Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 48: Salvage completed (recommendation requested)

At this moment, Jiang Tian had already set sail and set sail. He entered the longitude and latitude Zhang Tuhao gave him into the pirate ship, then set the route and drove the pirate ship forward.

"Hey, what's going on today? There are so few fishing boats along the way, it's a bit abnormal!" In the vast sea, there were not many fishing boats seen along the way.

How did Jiang Tian know that because of what happened yesterday, the relationship between the country and the Philippines had once again cooled down, and a diplomatic turmoil was set off again.

The hijacked fishing boat was also investigated and it was found that it had sent out a distress signal. It was impossible to hide it if you wanted to. Soon the fishermen explained what happened.

The investigators were very surprised. According to the fishermen, they had been controlled and taken back by the Philippine National Police/Guards, but an accident occurred midway: the armed man controlling the fishing boat was shot dead, and the next moment a shell fell from the sky. The Philippine ship was bombed, causing the Philippine ship to sink.

The fishermen collectively concealed the fact that two Filipinos were later thrown into the sea by them.

This statement is simply unbelievable. Cannonballs falling from the sky? Is this a joke?

The first thought in the investigators' minds was: Could it be the latest weapon developed by a certain country?

No, this investigation result must be reported upward!

At this moment, the Philippine Police Maritime Police announced on the same day that personnel from the Philippine Police Intelligence Department and the Special Boat Team carried out a cleaning operation in the waters of Tianyue Reef on the afternoon of the 5th and targeted a Chinese ship. The fishing boat was conducting a "boarding inspection" but was bombarded by Chinese military vessels, causing the action boat to sink and all 9 law enforcement officers on board died. In this regard, they expressed their provocation to China by force. Protest strongly and will react accordingly.

The Chinese spokesperson stated that he was not responsible for the incident and reiterated that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Zhongsha Islands, including Tianyue Reef, and their adjacent waters.

Some Western media analysts believe that the Philippine police's operation in the "disputed waters" on the 5th was the latest incident to "intensify tensions in the South China Sea."

While the international community was engaged in a war of words over this matter, Jiang Tian had already arrived at his destination. This sea area is between Qiong Province and Yue State, about 180 nautical miles away from Yue State, with an average water depth of 450 meters.

The mighty pirate ship was stationed in this exotic sea, and Jiang Tian entered the command: salvage the iron box.

Then the next moment, all the iron boxes with a depth of 800 meters and a radius of 1.6 kilometers were within the salvage range of the pirate ship. In an instant, there were more than a dozen iron boxes in the storage room. The small ones were only the size of the head, and the large ones were 6 meters long.

Jiang Tian could tell almost immediately which one was Zhang Tuhao's medicinal material box, the 6-meter-long iron box, because this one was made of brand-new stainless steel, completely sealed, and wrapped with a film on the outside.

The most important thing is that there is a special logo that Zhang Tuhao told him. It is a five-pointed star, red, and very eye-catching.

After kicking the other iron boxes out of the storage room, Jiang Tian drove the pirate ship back.

1,500 nautical miles, but now that the Corsair has been upgraded to level 1, the maximum speed has reached 72 knots, which is already comparable to most torpedoes. Of course, let alone the terrifying speed of the Blizzard torpedo, 200 knots, 100 meters/second, this speed I'm afraid nothing in the ocean can escape its pursuit.

Along the way, Jiang Tian barely rested, controlling the pirate ship to sail for 6 hours, then resting for another 3 hours to regain his energy, and then continued sailing.

Thirty-six hours later, on the afternoon of October 7th, Jiang Tian arrived at the offshore waters of Shenhai City and rushed to the coast.

It is strange to say that a 24-meter-long pirate ship can sail safely along the coast with a depth less than 5 meters. It seems that there is no such thing as stranding. Jiang Tian lowered his head and saw that the entire pirate ship was almost stuck to the sea with its bottom. There is no waterline.

Finally, the 24-meter-long pirate ship docked safely on the shore, and the water depth at the bottom of the ship was about 2.5 meters.

This is good, it saves Jiang Tian a lot of trouble. It really needs to be like an ordinary ship. With the expansion of pirate ships in the future, it will be difficult to dock in the future, unless you find a dock with such deep water to dock, but it will be easily exposed.

Stepping onto the shore, Jiang Tian directly took out the iron box, and then took out a piece of black cloth to cover it.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, I have salvaged the goods and returned them. I am not lying to you. I will give you an address and you can bring someone to inspect the goods in person. However, I hope that before you come to inspect the goods, Our agreement in advance!"

Zhang Tuhao suppressed his inner excitement and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will transfer the remaining 2 million to your account now."

"Remember not to transfer it to me directly from your account!" Jiang Tian explained.

"We have cooperated twice. I still know this. Don't worry!" Zhang Tuhao said.

Jiang Tian told Zhang Tuhao the address.

Half an hour later, Jiang Tian received a text message notification that an extra 2 million yuan had been credited to his account.

At this point, Jiang Tian's personal assets have reached 6.3 million, making him an unprecedented wealth. Two months ago, Jiang Tian would not have dared to think about it. It would be great to find a stable job with a good salary after graduation.

Jiang Tian returned to the pirate ship and silently watched the movements on the coast. An hour later, the roar of the engine could be heard. An Audi A6 took the lead in the front, which was Zhang Tuhao's car, and behind it was a large box truck. .

The two cars parked on the shore, and Zhang Tuhao couldn't wait to push the door out of the back seat and quickly walked out. According to what Jiang Tian had told him in advance, he walked around a huge rock and found a protruding black cloth.

"Quickly, tear off this black cloth!"

Zhang Tuhao said anxiously, and several big men immediately walked over behind him and pulled off the black cloth. Zhang Tuhao began to touch around the iron box carefully, and soon his face showed joy. He saw the five-pointed star logo on the iron box.

Jiang Tian didn't care how Zhang Tuhao put the iron box on the truck in the end. When he saw this, he drove the pirate ship away and landed on another remote coast.

Jiang Tian was very lucky. As soon as he walked out of this wasteland and entered Huanhai Avenue, he met a taxi with someone in the car. However, Jiang Tian was willing to pay extra for the taxi. The passengers had no objection, so the driver would not refuse.

"Where do you get off, buddy?" the driver asked while driving.

"I'm going to the train station!" Jiang Tian said.

"Okay, I'm just on the way. This brother will get off at the sports center!" the driver said.

Halfway through, the first passenger was dropped off, and the taxi continued to move forward, heading towards the train station.

"Dude, are you going to pick someone up?" The taxi driver may be affected by his occupation. He comes into contact with many people every day, and most of them are talkative, and the person in front of him is no exception.

"Well, pick up a friend!" Su Yimo is on the 7 o'clock train tonight. Of course, Jiang Tian can't forget about picking up the train. Moreover, Jiang Tian didn't tell Su Yimo that he would pick her up. It's about falling in love, so little Surprises are always needed.

"Girlfriend, right?" the driver smiled.

"Brother can tell fortunes!" Jiang Tian also laughed and said, "But brother, can you drive a little faster?"

It's already six forty now. If we don't get to the station, we'll be late.

The driver said helplessly: "Brother, it's the last day of the long holiday. All the people who are traveling are going back. There's a traffic jam. You've seen it too!"

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