorful saint poisonous butterfly, and at the same time can mobilize the power of the ocean, releasing powerful water system skills, bombarding With colorful sacred poison butterfly.

Facing this series of attacks, Meng Zhishan is also very calm. She is very confident of her current strength of the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly, and the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly is indeed very powerful. Faced with such a powerful attack, there is nothing at all. Downwind.

He has even used a powerful poison attribute skill to make Deep Sea Yaksha into a poisoned state, and his combat effectiveness is constantly declining. At the same time, Meng Zhishan is also holding the Poison Destruction Blade in his hands. Once the Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly has an accident, it will immediately launch an attack.

Looking at the scene where Meng Zhishan drove the colorful Saint Poison Butterfly and the Deep Sea Yaksha to fight, Lin Ran also nodded slightly, completely relieved.

Without Meng Zhishan's help, Lin Ran would have to face two alien beasts independently at the moment. This Deep Sea Yaksha would need to be solved by Lin Ran himself. Although winning is not difficult, it is bound to consume a lot of celestial spirit power.

Moreover, there is still a certain distance in the depths of this distance. If such a strange beast pops out from time to time, after a long time, it may not reach the depths, and Lin Ran has already consumed a lot of physical energy. That may be very dangerous. It is impossible to enter the ruins completely.

But now with Meng Zhishan's coordination, Lin Ran himself can save his stamina, and after he enters the depths of the Qingling Sea, he can start a battle with the legendary alien beast with all his strength.

"Phoenix Divine Fire!"

After several rounds of fighting, Xuanguang Liehuofeng immediately ignited a dazzling golden flame all over his body under the increase of the advanced alien beast armor. After a phoenix call, the golden flame formed a phoenix phantom. , Directly penetrates the body of the water spirit beast.


After a miserable cry, the water spirit beast was burned out by this phoenix divine fire, leaving only a ninth-order alien beast crystal floating in the air.

As for the flying fish with wings that the water spirit beast sat down, it was also burned to death.

This phoenix divine fire is Xuan Guanglie Huofeng’s current strongest fire skill. With the increase of the advanced alien beast armor, its power is even stronger.

Even when the alien beast madness and the fire origin battle armor skills were not activated, they were equally powerful, and it was very easy to kill a water spirit beast with only a ninth rank.

On the other side, Deep Sea Yaksha also ended up in the same way, being hit by a powerful colorful butterfly poisonously poisoned by the colorful sacred poison butterfly, and uttered a very painful scream, and the aura on his body became weaker and weaker.

At this time, the colorful sacred poison butterfly is also fast with eyes and hands, and its wings immediately waved to form several purple wind blades. The deep sea yaksha and the flying fish with wings sitting down were cut into pieces, and only one remained. The ninth-order alien beast crystal floats in the air.

Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan also coincided with each other, and directly let their respective alien beasts swallow the alien beast crystals to restore their physical strength, and then returned to Xuanguanglie Huofeng again, and continued to fly forward.

"Well, I said I won't hold you back, right." Meng Zhishan smiled and said to Lin Ran.

"Yeah, without you, I would have to face two alien beasts alone, and there will surely be other alien beasts on the way. It is really difficult to hold on to the depths of the Qingling Sea by relying on me alone. At that." Lin Ran nodded slightly and said.

"But your colorful sacred poison butterfly is indeed powerful. If there is a chance to collect the poisonous shadow spirit stone in the future, I can create a very powerful alien beast armor for it." Lin Ran observed the colorful sacred poison butterfly and said.

"Very powerful alien beast armor? Is it even more powerful than the one made by your shop before?" Meng Zhishan's eyes lit up and said.

"Haha, that's natural. The shop is just an ordinary alien war armor. There is a more powerful one. It is extremely difficult to obtain only the materials needed, and it is difficult to build and cannot be widely used."

"The specific power, you can see later, I think you will be moved." Lin Ran explained with a smile.

Meng Zhishan nodded excitedly when she heard the words.

She has actually been to Lin Ran’s shop. The Colorful Sacred Poison Butterfly has also been trained by Lin Ran’s profession, and she has also obtained her exclusive alien war armor. Now she learned that there are even more powerful alien war armors, Meng Zhishan Naturally very happy.

In this way, the strength of the Colorful Saint Poison Butterfly will be further enhanced.


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