Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 415 The Bear of the Earth

These days, the city of Mecca is under martial law. Today's Mecca is no longer the "mercenary city" it used to be. Although there is a city lord, he cannot interfere in anything in Mecca. But now, not only can you see patrols with weapons on the streets, soldiers, and occasionally clergy in white robes.

This city of Mecca has been officially included in the sphere of influence of the Holy See, and the hunt for the Flying Dragon Mercenary Group has not stopped. For this reason, the Pope has been sitting in the city of Mecca for a week. Unfortunately, the Flying Dragon Mercenary Group seems to have They had already left, and no sign of the Feilong Mercenary Group was found for a whole week.

The impact is huge. There are fewer mercenaries coming to Mecca for transit. Because Mecca has increased taxes, a 40% tax is charged on a transaction. This is simply an act of banditry.

On this day, after confirming that the Pope had led his men away, Jiang Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He had no choice but to be a coward if he couldn't defeat him. Moreover, he was not alone. He also had a group of people behind him. Where are the people.

However, in the past 7 days, the transformation of the flying dragon in the fairyland really made Jiang Tian call it miraculous. Every day, the size of the flying dragon is getting bigger. Now, it has reached 20 meters long. It only took 7 meters to go from 8 meters to 20 meters. God, Jiang Tian thinks this violates the laws of physics.

In the fairyland, Jiang Tian had a better understanding of the changes in Feilong's body. There were two groups of power in his body, one strong and one weak. The powerful one was poured into Feilong's body by the giant dragon, and the weak one The power of the giant dragon is being rapidly refined, and the method used is not the method of the Feilong clan, but an unfamiliar method. But it is much more powerful than the method of the Feilong clan.

On this day, as soon as Jiang Tian left the fairyland, there was a knock on the door of the room. Fatima's voice came: "Brother Jiang, are you there?"

Jiang Tian stood up, opened the door and saw Fatima, "Fatima, what do you want from me?"

Fatima has matured a lot, having experienced the times of chaos. Her youthfulness has faded away and she has become stronger. Jiang Tian invited him to return to China with him, but she unexpectedly refused. She said that she wanted to be independent and catch up with Brother Jiang one day. Then go to China.

Jiang Tian smiled and left an address for them. If they couldn't stay here, they could go to China to find him.

Fatima was dressed in a smart outfit, which showed off her seductive figure. She could only hear her say: "Brother Jiang, there is a stranger outside the door, saying he wants to see you!"

"Looking for me?" Jiang Tian was stunned, not even the Vatican could find him hiding here. Someone can actually come to the door and say, "Let's go and have a look!"

Walk out of the room. When they came to the yard, Jester and others were there, and the people at the door were confronting each other. They all looked like enemies. When he saw Jiang Tian coming out, Jester immediately said: "Sir, he is the leader of the Bauhinia Mercenary Group!"

Sure enough, Jiang Tian saw Troy at the door. All his injuries have healed. He is handsome, mature and steady. Two men are following behind him.

"Your Excellency, is Mr. Jiang Tian from the East?" Troy asked. In the last battle, when Jiang Tian took action, he was already fighting with Landis. All he knew was that a mysterious and powerful Easterner intercepted the Pope and did not look at it. Qing Jiangtian’s face.

"I am Captain Troy. What's the matter?" Jiang Tian asked.

Troy said: "Can I go in and talk?"


When they came to the hall, several people sat down, and Troy said, "I wonder what Mr. Jiang thinks of the layout of Mecca?"

Jiang Tiandao: "I just passed through the city of Mecca and have no idea about the city!"

Troy was not angry at Jiang Tian's tone, and said: "It turns out that Mecca is the capital of mercenaries, but it was stolen by the Holy See. It has made people panic now. I saw that Mr. Jiang was against the Pope last time. It was really... I admire you, I wonder if Mr. Jiang is interested in cooperating with me to take down the city of Mecca together and restore the city of Mecca!"

Jiang Tian smiled, "My roots are not here, so why would I offend the Holy See like this! Besides, what good does it do me to take down the city of Mecca, just to give the city of Mecca a free sky? Then this should also be the city of Mecca. A question that many mercenaries are considering!”

This Troy is very ambitious and has even set his sights on becoming the city lord. However, even if the Pope leaves, the Holy See still has strong strength here. Not to mention Landis, there are still two cardinals left. Then But they are all light magicians no weaker than Landis. Then he thought of this Easterner who had fought with the Pope, and what was the benefit of finding an Easterner? He would not stay here to compete with him for the position of city lord.

Troy said: "I won't let Mr. Jiang's help go in vain. I have a big gift for Mr. Jiang. How about asking Mr. Jiang to go out to the city with me?"

Looking at Troy's determined look, as if he was sure that he would agree to him, he became even more curious about what this guy brought out, nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, I also want to see what I am worth! "

Troy smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang is too polite. Regardless of whether Mr. Jiang helps or not, this gift belongs to Mr. Jiang!"

After hearing this, Jiang Tian smiled inwardly, what he said was so nice.

