Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 514 Siege

The young general smiled slightly, with a trace of disdain on his handsome face, and glanced at Bavaria City mockingly, "Bavaria City has the shortest wall among the three major cities in the Phillips Federation, only three feet high. General Charlie, this I will give it to you for the first time, I believe you will not disappoint me."

General Charlie said hesitantly: "Aren't you going to attack with me? According to the news I got, although the city of Bavaria has undergone layoffs, it can still organize a 50,000-strong army for defense. I only brought 50,000, of which 1 Wan is still a cavalryman, not suitable for attacking a city, I'm just afraid"

Rocherio gave the other party a scornful look and said: "What? Old General Charlie, can't your Tiger Wing Army of the Kingdom of Carlo capture this city? If not, our Red Lion Army of the Principality of Louis will be rude, just a mere The city of Bavaria can be captured by our Red Lion Army in two waves!"

Although the Principality of Louis is only a principality, its military strength is not weaker than that of a king, and is even stronger than an ordinary kingdom. Therefore, Grand Duke Radisson has been seeking to be promoted to a title in these years.

This is the same as in the Middle Ages on Earth. The promotion of titles, especially kings, requires the coronation of the Illuminati Cult before it is officially recognized and other countries will treat you as an equal. Not even the three major empires have this power.

Of course, those who need to be crowned by the Illuminati Cult are only those who are promoted to kings from dukes, and kings of their own countries below the duke level are sufficient.

There was a flash of hesitation in General Charlie's eyes, but when he saw the clear and undisguised contempt in Rocherio's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a flash of anger in his heart. A newly promoted noble dared to be so rude to him. If it weren't for His Majesty, If you are ordered to cooperate fully, why should you obey an arrogant guy?

"No, General Rochelio. Rochelio will definitely live up to the general's high expectations. Come on!" General Charlie rode away, organizing his troops to prepare for the attack.

The corner of Rochelio's mouth curled up, and he murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Even if it is a three-foot-high city wall, it is impossible to capture it with your 50,000 men. Wait until you suffer heavy casualties." When you are not caught, you will naturally ask me to take action, haha. How can I give up the merits of this first battle to you!"

On the city wall, Jiang Tianduan sat among them, staring at the distance below, "These troops are far from Alpha's troops!"

Whether in terms of equipment or momentum, the two sides are not on the same level.

Campas said: "Sir, Alpha's strength in the kingdom is considered to be in the middle and upper reaches, while the Carlo Kingdom is at the bottom. Otherwise, the Principality of Louis will not be able to take the lead this time!"

Carlo on the side said disdainfully: "With these people, I, along with the Mad Dragon Cavalry and our 2,000 Berserker Cavalry, can penetrate their camp in one round trip!"

Nu Yan smiled and said: "Haha, Carlo, although your berserker warriors are powerful in the field, the opponent is an army of 150,000 people. No matter how powerful your berserker warriors are, can you still fight with 2,300 against 150,000 people? Unless we have the wrathful flames of our dwarves. The Corps comes to your aid!"

"Wrath Yan. Friends are friends, we have friendship, but you look down on us Berserkers so much, but it makes me very unhappy!" Carlo said dissatisfied. If Carlo did not have this confidence before, but now The berserkers exchange shotguns for cannons. Not to mention the mad dragon cavalry, they are armed from head to toe with magic weapons. They are like a torrent of steel, as well as the berserker cavalry. Carlo was confident that there were very few cavalrymen in the entire continent who could defeat the berserker cavalry in equal numbers.

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and said, "Carlo, be patient. Taking the initiative can improve morale, but I don't want the berserkers to suffer losses. Even if one person dies, I won't be able to bear it. So, let's wait quietly for the other side to attack the city. First rely on the city wall to weaken the opponent's morale. Then attack and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!"

"Your Excellency is wise!"

"Your Excellency is indeed a master of calculation!"

"I'm impressed!"

"Okay, okay, stop flattering me. Everyone returns to their posts and performs their duties. If either side fails to fight well, don't blame me for the military justice!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and dispersed these guys.

And below the city, all 50,000 troops have been dispatched, rushing towards the city of Bavaria with great momentum. It seems that the opponent wants to take the city in one go, but if they want to capture the city of Bavaria with only 50,000, this is too underestimated.

Jiang Tian said: "Master Asaman, you and your students can take action. I hope you can give me a surprise!"

Asaman was wearing a mage robe embroidered with flames, which was much better than his original attire that was no better than a beggar, and his fingers were covered with rings. These were no ordinary rings, but engraved with magic circles. Magic Ring, Asaman has been very comfortable in recent months. Although he is a little tired and needs to constantly add magic circles to the weapons made by the dwarves, the rewards are also amazingly high. No, he and his students have completely I experienced what it means to get rich overnight and what it means to be rich.

"Teacher, what spell should we use? Fire meteorite? Or great flame spell?" One of the students said excitedly.

Asaman rolled his eyes, "Fire meteorite? Do you think we can summon it within ten minutes with our magic power? In ten minutes, the opponent has already attacked the city. Is it interesting to summon it again to help the opponent knock down our city wall? Do you? Use your brain. Next, you send all the magic power in your body to me, and I will use the Balrog Summoning Technique. I believe that with the lethality of the Balrog, I can cause considerable damage to the opponent!"


As a result, Asaman and his students began to chant magic in a low voice. Magic spells are an ancient and mysterious language. Different from the common language of the mainland, it is a language that every magician must learn. It is said that magic spells come from the language of gods. It has great power to communicate between heaven and earth.

Waves of powerful magic fluctuations continued to come, and Jiang Tian felt it while sitting not far away. It seemed that Asaman had completely stabilized the realm of the legendary mage, and his students had also made great progress, although 4 had not yet appeared. Star mages, but several have already reached the peak level of 3 stars, and breaking through to 4 stars is not far away.

If 4-star magicians continue to appear, then Asaman's magician group will be a powerful magician group. Asaman is certainly powerful, but without the support of multiple 4-star magicians, he wants to release super 5-star magicians. Magic is still hard.

Not to mention the terrifying Holy Order. At the beginning, the Alpha Kingdom mobilized the whole country and sent out all high-level magicians. Among them, there were 5 legendary magicians, and 4-star magicians accounted for a small half. With these Human magic communicates with heaven and earth to release magic. You can imagine the power of that magic. You can also see from the side how powerful the Holy Order is. There is an insurmountable gap between the legendary realm and the Holy Order. The forbidden spell released by the Holy Order can destroy The existence of landmasses. (To be continued.)


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