Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 150 One Punch KO

Suddenly, the originally quiet hall became lively. It was true that Jiang Tian had been in the limelight just now, and now he came to participate in the fight, which immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

This undoubtedly stimulated some adrenaline hormones, and they preferred to watch fighting rather than sex shows.

Lin Feng said angrily: "Ye Fan, you are so damn shameless!"

If you refuse now, others will only laugh at Jiang Tian.

Ye Fan just smiled, "I said, I won't force Mr. Jiang, it depends on Mr. Jiang's mood!"

Jiang Tian said: "Haha, in this case, I am stupid for once!"

After hearing this, Ye Fan's eyes flashed with a look of success, "I'll be looking forward to Mr. Jiang's majestic performance in half an hour!"

Ye Fan and his men were about to leave, but Jiang Tian called out: "Master Ye, since it's a challenge, it would be boring if you don't win the prize. How about we make a bet?"

"Oh? What does Mr. Jiang mean?" Ye Fan was stunned.

"5 million, how about we bet 5 million?" Jiang Tian said.

5 million was not much, so Ye Fan readily agreed: "Since Mr. Jiang is so enthusiastic, I will stay with him until the end!"

After Ye Fan left, Lin Feng said: "Lao Jiang, you are crazy, they are obviously plotting against you!"

Jiang Tiandao: "It's okay, 5 million per game, my appearance fee is quite high!"

The fighting area was cleared, then cordoned off and crowded with people.

Jiang Tian came directly onto the stage, and everyone was immediately disappointed when they saw his size.

Tang Qing looked at Jiang Tian on the stage with a critical eye. He found that he couldn't see through Jiang Tian as time passed. Logically speaking, he was not such a reckless person. He knew that someone had dug a trap, but you still jumped into it. Apart from being a fool, he is very confident in himself.

Lin Ruoxi looked at the stage with a worried look on her face. She thought it was because of herself that Gu Wudi planned such a thing to deal with Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian looked at the opponent in front of him. He was not strong. On the contrary, he is very lean. He is wearing a fighting suit and has no trace of fat on his body, which gives him a strong feeling.

Off the field. Ye Fan and Gu Wudi watched, Ye Fan said: "Brother Gu, do you think it is possible for Jiang Tian to win?"

Gu Wudi said: "Jiang Tian once knocked down all my thugs by himself, but he was just a wild man. When he met a real master, he only had to be beaten. I don't think he could last more than 10 rounds!"

Ye Fan said: "But he is very confident!"

Gu Wudi smiled and said: "People who have no strength are confident. That's not called self-confidence, that's arrogance!"

Ye Fan laughed: "Heroes see the same thing!"

On the field, the Korean introduced himself in blunt Mandarin. Jiang Tiancai knew that this guy's name was Park Eun-sung, and he was a black belt Taekwondo master.

"Jiang Tian!" Jiang Tian said calmly, his hands hanging down naturally without any defensive gestures.

Jiang Tian's contemptuous behavior angered Park Ensheng. A trace of anger flashed across his face, and he shouted, taking action, taking two steps, and then whipped Jiang Tian with his leg.

In Taekwondo, leg movements are used to the extreme. Taekwondo masters are generally proficient in leg techniques, and Park Eun-sung is no exception.

One leg was drawn out, powerful and brave.

Many people looked at Jiang Tian worriedly. In any case, Jiang Tian is also Chinese, and emotionally he naturally hopes that the Chinese can win.

But looking at Jiang Tian's performance now, it seems that there is little hope of winning. Facing the opponent's attack, he remained indifferent and motionless.

"Holy shit, Lao Jiang, hide quickly!" Lin Feng was anxious and shouted loudly.

Ye Fan sneered and said, "Jiang Tian was scared to death, right? Brother Gu, you are sure that several of your men were brought down by him!"

Gu Wudi also looked at the field with confusion. The last time there was trouble at the construction site, it was indeed Jiang Tian who killed several of his men alone.

Just when Park Ensheng's whip was about to hit Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian took a step forward and punched out, hitting Park Ensheng's calf. A dull impact sounded, followed by a "click" sound. crack.

Then Park Ensheng screamed and fell 3 meters away. His right calf was completely twisted and deformed. The entire calf was broken in the opposite direction. The bone at the break pierced the flesh and blood. It was horrific.

There was silence, and the ending came too quickly.

How unexpected!

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian standing on the field in shock. Is this the invincible Ultraman?

One woman even screamed and looked at Jiang Tian with a look of enthusiasm.

The smile on Ye Fan's face solidified before it dissipated.

Gu Wudi was surprised: "How is this possible?"

Whether it is possible or not, it is the fact.

When Jiang Tian asked Ye Fan to transfer money, Ye Fan said to write a check, but Jiang Tian refused to accept it.

Ye Fan said: "Mr. Jiang, I, Ye Fan, am not the kind of person who plays rogue. Why can't you trust me? Are you afraid that I will call the bank to cancel this check?"

Jiang Tian shook his head: "I have a quirk. I don't like receiving checks. If you don't have cash, you can transfer it immediately!"

If you are paralyzed, you may be arrested tonight, and your account will be frozen tomorrow. I will take your check and find someone to cash it!

