Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 536 Treasure

However, Borina still couldn't escape the fate of being killed in the end. His attack hit Zhu Rong's body, which only caused Zhu Rong's body to stagnant slightly. There was no serious injury as he imagined. Then, under his own incredible eyes, Zhu Rong stretched out his arms and tore him into two pieces and stuffed them into his mouth to chew.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian removed the Ten Thousand Demon Flags, and the world returned to clarity again.

Matra, on the other hand, was relieved.

"Matra, you can take away your clan's sacred objects, I won't stop you!" Jiang Tian looked at Matra.

"This, thank you!" If possible, Matra wants to refuse. Although the sacred objects of the clan are precious, his own life is the most important. Who knows whether this young man will kill himself when he is in a bad mood. I can't beat him.

Jiang Tian and Matra flew towards Yewei Mountain together, with Rogetia following closely behind. He could be seen staring ahead with bright eyes, risking greed, as the dragon family's love of wealth is in their DNA.

After entering several caves, no so-called treasures were found.

"Sir, could it be that you are in the cave of the Night Owl King? It is said that the king of the Night Owl clan is the unique master. Everything belongs to the Night Owl King, including the lives of those clan members!" Rogetia said.

"That makes sense. Let's go to King Ye Xiao's cave!" Jiang Tian nodded.

The cave of King Night Owl is located at the highest part of Yewei Mountain. The cave is 10 meters high, and the space inside is even more vast. Not to mention King Night Owl's 6-meter body, even Rogetia's 50-meter body can do it. Feel free to move around inside.

"As expected of the king of the clan, the treatment is different. The space is empty. And there is no smell. The only drawback is that there is no lighting!"


Three head-sized fireballs rose to the top of the cave. The entire cave was very clear, and the three people's eyes were focused on the depths of the cave.

Deep in the cave, hundreds of square meters of ground were covered with a whole layer of weapons and armor fragments. Judging from the workmanship and materials of the fragments, these were rare fine products, and many of them had magical fluctuations. Obviously They are all magic items.

How much is this worth?

You must know that in addition to skilled blacksmiths, magic weapons also require the participation of senior magicians before they can be forged. Senior magicians respect their status and are rarely willing to work with blacksmiths. In addition, this kind of thing is time-consuming and material-intensive, and the success rate is also very low, so the output is very small. As a result, the prices of magic weapons and armor have remained high, even if they are Even the worst magic sword requires a lot of gold coins.

In front of him, there were estimated to be at least hundreds of magic items, but what made Jiang Tian depressed was that most of them had been destroyed.

"Matra. Which one is the sacred object of your clan? I am very reasonable. As long as it is yours. Even if I help you get it back, it is still yours!" Jiang Tian said.

"Yes, thank you!"

Matra gave a wry smile, and killed hundreds of people when asked. This is called being reasonable. Matra believed that there must be people like him among them. It was indeed the ancestors' treasures that were taken away by the Night Owl clan. But what's the use of thinking about this? In the ancient battlefield, strength is respected, but it's strange, why does this young man look at me differently?

Could it be that he saw the spiritual imprint left on him by his ancestors?

Impossible, the ancestor said, even if the Holy Order wanted to detect it, it would be very difficult.

Soon, Matera found a shield from it. The round shield, which was only half a foot in size, was very complete. The cotton was engraved with exquisite patterns, like water waves, and there were many scratches on it, proving that it had experienced hundreds of years. War, the one-inch-thick shield is not too heavy. There must be space in the middle where magic arrays and magic crystals can be placed.

After Jiang Tian observed it for a while, he returned the shield to Matera, "This is a very good quality magic shield. It can at least withstand a full blow from a saint!"

"This is the weapon of the elders of our clan. It's just a pity that the elder entered the ancient battlefield 500 years ago and never came out again. Later I found out that he was surrounded and killed by the Night Owl clan!" Matra said.

"Matra, can you tell me about the planet Ramlado and your family?" Jiang Tian suddenly asked.

Matra nodded and said immediately: "Planet Ramlado is a very huge planet. Even if a saint-level expert wants to circle around it, it will take 7 days and 7 nights. Eighty percent of the planet is It is sea water, so our planet is also called Mercury in the universe."

"On the planet, the marine race is the most powerful and is the master of the ocean. Various sea races live in the ocean. Each race has its own sea area. We, the fish-men, are just one of them, but even though we, the fish-men, Even the entire planet is ranked among the top three!"

"Eighty percent is the ocean, it must be very beautiful!" Jiang Tian exclaimed.

Matra said: "Of course, the underwater world is very beautiful, but it is also very dangerous!"

"Oh? Didn't you just say that your sea clan is the master of the ocean?" Jiang Tian asked.

Matra smiled bitterly, "Water monsters have always been the biggest enemies of our sea clans. They occupy one-third of the sea area. Although they are not united, their individual combat effectiveness in the ocean is much stronger than that of our sea clans, and on average They are stronger than us, the Sea Clan. If it weren’t for the huge number of the Sea Clan, I’m afraid we wouldn’t have a place in the entire sea area!”

