Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 457 The Words of the Gods

After a long time, the white-haired old man showed a look of ecstasy on his face. He suddenly raised his head and his eyes shot out with terrifying light, "Is this elemental water?"

Jiang Tian smiled and nodded slightly: "Master has good eyesight, this is indeed elemental water! Please help me evaluate it!"

The white-haired old man pondered for half a minute, then hesitated and said: "Elemental water has a price but no market. I suggest that the base price can be set at 2 million gold coins. After the bidding, I guess the deal can be around 8 million!"

Jiang Tian nodded silently, but he was also shocked in his heart. You must know that he learned from the defected Alpha officials that Alpha's annual tax revenue was only 1.5 billion gold coins.

In fact, Jiang Tian still doesn't understand what magicians mean to the continent of Atlanti. They are existences standing at the top of the pyramid. For those magicians, as long as they have the opportunity to improve their cultivation, no matter how much money they spend, they They are also willing, because as long as their strength increases, they can get more money and honor.

Therefore, no matter how much money you spend, it is worth it, and elemental water is a treasure that can enhance your strength in the eyes of magicians.

Jiang Tian asked: "If I want to bid at your auction, can I pay directly with the auction price of elemental water?"

The white-haired old man smiled and said, "Of course you can!"

Elemental water appeared in the auction hosted by the Budria Chamber of Commerce. If this news spreads, it will definitely greatly improve the reputation of the Budria Chamber of Commerce.

Jiang Tian once again placed a porcelain bottle on the table, "Okay, help me take out the two bottles for auction!"

The white-haired old man's eyes were shining, and he stared at Jiang Tian and said tremblingly. "Your Excellency. Do you still have elemental water?"

Jiang Tian shook his head slightly. "No, I got it from an ancient alchemist's cave, just two bottles!"

"That's such a pity!" The white-haired old man looked disappointed, but he had already made up his mind to inform the family owner of the news as soon as possible and arrange for people to bid for it, making sure to buy at least one bottle of elemental water.

Because there are rules in the auction industry, the organizer of the auction is not allowed to participate in the bidding, so the Budria Chamber of Commerce wants to bid for the elemental water. You can only prepare in advance and arrange for people to participate under the guise of other identities.

The white-haired old man carefully put away two bottles of elemental water, and then took out a card made of magic crystal, "Your Excellency, this is a senior VIP of our auction house, and this is your seat. The auction will officially begin tomorrow morning! "

Jiang Tian took the card and put it away, "Okay!"

When Jiang Tian opened the door and went out, the white-haired old man took out a crystal ball and filled it with magic power. Suddenly a majestic voice came from the other end, "Master Kachina?"

The white-haired old man said excitedly: "Master. Today someone sent two bottles of elemental water for auction at our Elan City auction house. I"

"What? Are you sure?" Before the white-haired old man finished speaking, Crystal interrupted and asked.

"I am sure!"

The other side immediately said: "Okay, I'll send extra manpower to guard tonight. I'll come all night long. Remember, don't spread the news about the Water of Elements mailing!"


If Jiang Tian knew about it, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood. If the Chamber of Commerce did not publicize it, and when the last lot was taken out, 80% of the bidders present would not have enough funds, because the previous bidding had exhausted all their funds. Funds, and in this way, if the Budria Chamber of Commerce wants to take the elemental water, there will be many fewer competitors.

Jiang Tian naturally didn't know what was going on here. After leaving the auction, he went back to the hotel and went back to their rooms to practice.

Recently, Jiang Tian tried to attack the Three Flowers Gathering, but he was very disappointed. A flower of essence swaying in the wind just took shape, and then collapsed. Jiang Tian was a little helpless. He now understands why there are so many flowers in China. There are only 10 three-flowered top warriors announced by the warriors. Although ancient sects such as Shaolin and Wudang must have more than one three-flowered top warrior, it can be expected that Huaxia Guoman will only have 20 at most.

Ordinary warriors have some natural disadvantages against magicians, that is, magicians can mobilize power several times stronger than themselves through spells, while ordinary warriors can only rely on their own internal strength of decades of practice to resist; but once they advance to the level The Three Flowers Gathering is different. He can mobilize the power of heaven and earth with just a single movement, just like a magician. Moreover, the Three Flowers Gathering’s strong fighters are extremely powerful. It can be said that a legendary mage will definitely not be the Three Flowers Gathering. The strongest opponent.

This is why Jiang Tian later put his main focus on Ziyang Divine Art instead of magic, and later obtained the Nine-turn Mysterious Art in the blood of the ancestral witches, and spared no effort to practice it, dreaming of what was described in the Nine-turn Mysterious Art. In that way, the body fights against heaven and earth.

