Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 533: Ancestral Witch, Zhu Rong

Soon, a huge figure flew out of a huge cave at the top of Yewei Mountain. This was also a night owl, but this night owl was a little different from other night owl. The night owl in front of him was fully 6 meters tall. , three times that of ordinary night owls, and ordinary night owls are mottled in color, but this night owl is completely black, with two blood-red fangs growing out of the corners of its mouth, its eyes are glowing with red light, and its huge flesh wings are flapping slightly. , there is actually a spiral horn on the top of the head, and the whole body exudes the smell of blood, which is so rich that it is almost impossible to dissolve it. ◇↓◇↓,

This shape is very similar to the legendary vampires on earth.

The Night Owl King soon discovered that something was wrong. The entire Yewei Mountain was surrounded by four monsters. What were these monsters? An earth bear, an adult dragon, a giant octopus that was half a step up to the holy level, and An ape.

Among them, the ones that the Night Owl King fears the most are the Earth Bear and the Dragon Clan. These are two prestigious races. Why do these powerful monsters come to attack at the same time?

Could it be

"Are you the king of the Night Owl clan?"

A cold voice came from above, and the Night Owl King looked up. Only then did it see a young man floating above Yewei Mountain. His aura was not weak, but it was not as good as his own. One chip.

"Humans, what do these monsters have to do with you?" King Night Owl asked.

"Hey, you don't need to know this, you just need to contribute your souls and flesh and blood!" Jiang Tian said.

"I don't know whether to live or die, do you think that four 5-star monsters can fight against our Night Owl clan?" King Night Owl waved his hand, and eight figures quickly gathered behind him. These eight Night Owls were all 3 meters tall. The breath is all at 5 stars. There are even several 5-star peaks. This shows the strength of the Night Owl clan.

"You guys, work in pairs and lead the clansmen to surround and kill the monsters!" King Night Owl gave the order, and immediately the eight Night Owls shot out one after another, and each two led nearly ten thousand Night Owls to attack Barton and the others.

There was a trace of bloodlust on King Night Owl's ferocious face, "And you, I will kill you with my own hands, and then deal with those 5-star monsters, Jie Jie. If the blood of the four 5-star monsters is drained, I will definitely be able to break through." To the Holy Steps!”

There is a crazy look in the eyes of the Night Owl King. It has stayed at the half-step holy step for a full 1,000 years, which is really too long.

Jiang Tian didn't expect that his siege would make Night Owl King so excited, thinking it was an opportunity for him to break through, but at this time, it was useless to say more.

The two sides quickly fought together, but because of Jiang Tian's order not to kill a large number of enemies, they could only snipe. Barton and the other four monsters only relied on their thick-skinned and thick-bodied bodies to deal with the Night Owls.

"Jiejie, I thought the legendary Earth Bears and Dragons were so powerful. But that's it!"

Yes, King Night Owl has never seen the Earth Bear and the Dragon Clan, but the prestige of these two races is far and wide, so he was a little solemn at first, but now, seeing these two monsters under the siege of his own people, Tired of coping, he just laughed.

Jiang Tian smiled slightly, and just silently took out the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags. As if sensing Jiang Tian's master's intention, the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags kept trembling, as if they were alive, and he was very eager for these 50,000 night owls.

The blood evil power contained in each night owl is very strong, far superior to the same level of monsters. This pair of Ten Thousand Demonic Flags is a great tonic. Maybe after absorbing the souls and flesh and blood of these night owls, the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags can be used again. An ancient ancestral witch was condensed.

"Howl under my claws!"

The Night Owl King launched an attack. It was very fast. When it spread its wings, a red afterimage appeared in the air. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Jiang Tian. It showed a sinister smile and grabbed Jiang Tian's chest with its sharp claws. There was terror hidden in it. The blood-red power, even the space, was experiencing unstable fluctuations in its claws.

Jiang Tian was originally a warrior, and his reaction speed was naturally not weak. He retreated sharply. At the same time, he kept waving the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags in his hand, and a stream of demonic energy swept out. He shot out 9 streams of demonic energy and successfully stopped the Night Owl King.

I saw the Night Owl King surrounded by demonic energy. Roaring sounds continued to be heard, and red claws continued to bombard out. The demonic energy was losing rapidly, but Jiang Tian knew that it would take 5 minutes for these demonic energies to trap the Night Owl King. enough.

"Who is that person? He actually withstood King Night Owl's attack?"

"The four 5-star monsters themselves are half a step into the Saint level. When did such powerful people appear on the ancient battlefield!"

Many people were shocked and confused.

Then, as soon as Jiang Tian raised his hand, he immediately saw the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags in his hand come out, and it rose up in the wind. It changed in the air for a while, and turned into a big pillar like an Optimus Pillar. The flagpole made of dark Hell Iron became full. There are dozens of people hugging each other, and the ferocious and strange ghostly faces above are like giant evil ghosts roaring silently.

