Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 518 Night Attack

"Prepare the magic crystal cannon for me to kill the enemy general holding the big hammer!" Rochelio didn't expect to solve the flaming demon lion, and another big man with destructive power no less than the flaming demon lion appeared. He couldn't help but Somewhat annoyed.

"But sir, we have only brought a total of magic crystals that can support 5 rounds this time, and we have already fired one!" The adjutant in charge of the magic crystal cannon said hesitantly.

"I said launch!" Rochelio roared.

His heart was bleeding. From the time when the flaming demon lion appeared until now, his 100,000 coalition troops had suffered 10,000 casualties. Whether it was a monster or this big man, every attack could cause hundreds of casualties.

Of course, Rambo's magic power consumption is also huge. In just ten minutes, he has consumed two-thirds of his power. However, it seems that there are endless soldiers in front of him. Rambo has truly realized what ants are today. Kill the elephant.

"I am not a magician after all!"

Rambo is now very envious of magicians. As a warrior, although he has 5-star peak strength, he is only single-body strength. Magicians are different. Magicians can use spells to mobilize the elements of heaven and earth to cast large-scale attacks. Group spells.

On the city wall, Jiang Tian sensed a violent magic wave coming from the opponent's position and said: "The opponent's magic crystal cannon is about to activate again!"

"Do you want to inform Rambo?" Campas said.

Jiang Tian leisurely said: "No, I just want to see the true power of the magic crystal cannon!"

Campas felt ashamed for a while, and I went to mourn for Rambo. Just now, a single shot of the magic crystal cannon shattered the 100-meter-long city wall. It can be seen that its power has far exceeded the ordinary 5-star magic. After all, the 5-star level The energy is condensed into a volume as small as a cannonball, and you can imagine how terrifying its explosive power is.

"Thor is on top!"

Sensing the energy fluctuations of the magic crystal cannon, Rambo cursed in his heart and did not dare to neglect his hands. Thor's hammer began to release a large amount of thunder and lightning. There was no living person within 200 meters. The soldiers were also smart and quickly retreated.


A mushroom cloud mixed with endless thunder and lightning rose in front of the city gate. When the smoke cleared, an explosion with a radius of 200 meters appeared on the ground. Its explosion power was equivalent to 5,000 tons of TNT.


There was a burst of thunder and lightning in the pit, and Rambo climbed up from the pit, his body covered in darkness. Just like black coal, the clothes are ragged and the clothes do not cover the body.


The coalition soldiers charged again, and the magic crystal cannon once again gave them great courage. It seemed that as long as the magic crystal cannon was fired, there was nothing that could not be solved.

In order to resist the magic crystal cannon, Rambo, who had already consumed a lot of magic power, was exhausted.

"Rambo, come up quickly and retreat to the city!" A voice came from above the city wall, which was a blessing from heaven for Rambo at this moment. Otherwise, he would have to show his true self, his 6-meter-tall body, and fight hand-to-hand with these soldiers.

When Rambo retreated into the city and the coalition soldiers were about to enter the collapsed city wall, Jiang Tian patted the earth bear lying next to him, "Barton, it's time to show your majestic side!"

"Roar, Master, I feel full of powerful power now, how about I show my true form and go down and get rid of all these humans!" The Earth Bear stood up and said with disdain. A 5-star high-level monster like it that can cast group magic. Do not take the tens of thousands of human soldiers lightly.

Jiang Tiandao: "If you dare to show your true colors, I will peel off your skin and let me release the magic honestly!"

"Hoo, okay! The gravity of the earth, 10 times!"

Subsequently. The coalition soldiers who were rushing to kill quickly fell to the ground as if someone had helped their feet. The sudden increase in gravity made these soldiers who were carrying armor and weapons feel like they were carrying mountains.

The sound of wailing continued, and the fragile legs were not able to support the body's sudden increase in weight by 10 times. They made the sound of fractures and cracks, which could only be heard under the city wall. The sound of "click, click, click" can be heard endlessly, like a ninet, and combined with the wailing, people can't help but feel terrified for a while.

Some even had their internal organs burst open, and the melon seeds on their heads made contact with the ground, and instantly opened like a watermelon.

Because the Earth Bear did not show its original shape, its magic power was greatly reduced. Only the coalition soldiers 500 meters close to the city wall were affected by the gravity spell. However, that was also an extremely terrifying number. Looking at it, a full third Soldiers, a rough estimate is that at least 30,000 soldiers died for this.

"This is a large-scale gravity spell. Oh my god, there is actually a 5-star earth magician in the city of Bavaria. General, retreat quickly!" Carla immediately discovered that something was wrong. Such a large-scale gravity spell, only I am afraid that only a strong person among 5 stars can do it. At least Kara thinks that he cannot spread the spell 500 meters and maintain the same power.

"Barton, restrain your gravity technique, I don't want to scare them all away!" Jiang Tian patted the Earth Bear on the head, and the Earth Bear said, "I understand, Master!"

