Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 31 Vice President

The next day, Jiang Tian took Shen Xing to the electronics mall near Shenhai University.

When Shen Xing came to Jiang Tian last night, Jiang Tian had already thought about it. If he wanted to buy one, he would buy a better mobile phone. If Shen Xing didn't have enough money, help him pay for it first. He was not short of money either, so he would help if he could.

In fact, I am also considering whether to change to a smartphone.

On the way, Shen Xing sighed: "Lao Jiang, you are the best in our dormitory right now. You even bought a car before you graduated from college!"

Jiang Tian said while driving: "I'm just lucky. I met a friend who helped me. I don't like studying. Unlike all of you, you are either taking the postgraduate entrance examination or the civil service examination. You still have to look at the future!"

After parking the car, the two entered the electronics mall. Shen Xing led Jiang Tian straight to the store he had chosen yesterday.

What Shen Xing is interested in is a Samsung smartphone, which costs just over 3,000 yuan.

Jiang Tian felt that this one was not exquisite enough, so he pointed to another one and asked the salesperson: "Hello, take that one over and have a look!"

When Shen Xing saw the price tag, which was 4,600 yuan, his face immediately turned bitter: "This 3,000 yuan thing was only squeezed out by prepaying two months' living expenses to my family. 4,600 yuan, I don't have enough money!"

Jiang Tian patted Shen Xing on the shoulder and said: "Brothers are looking for happiness. As a brother, I naturally have to help!" He took out a stack of money from his wallet and said, "Here are 5,000, which I borrowed from you. Once you have it, you can pay it back." ,Not urgent!"

In fact, Shen Xing didn't look for Yu Tong or Liu Yong, so he wanted Jiang Tian to help him. It was just his pride that made him embarrassed to speak. He didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so good at doing things.

When he walked out of the mall and saw that Shen Xing was silent, Jiang Tian said, "Old Shen, don't think too much, the money must be paid back!"

Shen Xing suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "I didn't think much about it. I was wondering whether I should follow Lao Jiang after graduation. You can get along and take the civil service exam!"

Jiang Tiandao: "No, you should take the civil service exam. Then let's have an official/business relationship so that I can make a lot of money behind your back!"

"Okay, no problem!" Shen Xing said cheerfully.

After getting in the car, the two went straight to the commercial street.

Yu Tong called him last night and found out that he had been absent from school for seven days. He had not been in school for a week and was called on by the teacher twice. The teacher put down his words and said that if Jiang Tian didn't come to him, he would never get his class. credit.

The professor of international finance is the vice dean of the School of Business Administration named Li Yunsheng. To be honest, Jiang Tian is extremely reluctant to see him. He keeps a straight face all day long and is very strict in class.

Jiang Tian thought about it, he had to admit his mistake and give him a gift. It shouldn't be a big deal.

After choosing a set of purple clay teapots, Shen Xing was shocked when he saw the price: "Lao Jiang, is it necessary to spend such a large sum of money?"

The price tag is 12,888 yuan, which is indeed quite expensive.

Jiang Tiandao: "I can't help it. He is not an ordinary lecturer, but a vice president. I can't afford to offend him!"

In order to get credits and graduate, Jiang Tian could only come to the teacher's office obediently.

Entering the office, Jiang Tian shouted. Li Yunsheng was on the phone. He pointed to the chair opposite and motioned for Jiang Tian to sit down.

After hanging up the phone, the smile on his face faded, "Are you the Jiang Tian who often skips my classes? You look very honest, tell me why you skip my classes?"

Jiang Tian wanted to say something urgent happened at home, and then begged Vice President Li with tears in his eyes, but Jiang Tian asked himself that he didn't have the acting skills.

Jiang Tiandao: "I went out for a business trip!"

Li Yunsheng said: "What business? Are you interning in a company?"

Jiang Tian said: "The company I run has a customer in Tianjin. The contract requires me to go there in person before the customer agrees to sign it!"

Li Yunsheng's face was full of surprise, "You opened your own company? Did you get money from your family?"

"I earned it!"

Li Yunsheng did not expect that one of his students would actually be an outstanding person who started his own business in college. He had long forgotten about teaching Jiang Tian about absenteeism, and he only cared about Jiang Tian's company. If it ran well, the news would report it when he graduated. Doesn’t he have dignity on his face?