The dark red flag enveloped the entire Yewei Mountain, blocking out all light, leaving only a deep dark red color.

Suddenly, no one outside except those with a half-step holy level could see what was happening in Qing Yewei Mountain. And those half-step holy strong men all had solemn expressions on their faces, and they all warned themselves that they must not be provoked. that person.

Above the flag, the demon god with the body of a python can be clearly seen, haunted by the dark red demonic energy. His fierce face and red eyes as big as the sun look down at the shrouded Yeting Mountain from high above. .


Jiang Tian opened an opening and gave orders to the four monsters. The big octopus was the first to escape out of the exit. It was already scared to death. A very violent aura filled the sky. This aura made it feel like it was destroying the world. It felt like, especially the demon god hidden in the flag, looking at me was like looking at a delicious lunch, making it tremble with fear.

There was a night owl who wanted to rush out from the exit, but as soon as the four monsters went out, Jiang Tian closed the exit of the formation. The Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation is known as the number one killing formation in the nine heavens and ten lands. I am not bragging. I only saw the flag. Countless fierce ghosts and spirits roared and charged out above them.

The attacks of those night owls had no effect on them. The energy attacks could easily penetrate the bodies of the ghosts and gods, but after a while, these ghosts and gods condensed out again, and the next moment, it was the night owls' Scream.

Flesh, flesh, and souls are constantly dissipating under the great formation of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods, which strengthens those fierce ghosts and gods. In fact, those fierce ghosts and gods are the souls swallowed by the Ten Thousand Demon Banners. They are completely unconscious and serve as the basis for the Ten Thousand Demon Banners. Driven by the master.

The 50,000 Night Owls contained huge blood evil power. Soon, as they absorbed a large amount of power, the flag continued to surge. In the end, the Ten Thousand Demonic Flags actually split into two, and the two flags came together to destroy the Yewei Mountain. Shrouded, the flagpole is also like Optimus Prime. The difference is that the ancient demon god pattern on the flag is different from the first flag.

The demonic energy on the second flag continued to surge, and there were still countless ghosts of night owls thrown into it, and there was an earth-shattering roar from it. This sound carried endless majesty and unwillingness, and seemed to carry the will of ancient times.

Finally, a three-foot-tall demon god emerged from the second flag.

"This is the Fire God Zhurong?"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the demon god full of violent aura in front of him.

It has an animal head and human body, is covered in red scales, has fire snakes in its ears, and has fire dragons on its feet. It is extremely majestic.

However, Jiang Tian also knew that the Twelve Capital Gods' Evil Formation only absorbed countless ghosts and condensed into a form that looked like the ancient ancestral witch. Even so, the combat power was extremely terrifying. After all, this was the first killing formation in ancient times, and the Twelve Capital Gods The Great Evil Formation also has a magical effect, that is, it can summon the essence and blood of ancestral witches scattered in the depths of the universe.

Just like the first demon god, the python-headed Gonggong. If it completely refines a drop of essence and blood, it will have the magical power of the ancient ancestral witch Gonggong, and have the opportunity to grow step by step. In theory, even to the end , can evolve into a true ancestral witch co-worker.

This thought was racing in Jiang Tian's mind, and at this moment, the demon Zhu Rong roared out and rushed out. Its target was Ye Xiao, who was still struggling.

Before it even got close to the Night Owl, the bodies of countless Night Owls exploded and turned into a ball of rich plasma that was thrown into its mouth.

In the end, Demon God Zhu Rong killed all the Night Owls, and its momentum rose to a higher level. It was suspended in mid-air, with a pair of big blood-red eyes looking down at the Night Owl King who was trapped by the demonic energy below, with murderous intent.

The Night Owl King could hear the screams of his people, so at this moment, his eyes were red, and powerful power burst out from his body. Finally, he dispersed the damn black mist that could erode his own strength. However, when it saw clearly On the battlefield, I was stunned for a moment, where are my people?


It's not like, if it fails, how can there be no bones?

So, he escaped? Abandoning yourself as a king and running away?

Even more impossible!

No matter what, let’s kill this damn human first. It stared with blood-red eyes, “Damn it, this time, I will take out your heart and eat it in front of you.” !”

As he spoke, a blood-red afterimage flashed across the air, and King Ye Xiao shot towards Jiang Tian, ​​while the latter was suspended in mid-air, motionless.

The Night Owl King's body was almost close to the speed of sound. When he saw Jiang Tian not moving, he laughed ferociously. It didn't matter if this human being was half a step up the holy steps. In terms of speed, he was invincible.

However, the next moment


King Night Owl only felt that he was hit by a meteorite, and almost all the bones in his body were broken. His huge body hit the ground like a cannon. When it fell, it saw a 9-meter-tall statue above it. The monster chased him violently, and its speed was not much weaker than his own.

What kind of creature is this? Why do I feel such irresistible majesty in it? I even have the idea of ​​surrendering to it, as if it is the supreme master. (To be continued.)

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