Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 577 Rambo goes berserk

In the Forbidden Demon Realm, Baghdad's figure suddenly transformed into countless shapes, and the spear light shrouded the entire Forbidden Demon Realm. Countless icy powers collided with the spear light, and a terrifying strong wind erupted, sweeping out. .

Campas had a worried look on his face. He could see that although the power of the spear light seemed astonishing, the power of the ice did not weaken at all. Instead, Baghdad was hit by the blue ice dragon several times.

However, Baghdad flew out and attacked again.

Finally, with a "bang" sound, the entire body of the blue ice dragon exploded, and the terrifying icy power swept out. Baghdad was instantly frozen, like an ice sculpture, while the dark devil dog maintained an angry expression. The forbidden demon realm is here Under the terrifying icy force, it collapsed completely.

When the cold power swept across, the ice cubes on Baghdad and the Dark Demon Dog exploded, and one man and one dog were shot out. With quick hands and eyes, Campas quickly cast a magic and connected the man and the dog to the city wall.

The black armor on Baghdaf's body was already cracked, and the two green flames in his eyes seemed to be extinguished at any time. The dark devil dog was also extremely miserable, with the dark power on his body reduced to the extreme, lying on the ground, Dying.

"Baghdad!!" Campas's voice was hoarse and his eyes were red.

Baghdad was speechless, his soul power almost dissipated.

On the other side, almost as soon as Baghdav was picked up by Campas, "Puff, puff, puff", the sound of spurting blood sounded. Asaman and his group of mages were all seriously injured. As a member of the main formation, Asaman was seriously injured and his face was as thin as paper, "I have tried my best!"

In order to fight against the blue ice dragon, Bavaria City almost suffered heavy losses. Baghdad and the Dark Demon Dog were seriously injured and fell into coma. Asaman and his group of mages also had no strength to fight anymore.

"Haha, heretics should be sent to hell!" Raisman laughed and attacked crazily with the silver gun in his hand. Even if he tried his best, he still had to hold Rogetia back and not allow Rogetia to support the city of Bavaria.

In the camp of the Light God Religion, the chanting of magic sounded again, and a huge wave of magic that was not weaker than the last blue ice dragon began to spread.

seem. It was only a matter of time before the city of Bavaria was destroyed. Even the soldiers of the Light Cult under the city wall were suddenly boosted in morale. The swords in their hands seemed to be blessed with magical power, blocking the attack from the city of Bavaria.

"Damn it. I can't kill them all no matter how hard I kill them!" The blade of light in Carlo's hand slashed out with magnificent sword energy. Dozens of soldiers were killed with one strike of the sword, and the golden-backed Dragon King beneath him was even more ferocious. , a flame, a brutal trampling, and soldiers hundreds of meters away died.

However, the soldiers of the Light Cult were not afraid of death and seemed to be unable to kill them all. A large number of soldiers immediately surrounded them.

"Yes. Carlo, are these soldiers of the Light Cult crazy? Aren't they afraid of death?" Others who feel this way are also the leader of the Raging Flame Dwarf Corps, Fury Yan, who is swinging a big hammer in his hand, terrifying He lowered his head and fell on the soldier, and suddenly the "clicks" of shattered armor and broken bones continued to sound.

The magic chant of the Light God's Cult camp has come to an end. A blue ice dragon rises into the sky. Its 50-meter-long body is terrifying. It is emitting blue light and the air is frozen by the breath that overflows from its body.

Campas looked desperate this time. I am afraid that the city of Bavaria is doomed. The aura exuded by this blue ice dragon is even more powerful than before. The other party has hidden such a powerful mage group. Could it be that he was transferred from the headquarters of the Guangming Cult?

"Thunder God's Secret!"

At this moment, Rambo, who was trapped in the cage of light, had already revealed his true form, a huge 6-meter-tall body, with muscles wrapped like old tree roots, and his body shimmering with terrifying thunder and lightning power. As if the God of Thunder had arrived, the force was overwhelming and powerful, and Mjolnir's hammer suddenly blasted out, and the invulnerable cage of light burst immediately.

Under the power of thunder and lightning, the cage of light turned into countless rays of light and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Not only that, Rambo's attack was not over yet. Countless dark clouds gathered above the nine sky. For a moment, the wind and clouds were billowing high in the sky. Terrifying roaring thunder came from above, and a terrifying pressure spread. Everyone felt a sense of fear deep in their souls, as if it was the end of the world.

God is angry!

"Nine Heavens of Thunder Array!"

As Rambo spat out the last four words, a purple thunderbolt with a diameter of 3 meters fell from the sky, shooting down like a beam of light, and the target was Mundra.

"The power of balance!"

The sacred scale in Mondella's hand emits a milky white light, forming a defensive shield.


Purple lightning fell on the white defensive shield, and strong energy fluctuations surged around. In less than three breaths, the white defensive shield burst, and purple lightning directly bombarded the sacred scale in Mondella's hand.

Mundra's entire body was submerged by purple thunder and lightning.

Finally, the purple thunder and lightning disappeared, and Mondella's figure also shot out. The calm breeze just now disappeared, and what was left was only a embarrassed figure, disheveled hair, and a face full of uncontrollable horror and shock. .

His right hand was already trembling, and the sacred scale in his palm was dim. Not only that, the cracks like spider webs were very obvious.

"How is it possible? This is a sacred instrument that has been blessed by the great sage for 2,000 years. It has purified so many evil spirits. How is it possible? Why is it broken? How can it be broken? How is it possible?"

Mondella seemed to have fallen into dementia, staring at the sacred scale in his hand with a blank expression on his face. It seemed that the invincible image of the God of Light collapsed at this moment, and his faith was in crisis.

If possible, Rambo would definitely swing the Thor's Hammer in his hand and smash it into pieces at this moment, but he couldn't. The blue ice dragon was less than 500 meters away from the city of Bavaria.

"I said, thunder and lightning are coming!"

Suddenly, both the people in the city of Bavaria and the soldiers on both sides who were fighting like a pot of porridge at the city gate involuntarily stopped what they were doing and stared at the sky outside the city in shock, with shock and awe on their faces, as if gods were coming.

What appeared outside the city of Bavaria was a world of thunder and lightning. Countless thunderbolts fell from the sky like waterfalls. When they brought about the rumbling and shocking noise, they also brought a strong thunderous sky. Power.


The blue ice dragon was completely submerged by thunder and lightning. The sky where it was located had turned into a pool of thunder. As far as the eye could see, it was filled with dazzling silver. Thunder and lightning were raging like a silver snake! ! ! (To be continued.)

ps: I wish everyone a happy new year. In the new year, there will be money, girls, and fun! !

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