“It’s not easy to transfer money at night!”

Lin Feng said: "I have a money transfer machine!"

In fact, there was a transfer machine in the club. In the end, Ye Fan agreed to transfer the money immediately, and 5 million arrived in Jiang Tian's account.

Jiang Tian received the money and stretched out his hand: "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for the gift!"

Ye Fan looked unhappy and said: "Life is like gambling, you lose and you win, let's see about it later!"

The banquet ended at 10 o'clock, and when it was about to end, Jiang Tian finally got a call. Wang Zhen successfully investigated and dealt with a ship smuggling cars, and there were people to contact him, and he was escorted by customs staff.

All the stolen goods were obtained, and there were documents on the ship. Wang Zhen did not even notify the local police station before making the arrest.

"He is in the Supreme Club now, but he will probably leave in 20 minutes!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng came over and put his arm around Jiang Tian's shoulders: "Old Jiang, you have made a fortune, should you invite me out to play!"

Jiang Tian said quietly: "Tonight is a sleepless night!"

At this time, Tang Qing came over and shook hands with Jiang Tian: "Brother Jiang, I'm leaving first. I'll keep in touch in the future!"


Lin Feng looked at Tang Qing's leaving figure, "I don't know how you managed to talk to him!"

The next day, Jiang Tian watched the news. A huge sum of money was seized in a cross-border smuggling case at Shenhai City Port. Now all the people involved have been arrested and brought to justice, and police officers are conducting further investigations.

Jiang Tian also received a call from Lin Feng. He didn't know how happy he was because Ye Fan was arrested, and Wang Jin, who had been beaten to the hospital by him, was very angry because Gu Wudi was not involved in the case. Aren't these guys wearing the same pair of pants?

In a certain villa in Shenhai City, Gu Wudi did not take a step today. Looking at the reports on the news, he was not only frightened but also scared. Fortunately, he kept an eye on it and did not directly participate. Instead, he sent his subordinates to take charge.

5 million, let that subordinate resist all at once, it can be said that if you lose a lot of money, you will lose a lot of rice.

However, who was behind this matter? Ye Fan confidently said that he had cleared up all the links. Why was there no news about the incident? It happened so suddenly.

For some reason, Gu Wudi thought of Jiang Tian. He always felt that this matter was inseparable from Jiang Tian, ​​but it shouldn't be possible. It was said that the superiors attached great importance to this case and had issued a message to investigate it to the end. Jiang Tian should not be able to reach that level. .

The Ye family has been moving up and down, but it has not achieved any results. Because Wang Zhen personally exerted pressure from above through his connections and refused to give face to anyone. In addition, there is no particularly prominent person in the Ye family, so we can only watch. He watched Ye Fan getting deeper and deeper into the situation, even old accounts were being uncovered, and his father might even be implicated.

Under pressure from the top, the investigation progressed quickly. Ye Fan was sentenced. Even those Japanese people were also sanctioned by Chinese law. It even caused a diplomatic turmoil because a Japanese person turned out to be stationed in China. A military officer of the embassy, ​​Japan requested extradition on the grounds that he was serving as a soldier, but was rejected.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Jiang Tian. He has been accompanying Su Yimo recently.

Su Yimo was successfully admitted to the Central Propaganda Department and asked to go to the internship on February 25th. In other words, the two only had 2 days together.

Both of them were very reluctant to leave. Su Yimo even said that I might as well not go. Jiang Tian quickly stopped her from this crazy idea. If that was the case, her family would have to hunt her down with a machete.

In the house in Cuiyuan Jin District, the sound of the shower in the bathroom was like cheerful music to Jiang Tian's ears. Jiang Tian sat on the sofa in the hall, boringly pressing the remote control, changing one station after another. Time passed really fast. slow.

Half an hour later, Su Yimo finally came out, wearing Jiang Tian's shirt, which just covered Su's buttocks, revealing her smooth and slender thighs.

"Are you going to catch a cold?" After saying this, Jiang Tian was already staring straight at Su Yimo.

"No, it's more comfortable like this!" Su Yimo sat directly next to Jiang Tian. The slender thighs and the thighs that could not be completely covered because of the shortened shirt made Jiang Tian's blood surge.

"What are you looking at?" Su Yimo stared at Jiang Tian with her beautiful eyes.

The two of them had been getting along for a long time. Of course, Jiang Tian knew that Su Yimo was not really angry, so he moved closer to Su Yimo with a playful smile, smelling the nice fragrance of Su Yimo's body, especially her fair neck, which was Jiang Tian's favorite, "Little girl." So, I think"

Su Yimo's whole body was tickled by Jiang Tian's heavy breathing on her neck, and she murmured in a soft voice: "What do you want to do?"

Some things don't require too much explanation in words. Su Yimo will go to the capital tomorrow. The two of them closed the curtains tacitly, and Jiang Tian directly carried Su Yimo back to the bedroom.

Lying on the bed, Su Yimo wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, as if she wanted to block Jiang Tian's invasion. Jiang Tian was not discouraged and gently stroked Su Yimo's smooth thighs, as if he was admiring a supreme work of art. Same.

Soon, the two men started to catch fire, and the defense completely collapsed. (To be continued.)

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