Campas said suspiciously: "Sir, do you want to"

Jiang Tian grinned, "I think their magic crystal cannon is good, but I don't want Thailand to expose its strength. Hehe, attacking the camp at night is a good choice. By the way, I will bring the magic crystal cannon for the Raging Flame Dwarves to study. Research, didn’t you say that the magic crystal cannon was made by the dwarves!”

"It was jointly created by the ancient dwarves and human alchemist masters, but I don't know if the Raging Flame dwarves have that kind of technology!" Campas said.

Jiang Tian waved his hand: "It's okay. Even if you can't imitate it, you will still make money by seizing a magic crystal cannon. With the magic crystal cannon, our defense of Bavaria City will be even stronger!"

"Your Excellency is so wise!" Campas took advantage of every opportunity to flatter him.

In the end, Rochelio gave the order to retreat. Only about 70,000 of the 100,000-strong army were left, and they retreated like a tide. These soldiers were afraid, and they lost about 40,000 without even touching the city wall. Especially It was the last wave. It was so weird. The comrades in front of them fell to the ground smoothly as if they were possessed by demons. Their bones suddenly cracked, and some of them felt as if they had been hit by an invisible boulder and were smashed into pieces. Bolognese.

"Sir, let's rush out and take the opportunity to annihilate them!" Carlo hurried over.

Jiang Tiandao: "Didn't you see that the other party has retained a reserve force of 5,000? They must be prepared to guard against our pursuit. And, Campas, how long will it take to destroy a magic crystal cannon?"

Campas said: "A 4-star magic is enough!"

Jiang Tiandao: "Send me the military order and stand still!"

Although many people did not understand it, they still carried it out to the letter. They all knew in their hearts that the city of Bavaria was saved, and the people who had packed their luggage and were ready to flee at any time were completely relieved, and every family made a fire to cook.

At night, the city of Bavaria was still on high alert. A figure jumped down from the city wall, and then quickly rushed forward. In a moment, the military camps of the two countries' coalition forces were seen, stretching for several kilometers, avoiding several layers of patrols. , Jiang Tian went straight to the depths of the camp. The magic crystal cannon was so important. The Principality of Louis would definitely arrange heavy troops to guard it. The safest place was of course the center of the camp.

Sure enough, after searching for half an hour, Jiang Tian discovered something unusual about a camp. It was neither the camp of General Louis Duchy nor the camp of General Carlo Kingdom, but it was guarded by 500 soldiers on three levels inside and outside. And there are 50 4-star gold warriors and 5 magicians among them. Except for the magic crystal cannon, there is nothing else in the entire coalition that is worthy of so much manpower to guard.

"Get the magic crystal cannon first, and then talk about the rest!"

Jiang Tian took out the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags, and the demonic energy swept out immediately, drowning all 500 soldiers in an instant. Those soldiers all became dead souls under the demonic aura without even the slightest reaction.


The five magicians reacted quickly. After Jiang Tian finished dealing with the soldiers, the magicians had noticed it and applied a magic shield to themselves. At the same time, they looked warily and shouted.

With a wave of the demon flag in the sky, the demonic energy rushed towards the five magicians like evil ghosts. Although the five magicians had been blessed with magic shields, they could not stop the erosion of the demonic energy. One encounter turned into a game. Skeleton.

"The demonic energy inside the Ten Thousand Demonic Banners has become more and more pure!" Seeing the power of the Ten Thousand Demonic Banners, Jiang Tian secretly thought to himself, and now that the Demonic God has fallen into a deep sleep, he believes that he will be transformed next time he wakes up.

Jiang Tian raised the tent and walked in, and found that there was indeed a magic crystal cannon placed in the middle of the tent. Looking closer, he saw that the magic crystal cannon was made of fine steel with magical patterns carved on it. It was these patterns that made the ordinary The fine steel can withstand the huge power of the magic crystal, otherwise it would have exploded long ago.

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Tian put the magic crystal cannon into the fairyland, and then walked out of the big tent. Outside, there were already thousands of soldiers waiting solemnly, holding long guns, and soldiers from other parts of the military camp also came one after another. The outer three floors.

"Kill me!"

I don't know which officer gave the order. Thousands of soldiers immediately moved and stabbed Jiang Tian with their spears. If it were in the ordinary world, even Zhao Zilong would not be able to escape after he was reincarnated, but this is a magical world.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian waved the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags in his hand and used it as a spear, cutting iron like mud. The spears that touched the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags broke one after another, and the soldiers contaminated by the demonic energy also fell to the ground and died. All their soul power was given to the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags. Devoured.

At this moment, Jiang Tian was holding one man in check, and the Ten Thousand Demon Banners in his hands were like death's scythes. Five minutes later, with him as the center, there were already corpses everywhere. Everyone stared at Jiang Tian in horror. In their hearts , this person is a devil. (To be continued.)


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