Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 43 Smuggling Business

The next day, Jiang Tian sent Su Yimo back to the dormitory with panda eyes, and then waited for her to take her things to the train station.

"How about I send you back directly? Shenhai City is less than 3 hours away from Jiangling City!" Jiang Tiandao said at the train station.

"No, I already told my dad. Besides, if you go to Jiangling City, you have to meet my parents!" Su Yimo said.

"Forget it!" Jiang Tian retreated decisively.

The two hugged each other for a while, and then Su Yimo got on the bus.

When Jiang Tian returned to the dormitory, he saw Yu Tong opening a magazine with his legs crossed and humming a tune. When Jiang Tian walked in, he put down the book and said with a smile: "Lao Jiang, you owe me a meal!"

"When did I owe you food?"

Yu Tong curled his lips: "If I hadn't been clever yesterday, would you have succeeded?"

"Get out!" Jiang Tian became furious when he mentioned this.

"A dog bites Lu Dongbin but he doesn't know a good heart!" Yu Tong was puzzled.

In the afternoon, Jiang Tian went on a shopping spree again. He bought enough food for three people for seven days at one time. The cashiers at the supermarket were shocked. It was the first time he saw someone buying things like this, and all the goods on the shopping shelves were cleared.

Jiang Tian spent more than 10,000 yuan to purchase these foods. Fortunately, the storage room is a special space and there is no expiration date.

Deep Sea City is a full 1,500 nautical miles away from Nanhai. Even if Jiang Tian drives the pirate ship at full power, it will still take 25 hours.

Normally, if you sail during the day and rest at night, it will take at least two to three days.

Yes, Jiang Tian has his mind set on Nan/Hai. The current scanning progress is 446/500. It only requires 54 types of fish to be promoted to a level 1 pirate ship. It is not too difficult to think about it.

After coming out of the supermarket, Jiang Tian directed the supermarket employees to help move all the food to a rented truck, and then drove the truck away.

I found a deserted alley, opened the truck, put all the food into the storage room, and then changed the truck back to the car rental agency.

After walking out of the rental car, my cell phone rang. At first glance, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Jiang?" A low-medium male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I am Jiang Tian, ​​who are you?" Jiang Tian asked suspiciously.

"Haha, Mr. Jiang is really a noble man who forgets things. We have worked together before. I am Zhang Tuhao. I thanked you for your help in salvaging the jade bracelet last time!" the man on the phone said with a smile.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Zhang. He has been too busy recently and his mind is not straight!" Jiang Tiandao said.

"Mr. Jiang, can you come out and sit down?" Zhang Tuhao asked.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, please tell me!"

"How about Cuiyun Tea House?"

"no problem!"

At the door of Cuiyun Teahouse, Jiang Tian saw Zhang Tuhao, who was still carrying a big belly and his body shape had not changed much, but his face was very haggard and his eyes were heavily blistered.

Seeing Jiang Tian, ​​Zhang Tuhao immediately came up to him: "Mr. Jiang, I haven't seen you for a few days, you look even more charming!"

Jiang Tian stretched out his hand with a smile and said, "Mr. Zhang's face is glowing. It seems that business has been good recently!"

"Haha!" Zhang Tuhao smiled dryly, his face completely red.

The receptionist at the door knew Zhang Tuhao and was a good friend of the boss. She often came here to drink tea and discuss business. She was always arrogant. She didn't expect that she would be so polite to a young man today, which made her curious.

Arriving at the private room on the second floor, Zhang Tuhao politely asked Jiang Tian to sit down. The waiter wanted to come over and pour tea, but Zhang Tuhao waved his hand: "No, let's get down!"

Jiang Tian took a look at the private room. The decoration was quaint and had the charm of ancient culture.

"Come, Mr. Jiang, have some tea!"


After drinking tea for a while, Zhang Tuhao couldn't hold back his anger when he saw Jiang Tian calmly drinking tea, and said: "Mr. Jiang, I wonder if your company has the ability to perform offshore salvage operations?"

Jiang Tiandao: "Ocean salvage? Can you tell me specifically how deep it is?"

"It's about 300 meters deep!" When he said these words, Zhang Tuhao felt a little guilty. Fishing above 60 meters is deep water, and it's still in the ocean.

China's saturation diving technology made breakthrough innovations a while ago.

At 15:30 on September 6, 2010, in the 500m saturation simulated diving chamber of the Naval/Military Medical Research Institute, as four divers walked out of the saturation diving high-pressure experimental chamber, a new Asian simulated saturation diving experimental depth record was born - —The success of the 493-meter simulated patrol diving depth and the 480-meter helium-oxygen saturation simulated diving experiment has made China the ninth country in the world to master the technology to break through the 400-meter depth and directly expose divers to high-pressure environments.

As for domestic civilian companies, the current saturation diving operation technology is probably only about 200 meters at most. He was really desperate and found Jiang Tian. The main reason was that Jiang Tian blew too hard last time: the salvage ship is the most advanced in the world. There is also the world's most advanced underwater robot.

Let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

"Which ocean area are you talking about?" Jiang Tian asked, he neither said yes nor no.

Zhang Tuhao said: "The waters of the South China Sea are close to Vietnam!"

When Jiang Tian heard that it was Vietnam, he couldn't help but laugh. He originally planned to go to the South China Sea to scan fish this time, but he didn't expect to receive a big order by the way. Frowning: "That side of the South China Sea is really too far away. It will take me four or five days to drive the salvage ship there."

"So it can be salvaged?" Zhang Tuhao felt a glimmer of light appeared in front of his eyes.

"First tell me what kind of goods you want to salvage!" Jiang Tiandao.

Zhang Tuhao glanced nervously at the door of the box and lowered his voice: "To be honest with Mr. Jiang, the goods that leave must not be exposed to light!"

"I won't get involved with drugs or weapons. If you find someone to clear the relationship, you can still get out. If you get involved with drugs, it will be a dead end!" If this is true, Jiang Tian is still considering whether to report this guy. Woolen cloth.

"No way! Mr. Jiang, you filtered it out. Last time I mentioned to Mr. Jiang that I was in the medicinal materials business, but that was just a cover for me. Of course, I was actually also in the Chinese medicinal materials business, but that was just to take advantage of it. He's just a junior in my business!" Zhang Tuhao said.

"Then what do you do?" Jiang Tian asked.

Zhang Tuhao lowered his voice: "My goods are all smuggled from Vietnam and Myanmar. They are all about bear bile, bear paws, tiger bones and tiger skins, snake gallbladders, etc. These are all good things, and They are all wild over there, unlike in our country where they are kept in cages."

"You are so wicked!"

Zhang Tuhao smiled dryly and said: "The market demand for this kind of thing is there. Rich people are interested in this thing. If I don't do it, others will do it. There is no way to stop it!"

"It should be illegal for me to help you salvage this thing, right?" When he said this, Jiang Tian was not too worried. He had a storage room. Unless he was willing, no one could take away the stolen goods.

Zhang Tuhao said: "Probably not!" His eyes were twinkling.

"I'm very curious. It should be shipped from Vietnam. Why do I need to salvage it?" Jiang Tian asked.

Zhang Tuhao said: "When we were walking to the South China Sea half a month ago, the smuggling ship was spotted by the Philippine patrol. In desperation, we had to throw all the goods into the sea, otherwise all the people on the ship would be jailed!"

"The Philippines has no law enforcement power in the South China Sea. Are you afraid of Mao?"

Zhang Tuhao sighed: "There is no way, I have a gun, and I am doing smuggling, so I can't ask for help from the patrol station!"

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