The next day, Jiang Tian and his party walked towards the auction house after enjoying the delicious breakfast in Ellan City.

When Jiang Tian and others arrived at the square in front of the auction house, they were slightly stunned by the sea of ​​people/traffic. He did not expect that the Boudriya Auction would attract so many people.

However, Jiang Tian had a VIP card. After receiving the card, he passed through the red-carpeted VIP passage. There was no need to crowd with those people. There was a maid in front of him who led the way and led the three of them into a small box with all the facilities. .

"Dignified guest, please wait a moment, the auction will begin soon!" The maid bowed out respectfully.

Through the window of the box, you can see the huge auction venue. The auction venue is huge and densely packed with seats. There is a huge auction table on the stage, and surrounding the auction room are boxes like Jiang Tian's. Generally only VIPs are eligible to enjoy it.

Anyone who can enter the VIP box is worth more than one million gold coins. The bidding price of the two bottles of elemental water Jiang Tian took out will definitely exceed ten million gold coins, so he is naturally qualified. Firstly, entering the VIP seats is a comfortable experience, and secondly, it is highly confidential. Customers of their level basically take photos of hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins, so it is best not to reveal your identity.

Soon, the empty auction venue was filled with densely packed people. However, with the sound of a copper bell beating, the auction venue gradually became quiet, and countless eyes were cast towards the auction table.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I won't say any more nonsense. Now I directly declare that the auction has officially begun!" A plump middle-aged man took the stage with a pleasant face and a pair of shrewd eyes. Scanning the dark crowd,

As the auctioneer's voice fell, a ray of light flashed across the auction table, and then there was a pitch-black spear on the auction table. Under the light, it reflected a ghostly light, and there was energy flowing on the gun, seizing the opportunity. Human soul.

"I believe this is the first time you have seen this gun, but I think you must have heard of its name more than once. It is the Tears of Death. I don't think I need to elaborate on its power!"


"What, it turned out to be the Tears of Death that have disappeared for a thousand years!"

"The Budria Chamber of Commerce is really powerful, it can even get this kind of weapon!"

There was a commotion downstairs.

The auctioneer did not introduce the black spear as rhetorically as Jiang Tian imagined. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the commotion of the people below and said: "Then, the base price of Tears of Death is 500,000 gold coins. Everyone, please go ahead!"

At the beginning, there was an auction with a reserve price of 500,000 yuan. It seemed that the Budria Chamber of Commerce was really generous.

"It seems that Tears of Death is very famous. Have you heard of it?" Jiang Tian looked at Baghdad, who quickly shook his head. Although he wanted to answer the question for the respected lord, he has been wandering in the underworld for hundreds of years. How could he know about the underworld? The deeds of Tranti continent.

Campas said: "Sir, the Tears of Death is a magic gun. It is said that it was the weapon of the great hero Herakli a thousand years ago. Legend has it that when he was fighting against the demons in the abyss, he held the Tears of Death. After killing 18 demons on the throne, 108 4-star demons, and countless little demons in the Demon Legion, the originally silver spear was stained jet black."

"What about the last Herakli?" Jiang Tian asked.

Campas said: "Death from exhaustion!"

"One person killed 18 enemies of the same level. He is indeed a hero worthy of respect!" Jiang Tian nodded.

Outside, the price kept soaring. A few minutes later, a tall and strong man bought it for 3.5 million gold coins. Jiang Tian sensed that the strength of that strong man was already comparable to that of a peak 4-star warrior, possessing Tears of Death. If so, it can be compared to half a step to 5 stars.

It can be said that the first auction item was a success. The base price of 500,000 gold coins was actually sold for 3.5 million. Moreover, the Tears of Death itself were very rare, which suddenly raised the entire atmosphere of the auction house.

It seems that the choice of Tears of Death as the first lot was not a coincidence, but was carefully planned.

Next, many dazzling treasures appeared at the auction, such as magic scrolls, some kind of magic books, magic potions, precious medicinal materials, etc.

"Next, there is a rare thing. Maybe some big shots who like to collect will like it!" The auctioneer introduced, "This is a parchment scroll with tiny characters written on it. It was obtained from an alchemist. It was purchased. However, according to the senior alchemist, he spent 20 years researching and could not figure out what this parchment contained. According to his guess, the parchment seemed to record words used by ancient and superior gods. !”


The people below were excited. The words used by the gods? 50,000 years ago, the gods suddenly became legends and disappeared from the Atlanti continent. No religion could invite miracles to come. If you can get the parchments and study the gods' texts, even if you can get a glimpse of them, Even the slightest bit of mystery can rival the saintly adults of Atlanti!

They all showed fanatical expressions and stared greedily at the parchments on the auction table. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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