Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 446 Breaking into the Demon Cave

At the end of the meeting, Jiang Tian was left behind by Xu Liang, along with several senior officials from the Wu League and the military. Xu Liang asked Jiang Tian, ​​"Captain Jiang, can you tell me about the so-called man you met in Walker City last time?" The God of Wisdom?”

Jiang Tian roughly described the scene that day, and then said: "According to my induction, the God of Wisdom is very strong, at least above the Three Flowers Gathering!"

"Have you surpassed Three Flowers Gathering at the Top?" Long Zhentian asked with a solemn expression. △,

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly, "I'm not sure either. I only know that she is very strong. I have never seen the five qi chaoyuan above the three flowers gathering at the top. Even if she has this strength, I can't guess whether she has this strength." !”

Long Zhentian asked: "Are you really sure that the space crack was not closed by her but collapsed due to lack of energy?"

Jiang Tian nodded, "I'm sure of this!"

Long Zhentian said: "In that case, the so-called God of Wisdom should still be in the realm of the Three Flowers Gathering, but her strength is probably at the top of the Three Flowers Gathering. It will be very difficult to deal with her. It will take at least 3 Only when three powerful men join forces can we have hope!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Three people gathered together? The Huaxia Kingdom has 10 powerful people from the Three Flowers Ju, but now that the country has insufficient self-protection, how can it possibly send other top powerful people from the Three Flowers Ju to come to support it? Ever since, everyone has looked at Jiang Tian, ​​knowing that Long Zhentian personally admitted that if Jiang Tian revealed all his secrets, he would not be Jiang Tian's opponent.

What kind of background does Jiang Tian have? A giant dragon, a giant octopus several hundred meters long, and that magical long flag. The first two have been recognized by Long Zhentian as both 5-star magical beasts. This is comparable to the human three-flower gathering. top level.

If you want to eliminate the Alpha Evil God, then only Jiang Tian can do it.

Jiang Tian touched his nose. "I can try!"

He is actually very clear about the energy fluctuations of the God of Wisdom. What he can be sure of is that he has never reached the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty, that is, the holy level. As long as he does not break through the holy level, Jiang Tian claims that he can still fight.

Three days later, Jiang Tian set off, this time he did not take Fei Longzi and others with him. It's really too dangerous, if you go below 5 stars, you're going to die.

Jiang Tian sat on Rogetia's back, flying thousands of meters above the sky. Rogetia said: "Sir, can you let this damn ugly toad man get off my back? I really can't To bear with him sitting on my back!”

Jiang Tian said: "We'll be there soon, don't be nagging!"

Campas held the map and searched according to the map, saying: "Sir, if you bypass the mountain in front, you should be entering the holy mountain of the God of Wisdom. She should live in that mountain range!"

"Bullshit God of Wisdom, the great Lord Rogetia will burn her to ashes with dragon breath soon!" Rogetia said unceremoniously.

Soon, Rogetia landed on a mountain peak, Jiang Tian jumped off Rogetia's back, and Rogetia transformed into a human form.

As soon as it fell, a powerful energy swept over it. His tone was very arrogant, "It's you. A humble, ignorant, stupid blasphemer!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly: "Pseudo God, if you have the ability, tell us your lair and see how we beat your tendons, peel off your skin, and kick your head like a ball!"

"Ignorant beings, since you are here, then just come!" The arrogant voice sounded again. At the same time, on a distant peak, a giant hole suddenly appeared on the mountain wall.

The entrance to the cave is forty to fifty meters high, and Rogetia can easily enter. It is pitch black inside. Spreading into the depths of the mountain, as soon as you stepped in, there was a disgusting smell.

"Why do I think this should be a devil's cave? Could it be that the false god is actually a bat?" Rogetia sneezed and explored the way ahead.


Suddenly a ball of flame appeared in Jiang Tian's palm, illuminating the front. Suddenly, countless spiders were seen in the passage, covering the entire corridor. The small ones were only the size of a palm, and the large ones were two or three meters in diameter, comparable to a 4-star Warcraft. .

"Quack, ignorant humans, you will become my pet's lunch!" The God of Wisdom laughed wildly from the depths of the corridor, and then the spiders launched attacks on the three Jiang Tian people. Suddenly, black venom, white... Spider webs were overwhelmingly thrown at the three people.

Of course, more people are swarming towards Jiang Tian and others, wanting to launch a close attack. Looking at it through the light of the flames, I see it is like a black tide, densely packed, and Jiang Tian can't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

"Rogetia, I leave it to you!"

Jiang Tian and Campas stepped back ten meters, leaving Rogetia behind. Then they saw Rogetia roaring and punching twice. Suddenly, two flame dragons swept out and swept into the depths of the passage. Suddenly, those dense All the spiders died tragically, some turned into ashes, some turned into coke, and a burning smell filled the air.