Jiang Tian said calmly: "There should be some very powerful people in your sea clan. Isn't it possible that you can't deter the monsters?"

This is simply unbelievable in Jiang Tian’s eyes. In the Atlanti continent, the individual strength of Warcraft is indeed higher than that of magicians. A 5-star low-level Warcraft can easily defeat a 5-star legendary mage. However, the current situation in the Atlanti continent Yes, Warcraft can only live in the Warcraft Mountains and other major mountain ranges on the mainland, and they dare not come out rashly.

what is the reason?

The first point is that the number of humans is too huge. No one in Atlantis has counted the specific number of people. However, the Holy See of Light once released a data predicting that there are 60 billion humans in the entire continent. How terrifying is this? number.

The second point is that there are absolute strong men among human beings who are intimidating other foreign races, including the holy mages of the three empires, the pope of the Light Religion, and there must be other secluded holy masters. This is like a wealth ranking list. The people on the list are rich, but some rich people are not on the list for various reasons.

Therefore, there are six great saints in Atlanti, but it is impossible to say that there are only six powerful saints in the entire continent. Take the Light Religion as an example. With tens of thousands of years of foundation, how can it be possible that there is only one pope? It's the Holy Order.

These two major reasons lead to the fact that Warcraft does not dare to go out of the major mountain ranges, which is a disaster for one side.

There must be a holy level among Warcraft, but those Warcraft that have broken through to the Holy level have no awareness of seeking rights for the entire Warcraft, and they are too late to practice.

Although the Holy Order has a long lifespan, no matter how long its lifespan is, it will eventually end one day. Warcraft's original cultivation speed is slow, let alone delaying it. At their stage, they can sleep for a hundred years, and even having 100,000 years is not enough. use.

Therefore, on the continent of Atlanti, although humans have continued to hunt and kill monsters for tens of thousands of years, no holy-level monsters have ever come out to take revenge on humans.

Matra smiled bitterly, "There are two strong men at the pseudo-god level in our Sea Clan, but there is also a strong man at the pseudo-god level in the Warcraft Clan. It is said that 20,000 years ago, the three powerful men went to the universe to fight. Then the three supreme beings all practiced in seclusion for a thousand years, and since then they have never interfered in the affairs of the Sea Tribe and the Warcraft. It seems that they have reached some kind of agreement!"

The agreement must also be based on strength. It seems that the pseudo-gods of the water-based Warcraft clan can actually resist the two pseudo-gods of the sea clan without losing.

"False God"

Although the continent of Atlanti was once glorious tens of thousands of years ago, not to mention false gods, there were several gods, but now it has declined.

"I think one of the powerful pseudo-gods from the Sea Clan should be from your Fishman Clan, right?" Jiang Tian said suddenly.

Matra did not hide it: "Yes, he is the ancestor of our fish-men tribe!"

Jiang Tian nodded silently. No wonder. It seems that the mysterious aura on Matra must be the spiritual imprint of the false god. Matra's status in the fish people is very special, otherwise he would not get the specialness of the false god. take care of.

"Thank you Brother Jiang for your generosity. If you have the opportunity, please be sure to visit the planet Ramlado and see the magnificent beauty of our planet Ramlado!" Matra handed Jiang Tian a magic stone, "This is our Ramlado planet." The coordinates of the Lado planet. You are my friend. I hereby solemnly extend an invitation to you. If you have the opportunity, you must visit the Ramlado planet as a guest!"

Jiang Tian took it. It was a magic item with strong magic fluctuations. It seemed that it was at least made by a saint-level expert. "I will, I will definitely experience the scenery of the Ramlado planet when I have the opportunity." Yes, I promise, we are friends, aren’t we!”

Jiang Tian has made up his mind that he will never set foot on the Ramlado planet until he reaches the level of a false god. Just kidding, there are three false gods on that planet, and the saint level is even more mortal, so he doesn't have the strength to escape. If you go, then you are not going to travel, but to die.

After Matra left, Jiang Tiancai began to count the treasures. Such a large amount of materials included 14 magic cores of fire, darkness, water, wind, etc., as well as many parts from Warcraft. What? Animal teeth, animal hides, animal sinews, etc., but unfortunately, there is no 5-star level magic core.

There are 52 intact weapons, and there are countless damaged weapons, each of which is extraordinary.

There were even more armors, but none of them were complete. They were all broken. However, Jiang Tian did not waste it. He put all these magic items into his fairyland. When the time comes, they will be given to the Raging Flame Dwarves. If they can repair them, they will repair them. If they cannot repair them, they will rebuild them. furnace.

It seems that many people who entered the ancient battlefield died in the Ye Xiao clan. Jiang Tian also found many space rings, which contained a lot of magic materials, which was another windfall.

Jiang Tian made a rough calculation and found that the magic cores and complete weapons alone were worth 60 million gold coins. If the damaged ones were included, Jiang Tian could not calculate it at all. In short, he had really made a fortune.

I no longer have to worry about funds. You must know that building a territory is very expensive. Although I got the treasure of the Alpha royal family before, I spent less than half of it in just a few months. It really cost me money. (To be continued.)

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