On the way out of the city, Jester asked Jiang Tian: "Sir, do we really want to help him?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Tian asked.

Jester's face suddenly turned red and excited, and he clenched his fists: "I think we are going to do it, and we are going to do it in the name of the Flying Dragon Mercenary Group, to overthrow the current rule of the Holy See, and then capture the city of Mecca. Come on. When the city lord becomes the city lord, hehe, I will be rewarded with a deputy city lord when the time comes!"

"Okay, if you really have this idea, I can take over the position of city lord. Then you won't be the deputy city lord anymore. You can become the city lord directly, and I will return to my country of China!" Jiang Tian said.

"Without you, I can't control myself!" Jester said.

Soon, the group of people arrived 5 kilometers outside the city. During this period, Jester kept asking nervously: "Sir, is this guy trying to lure us out and ambush us? Why haven't we arrived yet?"

Jiang Tian rolled his eyes. He believed that since Troy was able to find him, he had a certain understanding of his own strength. As a half-step 5-star warrior with the inherited holy sword, he could indeed be comparable to the strength of a 5-star warrior, but that was not the case. Lasting, and being able to escape from the Pope, for this reason alone, he did not dare to misunderstand himself.

Finally, Troy came to an abandoned temple. It was in dilapidated condition. Half of the building had been buried by golden sand, leaving only the top building exposed.


Suddenly, a beast roar came from inside the ruins. The sound was strong and full of anger. It could be seen that the monster inside was 5 meters high with its thick bear paws and its body was 8 meters long. When it saw the people, it suddenly grinned.

"Captain, if you don't come back, we won't be able to trap it. This guy is too fierce!"

There are three magicians in the temple, wearing the costumes of the Bauhinia Mercenary Group. Their strength is not low. Two 4-star magicians and one 3-star magician are continuously inputting their magic power to trap the giant. Bear's iron cage.

Jiang Tian noticed that the iron cage had strange patterns carved on it, and it turned out to be a demon-sealing prop.

Seeing Jiang Tian's surprise, Troy said: "This iron cage was obtained from an ancient place. It has the effect of temporarily sealing magic power, but it can only seal those below 4 stars, and it requires a lot of magic power!"

"What kind of monster is this?" Jiang Tian looked at the giant bear. At this moment, the giant bear was glaring with red eyes and roaring fiercely. The iron cage was constantly shaking due to its impact. The three magicians had turned pale and were obviously already dead. To the point where the magic power is exhausted.

Jiang Tiandao: "Gargamel, go help them!"


With Gargamel joining in, the three of them suddenly felt much better, and the iron cage became more stable.

"I don't know either, but what is certain is that this is a magical magical beast, with a strength comparable to that of a 3-star. It was able to defeat four of my 4-star warriors and escape, and it can also continuously escape from the ground. It extracts power from the ground, and its power is surprisingly strong. I lost several companions trying to capture it!" Troy said.

At this moment, Campas suddenly exclaimed, "The Bear of the Earth, Poseidon is above, this is the Bear of the Earth, and it is still a Bear of the Earth in its infancy!"

I don’t know if the Earth Bear is really famous. Campas was so scared that he couldn’t help but take a few steps back, but then he looked at Jiang Tian with ecstasy: "Sir, you must get this Earth Bear." , no matter what the conditions are!”

When Troy heard this, he looked happy. He didn't care about the earth or the earth. In his heart, nothing was more important than the position of the Lord of Mecca.

Jiang Tian scolded Campas half to death in his heart. You are stupid. You can say whatever is on your mind. It would be difficult for him to want to extort something else. Since Campas had already said it, Jiang Tian simply asked : "What kind of monster is the Earth Bear?"

Campas said: "The Earth Bear is a 5-star high-level monster. It can be condensed into light armor with earth elements. The light armor has super high defense. It is difficult to break through regardless of magic or physical attacks. And as long as it is on land, it can It constantly replenishes the consumed earth elements quickly, making it almost immortal. As an adult, it can also use the 'Beast King's Roar Bullet' for long-range attacks. It is the absolute king of land warfare. Even an adult dragon is unwilling to provoke the bear of the earth! "


Jiang Tian scolded Campas again in his heart, you idiot, who asked you to tell such an important thing? If you say this, will Troy still use this to trade?

He forgot that it was he who asked Campas to say it.

Sure enough, Troy's expression was a little loose and hesitant. Oh my God, that was an existence comparable to a giant dragon. However, Campas's next sentence immediately made him give up the idea of ​​leaving it to himself: "It takes about 800 years for the Earth Bear to reach adulthood, and this The head is only about 300 years old, so it is still in its infancy, and it would require huge resources to raise it!"

God, I don’t have the patience. I have to wait 500 years for it to reach adulthood, so forget it! (To be continued)

The latest chapter of the 5201 novel High Speed ​​Super Pirate Ship. This chapter is Chapter 415: The Earth Bear. The address is: If you think this chapter is good, please don’t forget to recommend it to your friends in the QQ group and Weibo!

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