"What a great dish!" Rogetia said disdainfully.

The three people went deep again, and this time they encountered spiders again, but there were not many in number, only thirty or forty. However, each of them was a 4-star monster, ranging in size from 5 meters in diameter to 10 meters in diameter. They looked extremely scary.

"Sir, leave it to me!"

Rogetia suddenly transformed into a fighting warrior, and his hands turned into black scale arms. The sharp claws could easily tear the big spider's body apart.

Thirty or forty large spiders were all bloodyly torn into pieces by Rogetia in less than five minutes.

"Oh, don't waste it, these are all magic cores!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and quickly collected the magic cores of these big spiders. Rogetia did not bother to swallow such dark magic cores, but his own Ten Thousand Demonic Banners have a special liking for it.

"You still have some skills, but it won't be that simple next time. If I kill you, I will pull your souls out of your bodies and torture you for ten thousand years!" came the voice of the God of Wisdom.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a "dong-dong" sound starting from the depths of the cave, and then two super giant spiders appeared, each of them 30 meters high, fierce and extremely ferocious.

"Sir, these seem to be two 5-star monsters!" Campas whispered.

Jiang Tian didn't expect the evil god to have such powerful subordinates, but he was even more ecstatic that he could collect two 5-star magic cores again. He ordered Rogetia, "Rogetia, now it's time to prove your dragon clan's fighting power." It’s time!”

Rogetia turned his head, "Sir, please step back, I need to show my true colors!"

Then, a red light flashed on Rogetia's body, and a 30-meter-long giant dragon appeared on the spot. From a distance, Rogetia's size was actually not as big as the two big spiders, but the two big spiders started to Recoiled in horror.

"Damn, I didn't expect you to be a dragon knight. Damn big reptile. If you dare to come in, believe it or not, I will peel off your dragon scales to make armor!" The God of Wisdom's angry voice came from deep in the passage.

Rogetia's voice sounded, "Damn evil god, I will tear your body into pieces in a moment!"

After saying that, Rogetia rushed forward, and at the same time the dragon's breath swept out, and the two big spiders quickly sprayed out spider webs to resist the burning of the dragon's breath.

However, the dragon clan can be famous throughout the universe, and its dragon breath is so easy to resist. Suddenly the spider webs turned into ashes, and the two big spiders fled with scorch marks on their bodies.

"Rogetia, don't let them escape!" Jiang Tian shouted.

"Can't run away!"

The dragons are not only powerful with their dragon language magic, but their hand-to-hand combat is also extremely terrifying. Their sharp claws and serrations, as well as their hard scales, are what they rely on for close combat.

Rogetia rushed forward and slapped a big spider with his forelimbs. Immediately, a piece of flesh and blood with a radius of 5 meters was torn off by him. The big spider let out a scream and turned towards Rogetia with eight furry tentacles. Ya attacked and left.

"Hey, you came just in time!"

Rogetia's wings flapped out. Don't underestimate the dragon's fleshy wings. They were covered with barbs and were so powerful that they knocked the big spider over and hit the wall. The entire passage shook.

Then Rogetia rushed over and used his sharp limbs to cut the big spider into pieces.

After killing the first one, Rogetia went after the second one, while Jiang Tian led Campas to dissect the big spider and took out a black magic core with a radius of one meter.


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in front, and a fiery breath rolled in. It was Rogetia's fire magic. Jiang Tian caught up and saw that the big spider turned into a pile of ashes, which showed the terror of the dragon's flames. .

Although these two big spiders are only low-level 5-stars, they are still 5-stars anyway. Under Rogetia's hands, they have no resistance at all.

Among the ashes, there was a huge black magic core. Jiang Tian quickly put it away. This was a treasure. It immediately integrated into the pirate ship, indicating that three 5-star magic cores had been collected.

"Sir, there seems to be an exit ahead!" Campas reminded. Jiang Tian looked and saw that there was indeed a bright light in the dark front. Jiang Tian quickly urged Rogetia not to block the way and walked towards the bright light together.

Through the bright light, it suddenly became clear that this was a vast valley, surrounded by mountains more than 10,000 meters high. The trees were lush and unusually tall. It could be seen that there had been no human traces for at least hundreds of years.

What caught Jiang Tian's attention was a high platform in the middle of the valley. It was 50 meters high and 500 meters in diameter. The most important thing was that this high platform was actually a huge boulder. Who could have such great powers? Jiang Tian was shocked when he saw it!

On the high platform, Jiang Tian saw the real master, who was fully 3 meters tall, with a plump figure, a beautiful figure that could not be concealed by a white robe, and a bohemian face.

Although I have never seen the so-called God of Wisdom, this aura is unmistakable. The charming beauty on the high platform is the God of Wisdom believed in by the Alpha Kingdom. (To be continued...)

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