Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 609 Ofiloch's Troubles

However, Ofiloch never expected that the giant Light God's Cult in the Atlanti continent would actually defeat Waterloo in Bavaria. Not only his 50,000-strong army was wiped out, the Light God's Cult also suffered heavy losses, including 10,000 people. In the end, only more than 10,000 soldiers of the army fled back to the Rhine City. Several top experts in the magician group also perished. This blow still makes him panic.

"What should I do, what should I do? You guys are talking, haven't you been clamoring to unify the Phillips Federation? If it weren't for your instigation, would I be able to give up my family's sacred weapon in exchange for the Light God? It's okay now, Manchu We will lose everything, and even Rhine City will become someone else’s dish!”

In the meeting hall of the city lord's palace, a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance was restless, walking back and forth. A pair of tiger eyes swept over the three capable men, carrying a formidable aura.

If it hadn't been for the strong instigation of these guys, saying that taking advantage of the change of power within the city of Bavaria, how could he have been so obsessed with launching this war? Now it's fine, Phillips has not been unified by him, and his family's two-hundred-year-old foundation is about to be destroyed. own hands.

Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the three ministers. They were very familiar with their Lord of the City. They valued power very seriously and were decisive in killing, but they also cherished their wings very much. If they had to choose between life and reputation, their Lord of the City would They will definitely choose reputation, so this time, one of the three of them will definitely be pushed out to take the blame and be responsible for this action. Maybe their heads will be sent to Bavaria City to plead guilty.

"Tell me, what should we do about this matter?" Ofiloch stared at the old man in the middle and said, his burning eyes seeming to roast him to death.

The Minister of Internal Affairs Prollida is the oldest of the three ministers. He has served three Rhine City lords and can be said to be a veteran of three dynasties. Even though he is nearly a hundred years old, because of his high position and authority, he is very decisive in his actions. The main militant group in this operation. His purpose was to see the Phillips Federation unify before he died, completely become stronger and stronger, and no longer be oppressed by neighboring countries.

Because the Phillips Federation was disbanded from a kingdom to several major cities five years ago, it has been unable to unify due to the interference of surrounding countries. As long as a certain city has a strong tendency to rise, it will be subject to their armed intervention. Three years ago, there was a city in the Phillips Federation with a wise city lord. The city was managed very well, and within ten years it was far ahead of other cities. It also conquered one-third of the territory of the Phillips Federation, and had the momentum to unify the Phillips Federation. Later, the Duke of Louis found a reason to unite with other countries. Several countries sent 30,000 troops to defeat the city lord, and the Phillips Federation once again fell into turmoil and dispersion, which continues to this day.

The unification of the Phillips Federation is the long-cherished wish of Minister of the Interior Prolida. He had proposed this plan during the time of Ofilok's father, but unfortunately, Ofilok's father died young and the plan died just after it was started.

Now that he saw the change of power in Bavaria, he naturally thought that the Rhine City had an opportunity. After more than ten years of recuperation, he believed that the Rhine City had enough power, so he encouraged Ofiloch to give up the family's sacred weapon in exchange for the God of Light. Teaching support.

"Old minister, I have nothing to say. I am willing to take the blame!" Prolida stood up and did not defend himself. He looked very sad and looked old. He seemed to be lost in memories, "The old minister first proposed the plan to unify the Phillips Federation 25 years ago. Unfortunately, the former city lord died in the middle. I still remember that the former city lord held the old minister's hand and said before he died, let the old minister continue. It is his long-cherished wish to carry out this plan and unify the Phillips Federation. The veteran has worked diligently for decades. What he hopes for is that this wish will be realized one day, but to his surprise, everything is lost now. Everything is the fault of the veteran. The veteran wishes Put a head on your neck to appease the anger of the city of Bavaria!"

Saying that, Prolida knelt down, and suddenly she seemed to have aged ten years, looking very senile!

"What an old fox!"

This idea popped up in the minds of the other two ministers at the same time. One of them used retreat to gain sympathy.

However, the speed of these two ministers was not slow. The moment Prolida knelt down, he also knelt down and said in unison: "I am guilty, I am willing to exchange my head for peace in the Rhine City!"

"Uncle Prolida, you get up first. You are a veteran of three dynasties, and you are not in good health. Come and offer a seat to the Minister of the Interior!" Ofiloch said, looking at Prolida with a kind look. A lot, just now he did have murderous intention towards Prolida. As long as Prolida is handed over, he may be able to avoid the attack of Bavaria City, but when he thinks that this person in front of him is a veteran of three dynasties and is loyal to the Rhine City, if he If you do this, I'm afraid many people will feel chilled.

"Thank you, sir!" With the help of the guard, Prolida sat on the seat tremblingly, feeling greatly relieved. From this point of view, she escaped today.

The city defense admiral Oris and the finance minister Old Jack immediately wet their backs with cold sweat. What does this mean? One has a chair to sit on, and the two are kneeling. It is obvious that the scapegoat is coming from the two of them.

There was silence in the hall, and Ofiloch spoke: "Now it's no longer about who is guilty. If you want to say guilty, I am guilty too, but this is all for later. The top priority is to discuss how to let the Rhine City be in the country. Let’s survive this turmoil safely! Tell us, what should we do?”

This time, Ofiloch's voice was much calmer, less murderous and more kind.

Prolida said: "Sir, maybe we can make a fuss about the Light God Religion, which may allow us to avoid this disaster!"

"Oh? How to make a fuss?" Ofiloch's eyes lit up and he asked.

Prolida said: "We have to bow to the city of Bavaria, but the responsibility for this war should not be ours. We have to explain that it was the Light Cult that held us hostage to join, and we had no choice. After all, we belong to the Phillips Federation, and the culprit is It’s the Cult of Light, and we absolutely don’t want roommates to be at war with each other! Just imagine, what a position the Cult of Light has in the continent of Atlanti. Even the three major empires don’t dare to openly disobey the Pope’s order. What's more, for us, I think this reason is tenable. Moreover, Moro City happens to have the Natural God Cult, and the reason for the Light God Cult to launch a religious war is also established!" (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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