Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 116 Naval Battle

A burst of cheers came from the mouths of the eight soldiers. At this moment, Jiang Tian was recognized by these soldiers. They had always been opposed to David bringing Jiang Tian, ​​who was a Chinese, and thought it was suspected of leaking secrets. But just now Just now, it was China Jiang who saved them.

David woke up first: "Gentlemen, go ahead with all your strength, we don't have much time left. Maybe the pirates on the island have heard the sound of the cannons, and there will be a fierce battle next!"

Then he said to Jiang Tian through the intercom: "Jiang, thank you, please continue to cover us!"

"No problem!" Jiang Tian replied. In fact, Jiang Tian's heart was bleeding. The pirate ship had already used 75 bars of energy, and there were still 125 bars left. If it couldn't be upgraded in time, the pirate ship's cannon would really become a decoration.

I hope that the big pirate Bora can meet the upgrade task of the pirate ship this time, otherwise I will really have to drive the pirate ship to fish for a living, and there is only one year.

Jiang Tian was more anxious than anyone else when his biggest support disappeared, but he couldn't rush things like this. It would be good to use David's influence this time. Maybe he would actually do it.

What does a second-level pirate ship look like? What functions will it have by then? Is it capable of competing with regular warships?

Jiang Tian is looking forward to it!

The pirates who jumped into the sea were also shot to death by David and the others. They were doing a rescue operation and did not need to keep prisoners unless they finally captured the entire island.

In fact, as David said, the pirates on the island had long heard the sound of gunfire on the sea. About one kilometer in front of the two speedboats, two gunboats and two speedboats suddenly appeared on the sea level in front.

"Stop, prepare the mortars, don't move the rocket launchers for the time being!" David ordered.

The two speedboats stopped their engines, and the soldiers on the speedboats set up their mortars and were debugging them.

The opponent didn't fire either, obviously hoping to wait until they got closer so that they could destroy the opponent with one hit.

Mortars are easy to carry, and unlike rocket launchers, which only have a range of about 300 meters to 1 kilometer, David and the others brought out SR-5 mortars this time, with a maximum range of 78 kilometers.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The mortar fired two shells, one landed on the gunboat, killing several pirates, but did not cause a fatal blow to the gunboat. The other shell landed on a speedboat, and suddenly the speedboat It was shattered into pieces and turned into a ball of fire that exploded on the sea. All four pirates above were killed.

On the gunboat, the pirate leader commanded his pirates, "Quick, teach those American soldiers a hard lesson and let them know that God must also prostrate on our territory, haha!"

"Hey, they will all feed the sharks in a while!"

The pirates on the gunboat were laughing, already adjusting the deck guns, and starting to test the fish.

"Quick, quick, move, move quickly!"

After the cannon was fired, David quickly urged the speedboat to move. Don't stop on the sea and act as a fixed target. It was so sure to die. He didn't forget to greet Jiang Tian, ​​"Jiang, the rest is up to you. I'll leave the gunboat to you." , leave the speedboat to us!”

The roles are completely reversed. David Deng becomes the auxiliary, and Jiang Tian becomes the main attacker.

Jiang Tian was not polite and directly asked the pirate ship's auxiliary guns to start locking on the cab of one of the gunboats, and then fired the shells.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The interval between the two shells was less than a minute, and then a spectacular scene appeared on the sea: two fireballs exploded on the sea, illuminating the sea area, and everyone opened their mouths wide enough to stuff an egg. , whether it is American soldiers or pirates on the last speedboat.

"Oh, God, what did we see!" I dare not say that they have experienced hundreds of battles, but these soldiers of the navy and army have definitely seen the "world". They were all shocked. The wooden boat is simply too powerful in combat.

This kind of battle is simply too weird. Even on stable land, it can't be shot so accurately. It's still the old-fashioned artillery, the legendary red cannon.

The gunboat, which was armed to the teeth a moment ago, had now turned into a ball of fire and began to sink slowly. The power of the pirate ship's shells almost blew up the entire front end of the gunboat.

Above the sea, there was smoke.


David reacted first and drove the speedboat to chase the remaining speedboat that was waiting for an opportunity to escape. After closing the distance, the light machine gun fired "click-click", and bullets shot out, hitting the sea surface. Waves of waves splashed up.

The pirates' driving skills were very high. They were intercepted by two speedboats and fired with light machine guns. It took ten minutes to hit the fuel tank, which exploded with a "bang" on the sea surface. The pirates died tragically in the explosion.

Afterwards, David began to clean up the battlefield. After the gunboat sank, the surviving pirates tried to escape by swimming. After being caught up by David, they raised their hands and wanted to surrender. David ordered them all to be shot and became rations for sea fish.

The two speedboats continued to move forward, and soon an island appeared in sight. The island was not very large, but all that could be seen was jungle. On the sea not far from the island, there was a giant ship docked, which read: The Parmoni.

After that, Jiang Tian did not go ashore. The explanation given to David was to patrol the sea area to prevent pirates from escaping. Obviously he did not want to take risks, but David praised Jiang Tian: Jiang, you have amazing military talents.

Jiang Tian chuckled and drove the pirate ship around.

The pirates had been alerted. David thought there would be a fierce battle when they landed, and even asked Jiang Tian to prepare artillery support. However, when he swam to the beach, he unexpectedly encountered no resistance, not a single bullet, and was quiet. unusual.

A group of 9 people walked cautiously toward the interior of the island. Jungle combat is the most test of team combat capabilities. They moved forward in groups of 2 and slowly approached the central area of ​​the island.

And here, Jiang Tian sailed the pirate ship towards the giant ship Pamoni. He just felt that the little witch saw the big witch. What is the concept of 150 meters long? It is almost forty or fifty stories high. The 24-meter pirate ship is really too big next to it. Smaller.

It was quiet on the Pamoni. Presumably there was no one on board. It was so close to the pirate base camp, and there was no need to send personnel to station. After all, even if someone drove the giant ship, it would be hijacked by the pirates before it drove 1,000 meters.

Suddenly, bursts of gunfire came from inside the island, startling the birds in the jungle to flap their wings and fly away.

There were constant gunshots, and even the shouts of American soldiers could occasionally be vaguely heard by Jiang Tian. It seemed that the two sides were at war, but I didn't know what the specific situation was. Do you want some support?

But cannonballs are really precious. Since David didn't ask for help, he might as well forget it and wait quietly.

After more than half an hour, the gunshots gradually subsided, and it seemed that it was already at the end. Just when Jiang Tian was guessing how the battle was going, Jiang Tian's satellite phone rang, and it was David calling.

Jiang Tian smiled, it seemed that David had won.


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