"Has the contract been signed? Do you need to go to Yitan Tianjin again? I can help you say hello and grant you a holiday!"

Li Yunsheng's reaction was beyond Jiang Tian's expectation. This level of enthusiasm was a bit unbearable.

Jiang Tian felt a little embarrassed and said, "It's already signed!"

"Which industry are you in? Can you sustain it?" In Li Yunsheng's eyes, Jiang Tian is naturally a small business. Small companies are most difficult to operate because they lack funds and connections.

"Do foreign trade! I just signed a 2 million contract a while ago!" Jiang Tian said nonsensically. Anyway, he studied international trade. Salvage is not easy to fool. After all, the light equipment of a salvage company requires an investment of millions or even tens of millions. It's a bit fanciful.

"Okay, let's learn and apply!" Li Yunsheng was very happy.

"Teacher, what about absenteeism..."

This kind of thing is not a big deal at first, but the key is that Li Yunsheng is the vice president of the college. If he gets angry and really wants to harm Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian will not even be able to graduate.

"Okay, I understand the matter. You can go back and study in peace!" Li Yunsheng said.

"Okay, I didn't bring anything with me from Tianjin. I took a fancy to a purple clay teapot. I knew that Mr. Li likes to drink tea, so I brought it back!" Jiang Tian then took out the gift that he had prepared at his feet and wrapped it in an elegant way. , you can tell at a glance that it’s expensive.

Li Yunsheng smiled and pointed at Jiang Tian: "You, Xiao Jiang, do this with me. Okay, I'll accept the things. I can't reject your wishes, but I won't do it next time!"

Okay, the name has changed from Jiang Tian to Xiao Jiang!

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "It's only natural for students to give gifts to their teachers. It's never an exception!"

Seeing Jiang Tian walking out of the office, Li Yunsheng opened the package. It was a very classic purple clay teapot. Although the price was not indicated on the package, Li Yunsheng still knew a little about it. This one definitely costs more than tens of thousands.

After walking out of the office, Jiang Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't get a clear answer, it should be fine.

At this time, a person walked out of the office opposite, Su Yimo.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Jiang Tian felt that Su Yimo was even more beautiful. She was dressed in a simple outfit, with shoulder-length hair tied loosely behind her head, and her temperament was as blue as a blue.

The two discovered each other at the same time.

Jiang Tiandao: "What a coincidence!"

"Yeah, what a coincidence!"

"I'm really sorry about what happened last time, and I didn't say anything. How about I treat you to dinner?" Jiang Tian said.

"Okay, where should we go to eat?" Su Yimo agreed without any hesitation.

Jiang Tian said: "What do you want to eat? You can do it anywhere!" He was slightly happy in his heart.


Jiang Tian felt that Su Yimo's expression was particularly innocent. He tilted his head slightly with a smile on his face.

"Of course!" Jiang Tian still has a little confidence now, with a deposit of more than three million.

The two walked out of the administration building. Jiang Tian was going to pick up the car. Su Yimo said, "Let's walk!"


The two walked out of the school and walked to the nearby pedestrian street and came to a Western Steakhouse.

"How about treating me to some Western food?" Su Yimo looked at Jiang Tian.

"my pleasure!"

Jiang Tian could tell from this that Su Yimo's family background was probably pretty good, but she didn't want Jiang Tian to waste money when she found such a low-end steakhouse.

If Jiang Tian is asked to treat Western food for 50 yuan and Western food for 500 yuan, the nature of the representation is completely different!

Su Yimo seemed to often eat Western food, and his meals were very elegant. Seeing Jiang Tian's clumsiness, he personally explained to Jiang Tian how to use tableware, how to spread condiments, etc.

"Miss, you know so much. We have been training for three months and we didn't even know this!" The waitress happened to hear it and praised Su Yimo.

Jiang Tian said with a smile: "Thank you very much, Teacher Su. Listening to you is worth drinking ten buckets of water!"

"Disgusting!" Su Yimo raised the corners of his mouth and rolled his eyes at Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian was deeply attracted by Su Yimo's inadvertent charm. It was so confusing!

"The steak is cold!" Su Yimo said.


After eating Western food, the two of them wandered all the way back to school, each talking about their fun before college, what they did in their freshman year, what they did in their sophomore year, and what they did in their junior year.

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