Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 509 Magic Tree

"Meet your lord"

Under the leadership of the great elder, the second elder, third elder and fourth elder saluted respectfully to Jiang Tian. As for the fifth elder Ivanov, after they saluted, Baghdad threw him in front of Jiang Tian.

At this moment, Ivanov returned to his human form and was no longer in the state of a koromora snake, but he was still cursing something, saying that the goddess of nature would not spare Jiang Tian.

"Sir, what should I do with this guy?" Baghdaf asked Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian looked at the Great Elder with a half-smile, "Great Elder, I leave this matter to you. I hope you can enlighten Elder Ivanov and inherit the divine light of the goddess of nature is your career."

Jiang Tian stood aside, watching Ivanov being pulled aside by the great elder and others and whispering continuously. Ivanov's voice was very sharp, and it was obvious that he was very excited. He seemed to be unable to accept what the great elder and others said. Their faces turned red, while the Great Elder and others had wry smiles on their faces.

Then Ivanov saw Ivanov looking towards the sky along the elder's finger, and then Rogdia came into Ivanov's eyes. That perfect and ferocious body made Ivanov tremble all over, naturally The goddess above is a dragon.

Ivanov was desperate. He didn't expect that not only could the great elder not be able to defeat the Earth Bear, but the opponent actually had a giant dragon. Here, two 5-star high-level monsters were sitting in charge, plus a half-step saint. With Jiang Tian at the highest level, their thoughts of escaping were completely over. There were really only two choices: survival or destruction.

"Hey, there seems to be a palace there." Jiang Tian's eyes were suddenly attracted to the building in the distance. It was an arched building made of huge stones, with green vines all over the building. When he got closer, he discovered this palace made of huge stones. The palace is a full 20 meters high, and it is only one floor. The gate alone is 15 meters high.

Jiang Tian walked in and looked around slightly. It was a very simple palace, and the furnishings inside were relatively simple, as you could see from the floor. There should be very few people here. In the middle of the end of the hall, stands an 8-meter-high stone statue of a female deity.

"It seems that this stone statue is the goddess of nature. I just don't know if the one in front of me fell in the battle of the gods tens of thousands of years ago." Jiang Tian thought to himself. He could sense a majestic power of faith from the stone statue. The power is concentrated in it, and its power is so majestic that Jiang Tian has never seen before, only if it is released. Even the holy ones can kill.

Jiang Tian was very moved, but he also knew that this was the power of faith of the goddess of nature. No one except her could absorb and refine this power of faith.

"It's great to develop a religion. The power of faith of a pope is just a drop of water, but if there are one hundred thousand, one million or even ten million believers, after decades, what a vast power it is. Ah, it’s hard to imagine those gods who have been gods for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. How deep their background is.”

Jiang Tian said with envy that although he can sense and absorb the power of faith now, he doesn't know how to use it. Moreover, according to the rumors circulating in Atlanti, only those who have reached the realm of false gods are qualified to use the power of faith. The power of faith is integrated into one's own body, refining divine power, condensing one's own divine personality, and igniting the divine fire.

This process is extremely long, and some pseudo-gods may not be able to condense their godhead after hundreds of thousands of years. But its danger is very small. Compared with gods who do not follow the path of faith, it is more secure, at least there will be no natural disaster.

Whether it's Atlanti or on Earth. If you want to become a god, you will inevitably be blocked by God, who will send down all kinds of powerful but unpredictable catastrophes, some of which are thunder, some of water and fire, and some of them, in short. The test of becoming a god is extremely dangerous. This step is even more difficult than cultivating from ordinary people to the realm of false gods.

Although he can absorb the power of faith, he cannot use it, so Jiang Tian is not that big on establishing a religion and developing believers. But even so, Jiang Tian's body is absorbing wisps of power of faith all the time, most of which are They are the residents of the Holy Horse Island on Earth. Under Bora's campaign, they simply regard Jiang Tian as their savior. Hundreds of thousands of people pray for Jiang Tian's blessing every day.

Nowadays, the gas cloud of the power of faith in the sea of ​​consciousness is already very huge, and it is very rich, so rich that it is almost viscous together, forming a liquid, and it seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation.

"Hey, what a strong magic wave. Could it be that the Druid religion still hides some strength?"

Jiang Tian walked out of the palace, detoured to the back of the palace, and was attracted by two large trees that were 50 meters high. Compared with the similar trees around them, these two trees were simply huge. The diameter of the trunks reached 5 meters.

"The magic wave comes from these two trees. It's so magical. Could it be a magic tree?" Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Tian's eyes couldn't help showing ecstasy. Judging from the energy wave, these two trees contain more magic power than A 5-star legendary magician, at least a magic tree that is more than ten thousand years old.

The reason why Jiang Tian is so happy is that he can finally try the enlightenment magic he got from the Tree of Life. It is said that as long as his strength does not exceed the tree of life and his magic power reaches a certain level, he can evolve under the recruitment of the enlightenment magic. Be a warrior of Shenmu and fight for yourself.

This is the most powerful magic of the natural gods. It is said to be powerful because as long as a tree with powerful magic power can be found, the natural gods can use the sign in his name to turn into a sacred tree warrior. A 50,000-year-old magic tree has With the strength of the holy level, those who are more than 100,000 years old can even become false gods.

Therefore, despite the fact that natural gods are usually very gentle, and most of them are proficient in healing magic, if that natural god takes the path of faith, constructs his own divine kingdom and rests for hundreds of thousands of years, he will never be able to If you can cultivate magic trees in your own kingdom of gods, it is hard to imagine how many false god-level sacred tree warriors the natural gods will have.

If you are lucky enough to get a broken branch of the tree of life and cultivate a new tree of life, then that god's kingdom will become more and more powerful. Even if a god one level higher than him rushes into the kingdom of god, he is likely to perish. .

Therefore, there is a saying in the universe that the gods of the natural system are the most unprovoked. They are the masters of group fights.

"Then, in my name, I will enlighten you as a sacred tree warrior. From now on, you will fight for me under my call and regard me as my master."

After Jiang Tian finished speaking, a pure green light emitted from his body, and then submerged into two 50-meter-high magic trees. Suddenly the ground was shaking, and the two magic trees began to shake violently, as if they were trying to break free from the ground. out. To be continued.


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